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That Saturdays and rainy days were meant to be

If you’re indoors and in the arms of somebody

Under the blankets and sheets

Well the sky is clear; it’s the middle of the week

So come my dear, let’s make believe.

Or maybe, I’ll sail the ocean blue

Or I’d fly a rocket to the moon

But I’m good for nothing without you

It doesn’t matter what you say

I think about you every day, girl, I

Am good for nothing without you

Cause I want you

I want you

I want you

To want me to

I want you

I want you

I want you

I do

But I won’t fool this heart anymore

Or maybe, I’ll sail the ocean blue

Or I’d fly a rocket to the moon

But I’m good for nothing without you

It doesn’t matter what you say

I think about you every day, girl, I

Am good for nothing without you

Even the clouds will say

There’s nowhere we can get away from everything

And if the only thing that breaks your heart is somebody

Please don’t give it to me

‘Cause seeing you cry makes me want to leave

But losing you scares the shit out of me.

Annie and Tom both looked over at me as the tears that swelled in my eyes slowly fell down my face. The crowd cheered as Luke strummed the last chord and exited the stage. I stood up from my chair and wrapped my arms around him when he approached me.

“I love you,” I whispered in his ear as I tightened my grip around him.

“I love you too, babe. I’m glad you liked it.”

“I loved it, Luke. It was perfect; you’re perfect.”

As he sat down, he brought me onto his lap and kissed me.

“That was a beautiful song, honey,” Annie said.

“Great tune, son.” Tom smiled as he held up his glass.

We talked for a while longer and then called it a night. I had work in the morning, and Luke had a meeting with his lawyer to talk about the purchase of the bar. As we hugged Annie and Tom goodbye, we got into the Jeep, went back to my apartment, and I made sure Luke received his punishment for calling me mean.


One Month Later


My life was perfect. Luke and I were perfect. I’ve never been more in love with anyone like I was with him. He consumed me, and he owned me. He owned my heart and my soul, and I thanked God for him every day. He had completely changed my life. When I didn’t think it was possible ever to trust someone again, he walked into my life and showed me that it was.

As Luke was still sleeping, I slipped out of bed and headed to the kitchen to make a pot of coffee. When the coffee began to brew, I walked over and opened the blinds. It was cloudy outside, and I could already smell a hint of rain as I opened the window. It was the perfect day to stay in bed and watch movies. I walked back into the bedroom, took off my nightshirt, and I climbed into bed, wrapping my arms around Luke and softly kissing his back. He rolled over and smiled.

“Good morning, beautiful.”

“Good morning,” I said as my lips traveled across his chest.

I reached down and stroked his erection through the soft fabric of the sheet.

“Someone’s horny,” he said as he ran his fingers through my hair.

“I’m always horny when you’re around.”

“I know you are, and I love it,” he said as he flipped me on my back and climbed on top of me.

As Luke ran his tongue behind my ear and softly nipped my neck, I could feel the warmth deep in my belly. His hard cock pushed against my thighs as his lips made their way down to my breasts. His hand cupped me down below, before his fingers found their way inside of me.

“Someone is more than ready.” He smiled as he looked at me.

My hips moved in sync as his fingers moved in and out of me slowly. He was teasing me; I could tell by the smirk on his face.

“How bad do you want me inside you?”

“Very bad. Can’t you tell by how wet I am?” I said breathlessly.

“Yes, but I want you to tell me how bad you want me inside of you.”

“If you don’t put that hard cock inside me now, you’re not going to have one anymore.”

The look on his face was priceless. “Well, that wasn’t the answer I wanted to hear, but it’ll do.”

He asked me to put my arms above my head; then he locked my wrists tight with his hand as he pushed himself into me. I threw my head back as he did it with such force that it made me gasp. He stared at me the whole time, smiling, while he pounded into me and gave me exactly what I wanted. I needed to run my hands through his hair, but his grip was too tight, and I couldn’t free my hands.

“You want to touch me, don’t you?” He smiled.

“You know I do.”

“Should I let your hands go?”

“Yes, please,” I said breathlessly as my heart raced at full speed.

The grin on his face grew wide. “I’ll let go if you come first.”

I wrapped my legs around his waist as he took in a sharp breath. He took his free hand and placed it flat on my breast, with his palm face down and pressed hard against my nipple. He began rubbing it in slow circles as he moved fluently in and out of me. My body was ready to release and he knew it.

“That’s right, baby, let go, and come all over me.”

His words were all I needed to hear as a moan came from my lips, and my body shook, releasing my pleasure all over him.

“That’s it, Lily. I can’t hold back anymore, baby,” he said breathlessly as his grip tightened around my wrists, and I felt the warmth of him spill into me as he pushed himself one last time deep inside me. Luke let go of my wrists and brought them to his lips, kissing each one softly.

“I hope I didn’t hurt you.”

I gently rubbed the side of his face with the back of my hand. “You could never hurt me.”

As he leaned down and kissed me, I heard my phone chime. He broke our kiss and looked at me.

“Why are we always getting interrupted by someone?”

“It’s probably Sam telling us to shut the hell up.” I laughed.

Luke climbed off of me, and we both got out of bed and headed to the kitchen for some coffee. As he poured some in our cups, I checked my phone and saw a text message from Giselle.

“Lunch, 1:00 p.m. at The Southside Grill. You have no choice, and don’t be late; it’s important.”

I read her text with a twisted a face, wondering what the hell was going on, and what could be so important.

“I’ll be there at 1:00 p.m. sharp!” I replied back.

“What’s wrong?”

“I just got this weird text from Giselle,” I said as I handed him my phone.

“Hmm, I’m sure it’s nothing serious. She’s probably having a bad hair day.”

I rolled my eyes as Luke looked over at his beeping phone.