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There was a tiny snuffle of breath, but it was so shallow – as though the kitten could hardly be bothered. When Fluff tried to rouse her, she wouldn’t wake. She was too cold.

Fluff stood up. The cold seemed to be inside her now, a freezing fear that she wouldn’t be able to save this little one. The kitten had no one to help her but Fluff. Even if it was still snowing, she had go, now, and find Ella, and bring her back.

Chapter Six

Fluff staggered through the snow, her paws aching with the cold. Every so often she had to stop and rest, taking in deep shaking breaths of the burning cold air, and each time it was harder to set off again. But she couldn’t give up. She was desperate to find Ella now. If Fluff could just keep going, surely she would find her soon, and she’d be home and in the warm, and Ella would be able to help the snow-white kitten. She ploughed on, trying not to think of the cold, just imagining the big bowl of tuna fish that Ella would give her…

“Ella, sweetheart, we have to go back home now. It’s turned really cold – it’s not good for us to be out in this for so long.” Ella’s mum was looking really anxious.

“But Mum, Fluff ’s out in it!” Ella cried. “And she’s tiny and she isn’t wearing a great big coat and boots and a hat and—”

“Yes, yes, I know.” Mum sighed. “Just a little longer then. We’ve been up and down the street twice now though, I don’t know where else to look.”

“What about that little wood that backs on to the gardens further down?” Ella’s dad suggested.

“Well, yes, I suppose she could have got in there,” Mum agreed doubtfully. “It’s worth a try.”

“There’s an alleyway round the corner, we can get in that way.” Dad strode off, Ella trotting beside him.

They were a few steps in among the trees when Mum held Ella back. “I’m not sure this is a good idea after all,” she told Ella. “The snow must have blown right in here, it’s really deep, and there’s bound to be tree roots and things hidden under the snowdrifts. You could break an ankle.”

“Mmmm.” Ella’s dad looked thoughtful. “You’re right. Maybe we should poke a branch into the snow to make sure we aren’t about to fall into anything dangerous.”

Ella wasn’t listening. Letting go of her dad’s arm, she took a shaky step forward, and crouched down. Her parents watched in amazement as a tiny grey shape staggered towards them through the gloomy, snow-filled wood. Ella was crying, tears tracking down her face without her even noticing.

Fluff put on a burst of speed and shot into Ella’s arms, curling her head joyfully in under Ella’s chin, and purring with relief and happiness. She’d found Ella. She was back. She was safe.

For a few moments she allowed herself to enjoy being stroked and cuddled and told how brave she was, and how naughty to go running off in the snow. Then she wriggled herself out from Ella’s tight embrace, putting her paws against Ella’s chest and mewing urgently.

“What’s the matter?” Ella looked confused. Fluff had seemed so happy to see them, but now it was obvious that she wanted something.

Fluff struggled out of Ella’s arms and jumped lightly down, looking back up at Ella, and mewing again. Follow me! she was saying, as clearly as she could. She trotted a few paces back into the wood, and looked round at Ella beseechingly.

“What’s she doing?” Dad asked. “Fluff, that’s not the way home. Come on!”

“She wants us to follow her,” Ella said firmly. “Look, she’s calling us.” And she set off after Fluff, who bounded ahead delightedly, all her tiredness gone. Only a few moments before, she had felt as though she was going to drop down in the snow and sleep. She had been struggling through the drifts for over an hour, trying to find any signs of the way home. But now she was back with Ella, she had a surge of new energy.

“Ella, be careful!” her mum called. “Don’t trip over any fallen branches!” Ella’s parents scrambled after them. They had no idea where they were going, but it was clear that Fluff was trying to get them to follow, anyone could see that. Every so often she would turn round to check they were still with her, then head off again, following her paw prints purposefully back through the trees.

There it was! Fluff jumped through the door of the cottage, popping her head back out to call to Ella. Ella crouched down to squeeze through the gap in the door after her.

“Ella, no!” her mum yelled. “Be careful, you don’t know what’s in there!”

“It’s OK, Mum,” Ella called back. “I’m following Fluff, it’s fine.”

Her mother tried to catch her up and stop her, worried that the old building might be falling down, but she slipped on the snow, and slid over, falling on to her hands and knees just in time to see Ella disappearing into the building. Ella’s dad stopped to help her up, and they skidded over to look through the window.

Fluff wove her way hurriedly through the cottage, still calling to Ella to follow.

“I’m coming, I’m coming, Fluff! I can’t fit underneath all this stuff like you can!” Ella puffed, scrambling over a pile of old sofa cushions. “I wish I knew what you were trying to show me, anyway.” She realized that Fluff had stopped next to an old cupboard that was jammed up against the far wall. She was peering round the door, her body tense, nervous, almost scared – as though she wasn’t sure what she was going to find. Ella walked quietly up to Fluff, and knelt behind her, but she couldn’t see what Fluff was looking at. Suddenly some of the stiffness went out of Fluff ’s spine, and she reached gently into the cupboard. She backed carefully out, carrying something in her mouth – something quite large. She dropped it in Ella’s lap, and it was only as Fluff sat back and gazed hopefully up at her, that Ella realized what it was. Fluff had just given her a kitten! She had pulled it out of the cupboard like a magic trick.

“Fluff! It’s a kitten! Where did you—?”

Fluff mewed urgently at her, and Ella looked more closely. She stroked the tiny white head, and saw that the little creature didn’t stir. She gave Fluff an anxious look, her heart thudding with nervousness. Fluff looked back up at her lovingly.

“I don’t know,” Ella said worriedly. “She’s so little and weak, Fluff. I – I’m not even sure she’s still breathing.” She stood up, cradling the tiny furry ball gently. “Come on. We need to get her to a vet.” Very carefully she wrapped the kitten in her scarf, and tucked the parcel inside her jacket. She wasn’t sure she could clamber over all that junk carrying her.

Ella’s parents were calling her as they headed back, and her dad was starting to pull away the boards blocking the door.

“Ella! There you are!” he said angrily as she crouched to go through the hole. “What have you been doing? You should never have gone in there; what have we told you about playing in dangerous places like that?”

“I wasn’t playing, Dad!” Ella said indignantly. “Look!” And she opened her jacket to show them her tiny passenger. “Fluff found her. But I’m not sure—” Her voice wobbled. “I can’t see her breathing,” she whispered, tears stinging the corners of her eyes.

“Let me see.” Her dad lifted the kitten out, and she lay floppy and lifeless in his big hands. He was silent for a horribly long moment. “She is. But only just. Come on, we need to get home right now and ring the vet. We need to tell them we’ve got an emergency coming in.”