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One dark brow shot upward. “Never?”

She shook her head, her chin bumping against his chest. Then she sat up and skimmed her gaze down his length. “Although I have nothing to compare you to, I think you are most likely a very well made specimen.”

One corner of his lovely mouth lifted. “Thank you.”

“I very much like the way your skin feels. Warm and firm.” Unable to stop touching him, she rested her hand against his shoulder, then slowly dragged her palm down the center of his chest. “I’ve never seen, or touched hair on a man’s chest. It’s a bit coarse, but soft at the same time. And your muscles… an enthralling delight. So strong, under all that warm, firm skin.” She skimmed a single fingertip slowly downward. “This ribbon of dark hair is absolutely fascinating. The way it starts at your chest, then continues downward, bisecting these lovely ripples on your stomach, then spreads again to cradle…”Her voice drifted off as her gaze riveted on his manhood. “… this part of you that so captivates me, that brought me such incredible sensations. Even at rest you are impressive.” She lightly circled the tip of him with her index finger. “I’ve never touched a man like this before,” she whispered.

He swallowed, then levered himself up onto his side, propping his weight on his forearm. His dark eyes regarded her with an unreadable expression. Reaching out, he cradled her face in his palm and brushed the pad of his thumb over her cheek. “I’m sorry your marriage was not a happy one, Catherine.”

To her mortification, hot tears pushed behind her eyes. “I realized very quickly that with Bertrand I’d been denied the satisfaction that can come from an emotional bond, but until tonight, I hadn’t realized what I’d missed from the physical part our union. I conceived in the first weeks of my marriage, and once my condition was confirmed, Bertrand did not approach me. And once Spencer was born… Bertrand never touched me again. I could count the number of times he visited my bedchamber, and none of those visits in any way resembled what you and I shared this evening. Being with Bertrand was perfunctory. Dry. Uninspiring. Hasty, cursory actions under the cover of darkness. Disappointing and frustrating in ways I didn’t understand.” She turned her head and pressed a kiss in his callused palm. “Being with you was… miraculous. Exciting. Enthralling. And very much not dry. A first in every conceivable way.”

She drew a deep breath, considering her next words for several seconds before continuing. “Bertrand had lovers, you know. Several that I know about, and I’m certain many others of whom I’m not aware. I must admit that I considered such an arrangement myself on more than one occasion, when the loneliness became unbearable. When I needed to touch another person. Longed to smile at someone other than my son. Craved adult companionship.”

“But you didn’t take a lover?”


“Why not?”

She shrugged. “In spite of my husband’s behavior, my conscience balked at the thought of breaking my marriage vows; although, if I am to be perfectly honest, my fidelity had more to do with remaining true to my own values than it did with loyalty to my husband.”

“Which does not diminish your character in any way, Catherine.”

“Perhaps not, but my other reasons are not quite so noble. Basically, I was afraid. I did not want to risk becoming fodder for the village gossips, and an affair in a village the size of Little Longstone would be all but impossible to conceal. I feared not only for my own reputation, but Spencer’s as well.”

“Caution is not an ignoble virtue, Catherine.”

“I agree. Yet you can see what happened to all my caution. It was not difficult to maintain while untested. But I’d never met anyone whom I wished to take as a lover. Until now.”

His eyes darkened, and a shiver of delight ran through her. Catherine’s eyes slid closed, and for several heartbeats she relived the wonder of their joining. Exhaling a long, slow breath, she whispered dreamily, “Nothing we’d talked about had prepared me. When I wrote the Guide I didn’t-”

Her words chopped off at her slip, and her eyes popped open. For one horrified second she couldn’t move. Couldn’t breathe. Heat rushed into her face, and her insides cramped. Then she forced out a laugh, one she prayed did not sound as nervous to him as it did to her. “Read,” she said, willing away the blush scorching her cheeks. “I meant when I read the Guide, I thought that I knew what to expect. But I was wrong.”

She forced her lips into a calm smile, but she knew her face still flamed red. Had his gaze turned suddenly watchful? Speculative? No, no surely she was just imagining it. She’d made a silly slip of the tongue. People made such errors all the time. All she needed to do was change the subject. And cease blushing.

Before she could speak, however, he said, “I’m certain you’ve considered that our liaison could conceive a child.”

Relieved that he clearly had not attached any significance to her verbal blunder, she said, “Yes. You need not fear that. I have taken steps to ensure that I do not conceive.”

“I see. And you are aware that you still run the risk of someone discovering that we are lovers.”

“Of course, but surely you agree that it is greatly minimized by the fact that you reside in London and will be returning to your home in a week’s time.”

“In other words, you do not fear discovery as this is only a temporary arrangement.”

“Yes.”For reasons she refused to examine, that single word tasted most unappetizing.

Silence stretched between them, and she realized she was holding her breath. Finally, he nodded, an obvious sign of his agreement, and for some inexplicable reason, she felt let down that he didn’t argue with her. Suggest that they somehow find a way to continue their liaison beyond his weeklong visit. They couldn’t, wouldn’t, of course, but still…

Her thoughts drifted off when he sifted his fingers through her hair, eliciting a head-to-toe tingle that drove everything from her mind. “Your hair,” he said softly, “your skin, they are so amazingly soft.” His hand drifted over her shoulder, then down her arm. “Never in my life have I touched anything so smooth. So silky.” His eyes met hers, and she stilled at the seriousness of his gaze. “I have a confession to make, Catherine.”

Her heart performed a flip at his grave tone. Did he want their affair to continue beyond his visit? “I’m listening.”

“I never thought I’d have the opportunity to touch you, and now that I do…”He cupped her breast and a wicked gleam kindled in his eyes. “Now that I do, I must confess, I cannot stop.”

Her breath caught as he teased her nipple into an aching point. Splaying her hand on his thigh, she leaned forward until only a hairbreadth separated their lips.

“My darling Andrew, I don’t know when I’ve heard better news.”

Staring into the low-burning flames crackling in the grate, a slow smile curved the lone figure’s lips upward. The plans were in place. All was in readiness…

The ticking of the mantel clock served as an irritating reminder of the passage of time. But I shall remain patient. My quarry is in sight. I know who you are. Soon, very soon, all the wrongs will be righted.

Chapter 15

As men tend to be forgetful creatures, Today's Modern Woman needs to make an indelible impression in her gentleman’s mind so he cannot ever completely dismiss her from his thoughts. The most effective way to do this is to say or do something deliciously naughty-very discreetly, so only he is aware of it. If a man believes there is a sexual encounter in his imminent future, his attention will not wander far.