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Gary saw her looking over what Parker would be wearing and smiled. "The talent is what gets all those companies to use her as a walking billboard, but that's what pays the bills once you can prove you can play."

"Does seeing Parker wear this on her sleeve really make someone want to drive a Lexus?" Emily asked as she pointed to one side of the pullover shirt.

"Do you buy office supplies at a certain store because they have a bowl game for college football?" Emily laughed at his analogy and knew that this was probably an argument he had often with fans and sponsors alike.

"What's she doing?" She pointed to the quiet woman sitting in the other room.

"She's going over every shot in her head. Reviewing every possibility so that there will be no surprises she hasn't given thought to, no weakness she isn't busy erasing now instead of on center court. Parker's the real deal, Emily, she gives the folks what they pay big money to see. Just straight forward power tennis that takes no prisoners and makes the shelf life of the balls next to nil."

"Is that on, and off the court?"

"I don't know, you spent the night with her, did she force you?" Gary didn't like the tone of Emily's question, and the fact Parker was messing around the night before a major tournament.

"No she didn't, I'm sorry I shouldn't have said anything."

"Nonsense, Gary, just likes to cause me trouble whenever the opportunity presents itself. Are you working today?" Parker had gotten up and walked quietly on bare feet to where they were talking.

"No, I'm not. I was planning to watch you on television today if you must now my deep dark secret," teased Emily hoping Parker wasn't insulted over her question to her coach.

"How about you and your friend join Gary and my sisters in my box?" Gary handed Parker the tickets she had requested that morning when she called. Emily took them and kissed Parker on the cheek for them. Bobbie would be thrilled since she loved women's tennis.

Emily watched as Gary helped Parker get dressed first changing her bandages and wrapping her chest tightly enough to cover the stitches but still leaving her the ability to breathe. It was like watching a gladiator getting ready to step into the arena. Only this one could chip your bones if you weren't careful, with little yellow fuzzy balls. With a good luck kiss from Emily, Parker was out of the door.

Parker turned before getting into the cab and looked up to the windows of Emily's apartment. The pilot stood there with her fingers pressed to her lips looking a little dazed from the kiss they had just shared. She waved and smiled before disappearing into the car making Emily sigh. Things were looking up and it wasn't because she had scored tickets to a tennis match.

Chapter 6

The stands around center court were filling up, and down on the court the line judges and ball retrievers were taking their places. Gary had watched Parker warm up with a critical eye making sure that his star showed no signs of pain. Parker's younger opponent was trying to find some weak spot as she too watched Kong warm up. If the story was true about the attack outside the restaurant, Mendela her opponent couldn't find where it put any cracks in Parker's game.

Emily and Bobbie sat watching the crowd around them waiting for the rest of Parker's guests to show up. Gary had waved to them before disappearing down the tunnel that led to the locker rooms. He wanted to check to make sure the bandage on Parker's chest was still all right before the match started.

"I hope she'll be all right. That cut on her chest looks nasty." Emily's comment was overheard by more than just Bobbie and they were both surprised by the deep voice that commented back.

"It will take more than stitches to slow Park down. Mendela will be eating fuzz by afternoon's end is our prediction." Both Emily and Bobbie looked up to the two women that were towering over them effectively blocking out the sun. "When she was ten, she played in a tournament with a broken arm. Hell if the tadpole didn't come in third," continued Kimmie trying to make Emily feel better.

"You must be Parker's sisters." Emily went to stand when Kimmie put her hand on her shoulder keeping the small blonde in her seat.

"I'm Kimmie and this is Gray." The oldest of the three sisters stuck her hand out and greeted Parker's two friends. They tried to ignore the buzz from the fans around them that recognized the two volleyball stars. Today was for Parker.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Emily Parish and this is my friend Bobbie Daley. Parker was so happy you two could make it up to watch her play. The last time I saw Parker, you two were headed to south Florida for your own tournament, how did it go?"

"Are you kidding, Em, they kicked butt. The Viper and the Terminator took the title and the cash pot without breaking a sweat. I saw it all on ESPN II," said Bobbie. Emily could see that her friend was having a hard time not falling to her knees and worshiping the two giants that had taken their seats so they wouldn't have to crane her neck looking up at them.

Emily almost laughed at the look of rapture on Bobbie's face. The avid sports fan was going to swoon before the day was over if one more of her idols showed up. First she scored center court seats to the Open and now was getting to share them with two of volleyballs greatest players.

"I suggest you breathe at regular intervals throughout the day, if not you are going to miss the match when you pass out." Emily whispered the warning as a joke to get Bobbie to calm down a little. The woman that was Parker's practice partner was coming down the steps to join them, and Emily watched as Gray King's eyes stayed glued to the tall Swede.

"Kimmie, why don't you slide in here next to Bobbie and let Natasha have your seat?" suggested Emily.

Gray turned her head to the small pilot and smiled. "Thanks, Emily, I see that my little sister is starting to wise up in her choice in women." The announcer introducing Parker and Mendela helped take the attention away from Emily and the blush Gray's compliment had caused.

The crowd got to their feet when the two players walked out to the court and sat down on opposite sides of the judge's chair. Parker's tan looked even darker against the tight white shirt she was wearing, and she looked like she was anxious to begin.

The players picked their rackets and took their places, both nodding to the judge that they were ready to begin. "Quiet please." The man pointed to Parker after a hush fell over the crowd.

Two new balls were thrown to Parker from the ball girl in the corner behind her. She bounced them both on her racket before selecting one and throwing the other one back to the young lady that had given them to her. Parker squared her shoulders and let out a long breath as a way to blow out the pain and forget about it for the next couple of hours. After four bounces she threw it into the air, connecting with it dead center on her racket. It flew past her opponent so fast, the girl didn't bother to move her racket from the ready position. Mendela got out of her stance when, "Fifteen love," was announced from the chair.