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"If you were hoping for a slower paced game from Parker King, sports fans, you have come to the wrong place." The sports announcer calling the game on the radio reported happily as the first shot went over the net. Gray had been nice enough to bring earpieces for everyone so they could listen to the commentary during the match. "I thing she was giving Mendela a warning shot across the bow with that one. The stitches will not do the Spaniard any favors today."

"Quiet please." Parker waited for the crowd to cooperate before setting up for her next shot. This one nicked the net on the way over so she had to serve again. The second serve was a little slower paced and Mendela returned it. The young player hit it back to the baseline then ran to the net to establish an early aggressive game against the number one seeded player. It was a mistake when Parker hit a two handed back hand that hit just inside the baseline. If there was going to be anyone volleying from the net, it was not going to be from Mendela.

For the next forty minutes Emily watched Parker almost surgically remove every aspect of her opponent's game, all while barely breaking a sweat. When her opponent would rush the net Parker would send some blistering heat toward the baseline with deadly precision. When Mendela took the hint and moved to the baseline, Parker would drop the ball right over the net almost making her opponent lose some skin when she went diving after one of them.

Watching the game at the USTA Tennis Center had been an experience for both she and Bobbie. The atmosphere and energy of center court live was not easily captured on the small screen of her television, and Emily was still smiling at the 'Kong' chant the crowd was still shouting. The big tennis bag was repacked and shouldered, but Parker took a few minutes on her way out to sign autographs for the fans hanging out of the stands.

Up in their seats, the King sisters high-fived each other before turning to hug Nick and Gary. In their celebration Gary failed to notice the attendant standing in the aisle holding a folded piece of paper. The coach cringed when the young man tapped him on the shoulder and handed him the note. Gary decided he was going to exercise his promise to quit if it was directions from Parker to ditch Emily. For the first time he had open one of Parker's short pennings, her coach's face creased in a smile.

"Let's go take a tour of the locker rooms, girls." Both men moved to escort the four others to meet Parker when they were stopped by the last person they expected to see at the match. Alicia had attended with her manager, their seats not quite as good without Parker's help. The young rocker had given three interviews on the way in when she was recognized by reporters, so there would be no misunderstandings about her feelings for Parker.

"Gary, could you tell Parker I'll wait for her outside? I figured we cold share a limo back into Manhattan." Alicia was looking at the small blonde trying to remember where she had seen her before. She was figuring to make Parker suffer a little for forgetting to invite her to the match. Getting her back was not going to be so easy for the jock this time around.

"Sorry, Alicia, Parker has a ride back into the city. I'll tell her you came to watch the match. Thanks from both of us. After all as you know, dedicated fans are what it's all about." He didn't want to be rude but he pushed his group forward before Alicia had any chance to cause a scene. Maybe tonight Parker could have dinner and stay dry throughout the meal.

Emily stood back and let Parker have a moment to greet her two sisters. It looked like Bobbie kept pinching herself at the good fortune their day had turned out to be. Getting to see the match would have been good enough, but on the way in they had seen a number of other players milling around the locker room waiting for their time to play.

"You think if you slept with her, we can come back this weekend?" Bobbie asked Emily in a whisper.

"I slept with her last night and you got court side box seats out of it, so don't push your luck." Before Bobbie could ask her about what she had said Parker called them over.

"Congratulations, that was an awesome match you played." Parker accepted Emily's hug and kept a long arm draped over the pilot's shoulders as she waited to be introduced to Emily's friend.

"Yeah, great game, Ms. King. Thank you so much for the tickets, that was a once in a lifetime experience," gushed Bobbie as she pumped Parker's hand.

"Bobbie, honey, she needs that hand to play this week," said Emily. She smiled up at Parker hoping the player didn't mind over exuberant fans. "Parker, this is my friend Bobbie Daley, and in case you haven't caught on, she's a big fan of women's tennis."

"Ah, my running companion. You kept up pretty good until that last two miles." Parker laughed at the tall woman's blush. Emily's friend was all right now that she knew they weren't sleeping together. "How about I treat you two to dinner?"

"Don't you want to go with your sisters?" asked Emily.

"They are doing a spot for the local sports channel tonight so they can't make it, but if you two have plans that's ok."

"No, I'd love to. How about it, Bobbie, wanna go and eat?" Emily sunk closer into Parker and wrapped her arm around her waist.

"I don't want to get in the way." Bobbie wanted to go, but hesitated on being a third wheel.

Parker reached out and patted Bobbie on the shoulder. "Come on, I want you to go. That way if the mad bomber here throws any more hot chocolate on me, I can use you as a shield."

Bobbie moved around the space looking at the multitude of pictures that chronicled the past tournaments giving Parker and Emily some time alone. All the winner had to do was put her shoes on to finish getting dressed and she was sitting on one of the benches putting her socks on.

"Thanks again for the tickets, I loved watching you play." Emily sat beside Parker wanting to be close to her. That morning had been bliss when she woke up and felt the long body pressed up against her back. Emily was so comfortable she had drifted back to sleep with a smile on her face.

"Will you still be in town on Saturday?" asked Parker tying off one shoe.

"Yeah, my next flight isn't until Sunday at noon, but I'll be back that night. I'm on a light schedule until I get settled."

"Good, you can make the next match then. If you want that is." Parker played with the other shoe waiting for Emily to say something. The pilot's close proximity was throwing off her usual cocky personality.

"I would love that." The pilot leaned in some more reaching to take the shoe away from Parker. The lure of what they had discovered in Florida was starting to become more enticing to her.