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“What? What do you mean?” Furier asked.

“You know, you said some of the Administrators were better than others; but, they were held in check by the good ones, and you alluded to the fact that maybe the best ones were promoted.”

“I wouldn’t say ‘bad’, they are just not as skilled as the others. They do cause small problems from time to time; after all, we are not cookie cutouts of one another. The problem occurs when one of these less skilled Administrators gets to another planet, and is isolated away from our culture and processes. We have seen them lose their way, and begin to regress back into the old ways. Of course, they still have their genetic predisposition to be a good Administrator; but, without the constant reinforcement from the others, well, they slip. Genetic manipulation does not make us exactly the same, or perfect. It only predisposes certain attribute like intelligence, sex, physical features and general interests. Personal drive, ambition, and experiences play a part in the individuals development, an ultimately how useful they will become. You may be born a soldier, but you have to work hard to become a general.”

“How so? I mean, how do they lose their way” Snap prodded.

“They could lose their way, especially over decades of being away from their home world. They lose sight of their directives, and start to put their personal ambitions and desires ahead of the mission. We have seen it happen before.”

The conversation trailed off. Both were worn out from a hard day. Snap got up and rummaged around for some more wood to throw on the fire. Sparks raced up toward the stalactites when Snap dropped a piece of wood on the smoldering coals.

Even though he was exhausted, Snap’s mind could not rest. “Wow. So, this is where humans could be in 500 years?”

“Maybe. Maybe sooner. With our help, we hope to speed up the process. Help you avoid some of the mistakes we made along the way.”

“So, besides the genetic predisposition, what made you want to be the Quartermaster on an interstellar ship?” Snap asked with a weak chuckle as his eyes grew heavy.

“So, it doesn’t really work that way. I was not genetically predisposed to be a Quartermaster; I was genetically predisposed to enjoying the study of science and math. From there, my personal interests and studies could have led me to any number of fields. As a child, I grew up hearing about all these exotic worlds, I just wanted to see them for myself. We have billions of people on my planet, but only a fraction of them can travel to space. It requires years of special training.”

“I still can’t get over how much you look like us. I mean if you evolved on another planet, what, hundreds of light years from here, why do you look like us?” Snap asked, as he pulled a blanket up around his chin and curled into a fetal position.

“Maybe a common ancestor? Who knows. Ancient forgotten civilization of space travelers, random chance, or God, as humans call him? People smarter than me have been trying to figure that out for generations, I’m not going to be the one to solve the mystery.” Furier said, with a shrug.

“One more question; before I fall asleep. Please, don’t take this the wrong way, but I must ask. Vitahicians look just like humans, can you have sex with a human?

Furier smiled and said with mock indignation, “Major, are you propositioning me?”

“No. No. I would never . . .” Snap stuttered.

“So, you don’t find me attractive?” She said with a smile, clearly enjoying Snap’s discomfort.

“No. I think you are beautiful, I mean attractive . . .” Snap’s voice trailed off, trying not to dig a deeper hole for himself.

Furier laughed, “Human men are no different than Vitahician males. It’s true the saying, ‘men can only think with one head at a time.’”

“You have that saying on your planet, too?” Snap asked in surprise.

“No silly, it’s part of the culture training we receive. I’ve watched hundreds of your movies.”

“Now that I’ve had my fun with you, I will answer your question, Major. Yes, my kind has had sex with humans on many occasions.”

Snap smiled, relieved that she had decided to stop putting him on the spot. “Has a Vitahician and a human ever had a child together?”

“No. It has never happened; but, not for a lack of trying. Our scientists have been trying to crossbreed humans and Vitahicians for years – with no success, I might add.”

Snap laughed and said, “Wow. Just think of the lucky bastard that gets to repeatedly try to impregnate one of your kind.”

“Yeah, but, I’m sure it gets old after a while. And they did try that method in the beginning, but now, I think it’s all done in a research center, very mechanical.”

“Not as fun,” Snap sighed. “Why come here at all? I mean, after checking us out for curiosity’s sake, why keep coming back, I’m sure it’s not just to have sex with humans?”

Furier laughed, and then fell silent for a moment, thinking of what to say. “We need trading partners, we need to develop military alliances.”

“Yes. You said that; you are looking for allies because your planet was attacked. But, how can we help, from a military stand point? What can we offer you in the way of protection?”

“You’re right. As of now, your planet offers no strategic defense for us, but our goal is to develop your weapons systems to the point where you would be willing and able to form a long-term military alliance with us. That is why for the last 70 years we have been feeding you technology, and resources that you cannot get here on Earth. The anti-gravity fighters, the FALOS armor, the Micro Modular Fusion Reactors; all technology that you could not have developed on your own. One of the reasons for this supply ship was to bring you not only the Element 115, which is rare on your planet, but to bring the light elements needed for fusion reactors. With the loss of this cargo, it could be decades before we are able to be resupplied – setting back our plans to develop your planet, possibly by centuries.”

Snap wanted to press for more information about interstellar politics but sensed she did not really want to discuss it further. In a few minutes, they were both asleep. Snap tossed and turned in the cave’s darkness. He dreamed of unknown aliens competing for control of the Earth. His mind wandered back to the American Revolution; where France, England and Spain were all competing to settle the new-found Americas.


Nox’s eyes fluttered open to the sound of his communication device squawking something unintelligible. His whole body was aching, and lightning rods of pain were streaking up his left leg. Breathing was difficult. He realized his helmet was off, and his face was freezing cold. He sucked in as much bitter cold air as he could muster.

I am alive.

A quick assessment of his situation led him to the conclusion that he had a broken leg and a collapsed lung.

No way I can walk out of here. That would be something. I travel through the stars, intentionally crash into a nuclear missile, only to die of a broken leg. Not the way I’m going out.

The communicator squawked again. A voice he recognized – almost. He gasped for another breath.

What happened to the ship? Did I save the ship? Of course, I saved the ship. If that nuke had gone off I would have been killed. I must have disabled the nuke before it detonated.

The communicator was in his helmet, which was several feet away. Nox crawled to the helmet and manually activated the communication device.