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“Babe, it’s ok,” he whispered as he laid his head on my back.

“All I wanted was a cup of coffee,” I sobbed.

Luke turned me around and took my face in his hands. “I can get you a cup of coffee.” He smiled as he wiped away my tears.

I was scared shitless that Gretchen wasn’t going to make it, and I felt like I was on the verge of an anxiety attack. Luke went to get me a cup of coffee, and I walked over and sat next to Sam. He looked at me with tears in his eyes.

“She’s going to be ok,” I said, grabbing his hand.

“She has to be ok, Lily. If she dies, I don’t know—”

“Don’t talk like that. Nobody is dying here. She’s a strong person, and she’ll pull through.”

Just as Luke walked back in and handed me a cup of coffee, a doctor in blue scrubs followed behind him.

“Are you all here for Gretchen Williams?” he asked.

Giselle jumped up from her chair. “Yes, I’m her twin sister.”

We all stood up and walked closer to where the doctor was standing. “Gretchen is going to be fine.”

We all let out a sigh of relief as he continued telling us about Gretchen’s condition.

“She had some internal bleeding, so we had to go in and repair that, and we also had to remove her spleen. Her right leg is broken in four places, and we had to put in some pins and screws. I also believe there may be some nerve damage. She’ll have to be in a cast for several weeks while the bones heal. There may be a chance she’ll have to go through physical therapy to learn to use her leg again.”

“When can we see her?” I asked.

“I can take you to her now, but I want you to be prepared. She’s very swollen, and she’s hooked up to some machines. We’re keeping her comfortable on pain medication, and she hasn’t woken up from the surgery yet.”

As Luke put his arm around me, we all followed the doctor to the room where Gretchen was. Giselle ran to her and started sobbing. Lucky walked over to her and tried to calm her down. I instantly fell sick to my stomach when I saw her lying there. I barely recognized her since her face was so swollen.

“Are you ok?” Luke asked me.

“I’m fine. Are you?”

“Yeah, I’m just glad they’re both ok.”

“I know this must be bringing back a lot of memories for you,” I said as I kissed his hand.

“It is, but it’s cool. I’m just thankful Gretchen’s going to be fine,” he said as he kissed my head.

We walked over and stood at the end of the bed. Sam pulled up a chair, grabbed her hand, and brought it to his lips.

“Please, sweetheart, please wake up,” he pleaded.

It broke my heart seeing Sam like that. A few moments later, Gretchen squeezed Sam’s hand, and she slowly opened her eyes. Lucky had to hold Giselle back from throwing herself on top of her.

“Let her wake up and focus, Giselle,” he said to her.

Gretchen tried to talk, but could only mumble a few words.

“Don’t try and talk, sweetheart. You’re going to be fine. Just get some rest,” Sam said.

She took her other hand and laid it on Giselle’s arm as she mumbled, “Stop crying, I have a headache.”

As we all started laughing, Sam leaned over, gently kissed her lips, and told her how much he loved her. I took a few steps back, and I looked around the room at the people I called my family. As I looked at Sam, I remembered the first time I met him and how he held the door open for me as I was bringing in my boxes. Then I looked at the twins, remembering the day they moved next door, and how we instantly became best friends. As I looked at Lucky, I was remembering the night we met. I couldn’t help but smile at how he tried to flirt with me, thinking he was going to get lucky.

“You ok, babe?” Luke asked with a smile.

As my eyes looked into his, I remembered the first time he told me to watch my mouth, and I knew at that moment, he was the one I needed to complete my life.

“I’m wonderful.” I smiled as I leaned into him and softly kissed him.

The Upside of Love

Luke Matthews and Lily Gilmore will return in the second and final book of the Love Series, The Upside of Love, releasing in 2014.

Please see the back of the book for the Prologue and first chapter of Adriane Leigh’s romance novel, The Mourning After


I would like to thank you, my readers and fans, for all your support and enthusiasm while reading my books. Without your support, I wouldn’t be here giving you the story of Luke Matthews and Lily Gilmore. I cherish each message you send via Facebook and Twitter, and I look forward to connecting with you more and talking about Love In Between. I love you guys a bunch, but you already know that!

About The Author

Sandi Lynn is a New York Times bestselling author from Michigan, who recently left her full-time job in healthcare to become a full-time writer. She currently has three books published and a fourth book publishing in November. Her addictions are romance novels, coffee, chocolate, and margaritas.

Please come and connect with her at:





