“The Americans will never give up their precious freedom and democracy. They will never submit to a one-world government,” Popov objected.
Nox knew if he could not convince his own men, he could never convince hundreds of the world’s richest and most intelligent men.
“The Americans have already surrendered their freedom. They are just too brainwashed to see it. We have been indoctrinating their children through public education for decades. The average American has no idea what the word ‘freedom’ means. The Americans spend all their time and energy fighting over marriage regulations, bathroom policies and ancient battle flags, they are weak and stupid. Americans will lay down their liberty as soon as they believe they can trade freedom for safety and security. I will ensure they get that opportunity. If you need an example, look at the NSA spying programs. Hitler would have been impressed. Americans gleefully turning over their private communications to the government; the Fuehrer would have been swollen with pride, had he lived to see the NSA!” Nox took a moment to assess the faces of the men before him and continued. “This is a long road; once we get the elite onboard, the rest will fall into place. Once they are sold on a New World Order, every media outlet on the planet will be talking it.” Nox’s voice rose. “It will be on the lips of every grade-school teacher. The Saturday morning cartoons, and church pulpits will be singing the praises of a single government. You just wait and see. People are sheep, and I am their unseen Shepard.”
General Popov pressed further, “but do really think the American people will surrender their sovereignty after seeing a few slick television commercials?”
“In just eight years the American people went from being opposed to gay marriage to favoring it. What Changed? Did they all turn gay? No! They were bombarded by favorable images of LGBTQ people in the media. The homosexual went from being some stranger, to that likable guy on my favorite TV show. The same can be done for a New World Order; only we will not just have the television outlets, but the public schools, as well. Don’t forget, the biggest publisher of school books sits right here on the Council of Three Hundred.”
The Generals all nod in agreement, whether out of adoration or fear, it did not matter to Nox.
Moscow, Russia
Present Day
Ten black SUVs raced across the tarmac from the underground bunker to the brand-new Grand Hall and hotel. Hundreds of expensive private jets were sitting just outside the hotel entrance. There were not enough hangars to house all the planes, so they were lined up in rows along the runway.
General Popov, sitting across from Nox in the luxury SUV, said, “There must be 200 million dollars’ worth of private jets sitting on the runway.”
General Ivanov added, “It’s disgusting, the wealth these greedy bastards have while others starve.”
General Papov laughed. “That’s the pot calling the kettle black. You have two mansions and a fleet of cars, General.”
“That’s different. Those things belong to the people. I merely care for them while I’m serving the military.”
“Ha,” Papov laughed. “I would like to see what would happen to one of the ‘people’ if they tried to borrow the ‘people’s’ car from you. It would be off to Siberia for them, would it not?”
“You always side with the Corporations, Papov.”
Papov responded, “If you are merely a caretaker for the ‘peoples’ mansions and luxury cars; then why can’t a person that delivers valuable products or services to the people also be a caretaker for their possessions? What makes you so special? It seems to me that we take the people’s money by force through taxation; while the people voluntarily give their money to the business owner in exchange for goods and services.”
“You are impossible, Papov. Sometimes I can’t believe you are Russian.”
Nox interrupted the two bickering Generals, “Hey, you both have valid points, let’s focus on the situation at hand.”
Papov crossed his arms and Ivanov smirked. The debate was over, for now. Nox was in the first SUV, with Papov, Ivanov and the driver. The entourage of generals and staff following behind him.
The convoy of SUVs pulled up to the Grand Hall. Within minutes, Nox was whisked to the stage. Most of the guests had taken their seats. Nox was the first speaker. Nox stood behind the oversized steel podium, which had been specifically designed for him. He had insisted on the larger podium because he felt it would somewhat disguise his height. It was steel, to add an extra layer of protection, in case of an assassination attempt. While he was not wearing his body armor, he was wearing conventional bullet-resistant clothing. Nox held either side of the steel podium with both hands as he began his speech.
“I would like to welcome all of you to Moscow. Over the next several days I hope to meet each of you personally. Gathered in this room are the richest most powerful humans on the planet. The people in this room have a combined personal net worth of over 5 trillion dollars. More importantly, the people in this room control nearly 90 trillion in global assets. Almost every major world event occurs as the direct result of the actions of someone sitting in this room.
Since WW2, the very rich and powerful have worked together to ensure that we do not have another world war. As we learned in the 1940s, world wars destroy infrastructure, resources, and wealth, changing the balance of power and the course of history. After the Great War, the remaining elite classes gathered together to form organizations to ensure that it would never happen again. For the most part, you have been successful in avoiding world war and nuclear war. Preserving your immense wealth and passing it to future generations. Each one of you in this room could lose everything if there were another world war; that is why you come to these conferences every 10 years.
Together, we have helped form some of the most influential organizations on this planet. Working with global organizations, one-world Commissions, and Councils on foreign affairs, the Council of Three Hundred and its members have had a hand in developing international policy. These groups, and others like them work tirelessly to bring about the much-needed New World Order.
If the first world nations refuse to share the wealth and power with the developing nations, there will not be peace. While Europe, Asia and North America seem to be working together and reaping the benefits of globalization, the Middle East is suffering in absolute chaos. Until we give them a seat at the table, they will continue to revolt against western culture.
While you are safely tucked away behind the large stone walls of your luxurious mansions, you are still vulnerable. While many of you have inherited your money, all of you have your money invested in the global market. Whether you are a king, a monarch, a drug cartel, or the owner of some international enterprise; you need taxpayers and customers to support your lifestyle. If your customers or taxpayers stopped paying, eventually you or your heirs would become paupers. As much as you despise the common people, you need them as much as they need you.
There are a few things that could disrupt your plan of continued domination of this planet. A nuclear war or asteroid could kill enough taxpayers and consumers to disrupt your cash flow. A conventional world war could eliminate hundreds of millions of taxpayers. I do not believe we are on the verge of a nuclear war or even a serious conventional war. Years ago, back in the 1960s, we all but eliminated the possibility of the superpowers engaging in all out nuclear war though MAD. Mutually-Assured-Destruction is not the physical destruction of bombs exploding; no, mutually assured destruction is the financial destruction of the country that starts the nuclear war. Globalization of commerce tied all our economies together so tightly that no one would dare start a nuclear war for fear of destroying their own economy.