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“Paul,” and there are numerous passages about Fouts in D 1.

Fouts, a conscientious objector, was drafted into Civilian Public Service Camp part way through the war; after he was released, he got his high school diploma and then studied medicine at UCLA before settling in Europe.

Fowler, Norman. American boyfriend of Peter Watson from 1949 onward, and heir to most of Watson’s estate. He had been in the navy and possibly was an epileptic (he was subject to unexplained fits or seizures from which he sometimes had to be roused); he was evidently psychologically disturbed.

When Watson drowned in his bath in 1956, Fowler was in the flat; the police dismissed foul play, but the death remained suspicious. After Watson’s death, Fowler bought a hotel, called The Bath Hotel, on Nevis, in the British Virgin Islands, and lived there until he himself drowned in the bath in 1971, within weeks of the fifteenth anniversary of Watson’s death.

Fox. See Twentieth Century-Fox.

French, Jared (d. 1988) . American painter, from Princeton, New Jersey. He met Paul Cadmus at the Art Students League in New York, became his lover, and travelled with him to Europe in 1931. They lived and painted together in Greenwich Village until French married the painter Margaret Hoening in 1937; afterwards the three continued as close friends and artistic associates, styling themselves the PAJAMA group, for PAul, JAred, MArgaret. French died in Rome.

Freud, Lucian (b. 1922) . German-born British painter; grandson of Sigmund Freud. He emigrated to London with his parents at the start of the 1930s, studied at the Central School of Arts and Crafts in London and the East Anglian School of Painting and Drawing in Dedham, and became a British citizen in 1939. During the war, he was invalided out of the merchant navy and turned to art full time, establishing a reputation by the early 1950s. His work is figurative and strikingly realistic; he specializes in nudes and portraits.

From, Eddie and Sam. Twin brothers at the center of The Benton Way Group. Eddie’s real name was Isadore, and some of his friends called him Isad.

The Benton Way Group began when Ruby Bell, a librarian from the Midwest, inherited some money and encouraged a group of her friends, mostly homosexuals and including the Froms and Charles Aufderheide, to move with her to Los Angeles. There she used her inheritance to acquire the house in Glossary


Benton Way where they settled together. The house was called The Palazzo because it looked like an Italian villa, and the name later accompanied the household to other settings. Some of the group were able to find work in the film industry, and Eddie From worked for Technicolor before taking up psychotherapy. According to Alvin Novak, Eddie was once picked up by the police for an offense related to his homosexuality, and Isherwood made a lasting impression by coming to his aid. There are more passages about the Froms in D 1.

Furtmueller, Carl. Viennese school inspector. Isherwood met Furtmueller and his wife in October 1941 at the Quaker refugee hostel in Haverford, Pennsylvania, and describes them in D 1. The couple had been interned in a Spanish prison on their flight from Vienna, and Mrs. Furtmueller was mortally ill with lung cancer by the time she arrived in the U.S. She died in late November 1941. The following June, Furtmueller married Leah Cadbury, a Haverford spinster in her fifties who worked in an office during the daytime and volunteered as an English teacher at the hostel during the evenings.

Gage, Margaret. A rich and elderly patroness of Gerald Heard. She loaned Heard her garden house on Spoleto Road to live in from the late 1940s until the early 1960s.

Garrett, Eileen (1893–1970) . Irish-born medium. During World War I, Eileen Garrett ran a tearoom in Hampstead which was frequented by D. H.

Lawrence and other intellectuals; later she ran a labor hostel in Euston Square, and then a children’s soup kitchen in the south of France. In 1941, with the fall of France, she went to New York, founded a publishing firm, Creative Age Press, and launched Tomorrow, a monthly review of literature, art, and public affairs. Assisted by Bill Kennedy, she was able to commission work from the likes of Robert Graves, Klaus Mann, Aldous Huxley, Lord Dunsany, and Isherwood, among others; she knew many of the emigré intelligentsia, and Isherwood met her in the late 1940s or early 1950s through the Huxleys.

Geller, Jim. American film agent. Geller was a story editor at Warner Brothers during the 1940s and expressed interest in Isherwood’s work, especially the film treatment written with Aldous Huxley, Jacob’s Hands. Later Geller abandoned his studio career, and by the early 1950s he had become Isherwood’s agent. Isherwood moved on to Hugh French about a decade later.

Both relationships are traced in D 1.

Ghosh, Asit. Bengali nephew of Swami Prabhavananda. Ghosh was a student at the University of Southern California and hoped to become a film director. He was a devout Hindu, and lived at the Hollywood Vedanta Center during the early 1940s, but he was not preparing to become a monk.

Isherwood tells about this in D 1. In September 1944 Ghosh found himself inducted into the army even though he was not a U.S. citizen. He was released the following January as a conscientious objector, and soon afterwards he returned to India.

Gielgud, John (b. 1904) . British actor and director. Gielgud achieved fame in the 1920s acting Shakespeare’s tragedies; he also performed Wilde and 314


Chekhov before Chekhov was well known to English audiences. During the 1950s and 1960s, he worked with contemporary British playwrights, but throughout his stage and film career he returned to and extended his Shakespearian repertoire. He was late to adapt his career to film, but became a ubiquitous success. Isherwood also tells about their friendship in D 1.

Goldsmith, Joel (1892–1964) . American spiritual teacher and healer.

Goldsmith came from a Jewish background in New York, turned to Christianity as a teenager, and was drawn to Christian Science when his father miraculously recovered from a grave illness. He was a Freemason for most of his life, and during the 1930s he took up meditation and studied eastern religions. As a marine during World War II, he had a vision calling him to pray for the enemy. He never saw combat. After the war, the family business collapsed and Goldsmith fell ill with tuberculosis, but like his father he made a miraculous recovery––through Christian Science. After failing as a travelling salesman, he became a Christian Science spiritual reader, advisor and healer, sometimes seeing as many as 135 patients a day. He taught Bible classes in California and gathered students and devotees around him, including John van Druten and Walter Starcke. Van Druten wrote the introduction to The Infinite Way (1952), the first of Goldsmith’s twenty or so books. In the early 1950s Goldsmith resigned from the Christian Science Church, asserting that healers become so by their own authority. His movement, known as the Infinite Way, was funded partly by the donations of wealthy followers; he also circulated a monthly newsletter to paying subscribers. He urged believers to live by grace alone; his own experience taught him that material success would naturally flow toward those who were spiritually “centered” or “on the path.” He was married three times.

Goodwin, John. American novelist. A wealthy friend of Denny Fouts; Isherwood met him probably during the first half of 1943 and often mentions him in D 1. As well as his ranch near Escondido, Goodwin owned a house in New York. He published The Idols and the Prey (1953) and A View of Fuji (1963).

Gottfried. See Reinhardt, Gottfried.