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Sir, all men present and accounted for, sir, his sergeant major reported.

At ease, men. He stood in front of them and said through his armored suits radio so every one of them could hear, You all know why were here. That much of our mission is obvious. What I want to make sure of is that you know why we are here. How much do any of you know about ancient Earth marine traditions? A young man that rescued me from myself taught me some of the valuable lessons of our past. Before mankind laid down their weapons and embraced peace, it was the marines that were called on to handle the toughest combat roles. They lived by a code that made them stronger together than they were individually. Our history books tell us about their victories, defeats, and bravery. It all derived from their simple code, semper fidelis. Wiseman could see a number of his men looking at each other. It comes from a truly ancient language called Latin that was used by the earliest world power on Earth called Rome. It simply means always faithful. The marines would not leave their wounded on a battlefield. They would endanger themselves to protect their brothers in arms, often causing their own death. The marines were a brotherhood that meant much more to them than simple words could explain. They knew to their core that their well-being was being watched over by all of their comrades. They also knew the importance of their mission and the importance of being faithful to the ones that sent them. Now we stand here today about to face an enemy that outnumbers us and probably outguns us as well. We are the new marines of mankind. We as a people have not engaged in combat for more than four hundred years, and yet here we are. Our ancient brothers established their reputation, their traditions, and their memories in blood on hundreds of battlefields. Today, you will have the rare honor of making our new traditions. Your future brothers in arms will look back at today and see the example you give them. We face an enemy that wants to exterminate our species. If we dont send them a message here of what the cost will be to accomplish that, then we should be deeply ashamed of ourselves. Some of you wonder about why a criminal was made your commanding officer, and I must humbly respond to you, so do I. But this much I can promise you: I will always be faithful to you. I will not leave you cut off to die or leave you behind. If there is power in my armor, I will be at your back. I pledge to every one of you semper fidelis. Semper fi, he yelled into his mike and heard all his men answer together, Semper fi.

Dismissed, he said.

Attention! Richards adjutant said. The marines came to attention and saluted their commander. They then turned to each other, and all of them could see in each others eyes that something was born here today that each of them would never forget. Move to your positions, men. Fleet reports the Alliance transports are entering atmosphere.

The Alliance ground commander was frustrated and frightened. The fleet was being chewed up by ships one-third their size. He ordered his troop ships ground-side as soon as the dreadnought covering his transports was destroyed by three of the Earth cruisers. If things went bad up there, he had to capture the human colonists on the planet to negotiate for his safety, or to hold until the main fleet arrived. He ordered two regiments to retake the camp at Rossville since it was the largest.

Richard had taken the fortifications of the Cainth invaders and added small Coronado screens to cover them. The screens had not been tested in battle but looked good during their earlier tests. Even the marines armor used a smaller version. The new power cell technology extended the time they could fight before having to recharge. The civilians were inside the main screen and his battalion was in place around its perimeter. Sir, regiment reports that massive Alliance forces are heading our way, probably two regiments. We will be supported as soon as possible, but you must hold out until relief arrives.

And so it begins, he thought. Perhaps now I can atone for my sins.

Sir, the humans have landed ground forces and they have set up a defensive perimeter at the camps, General Dorgs communications leader said.

How strong are they at Rossville? Dorg asked.

It looks like they have a full mechanized heavy weapon battalion dug in there, the communications leader responded.

Only a battalion; two regiments should be plenty. Land our forces, then ask for their surrender. These humans havent fought a war. Theyre basically pacifists and they should roll over without a fight.

You should tell that to those ships of theirs up there, sir. It may not be as easy as you think.

Sir, we have two regiments of Alliance assault troops landing twenty miles to the west. Theyre forming up and moving this way. Weve just received a message from the Alliance ground commander and he requests a meeting with you to discuss surrender, Richards communication officer said.

Have him drop by, Lieutenant. Id like to get a feel for him. Tell our men to dig in deep and make sure they have vertical as well as forward coverage of their screens. Have our heavy floaters been hidden?

Yes sir. They are dug in underground on each side of the valley. Only their visual port is above ground. Ill make sure they are well camouflaged.

Here comes the Alliance representative.

The Alliance floater settled just outside the town, flashing a blue and green strobe indicating its purpose of peaceful meeting. No one would ever consider violating a truce strobe. The last commander to do that had been summarily executed on the spot when they returned from the meeting, and all his family members were later executed. Richard Wiseman walked out to the Alliance floater and said, Lieutenant Colonel Wiseman, Fifth Battalion Naval Marines. How can I be of service?

The Alliance Colonel looked at the human and said in a voice that was almost a sneer, Im going to give you and your men the opportunity to surrender and live. We will destroy you and all your civilians if you resist. We will allow you to live until our fleet arrives and removes the problem overhead.

I do humbly appreciate your offer, sir, Richard said. I know it was given with the best of intentions, seeing as how you and your troops have taken such good care of our people while you incarcerated them. And that bit with the hostages, using lasers to kill unarmed civilians. I can see how brave you and you troops are. One of the things my men truly look forward to is seeing how good you are when the hostages are capable of fighting back.

You are surrounded by twenty-four companies to your six. We have heavier weapons and we control the air. You have no chance. Youll be responsible for the death of all those you think youre protecting, the captain replied.

Richard had made sure the conversation was being relayed to all his men and to the civilians inside the screen. We have learned from experience, sir, that the Alliance only deals death. Your assurances are meaningless, and I speak for all those I protect; if you choose to attack with two regiments, you will not have more than one company survive. You will learn this day what price we place on our lives. It will be a day your race will never forget.

The Alliance colonel looked into the humans eyes and could see the barely restrained anger and the steel resolve. He was going to teach the humans some respect, but the look of this soldier chilled him. He turned without a word and left.