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I snorted. “You mean they've got us by the short hairs?”

“Can you imagine what would happen to your business if there were a breath of scandal about you and a young girl?” she murmured.

I thought about that. “It would ruin my partner, too. Guess we should have gone ahead and swapped with Sam and Alice. Much safer in your own age level and when the consequences are equally shared.”

“Bingo,” she exclaimed.

I angled my head toward the back. “Maybe if we can entertain them as much as they entertain us, they'll get as hooked on us as we are on them, if you dig.”

Amy's nose wiggled into a wrinkle. “I'm not sure I do.”

“They like their sex with us, so they won't want to have it cut off by starting trouble, Not if they can help it.” I tried to look smug. “Therefore we've got a few weapons in our arsenal.”

“Such as?”

Dipping into her bra, I took out a breast, letting it lie in my hand like something precious from the ocean floor, the strawberry center winking up in surprise. “Something like this. Buddy boy and, if I guess right, Johnny the moose would make some sacrifices to do what I'm doing right now. Don't kid yourself, those babes in the wood don't want to be snatched away from their pleasures by a juvenile court.”

Amy watched me handling her breasts, her eyes shining with a new interest. “Then perhaps-we'd better get out there and show them how a couple of old pros can spread their experience around where it will do the most good.”

“Now you're getting the message. We can make certain they want their playtime as much as we do. That's our insurance.”

Amy licked her lips, looking at the precious breast. “The trouble is, I'm beginning to have my good time right now, here with you.”

“Ah, the magic Donald Brady touch, I presume.”

She nodded, wiggling her shoulders so that her mound slid across her fingers. “You can have the other one, if you like.”

Sadly, I stuffed the exposed boob back inside her bra, and it was a job for the squeeze was mighty tight. “I'm sorry, baby, but we've got to save this for the patio pageant. If I tap your sex now, you'll need to be a better actress out there. It would be safer if you kept your honest sex drive intact so you'll be more convincing.”

Amy seemed to get mad, just as I had been. “You know, I'll be glad when we can get rid of those kids. Let's make today a red-letter day, giving them whatever they want. Then, when we're sure they respect our sexual charms, we'll ease them out of the picture at once. They'll be afraid to make trouble, in the hope that they can see us from time to time. But, the way I feel now, I'd like to keep our front door gently but permanently closed to Trudy, Buddy and their monster friends.”

“Good show,” I exclaimed, tapping her on the chin. “Let's go out there and earn a dual Academy Award.”

Even so, I knew we wouldn't need to count on acting too much. We'd find our roles coming to us naturally, I was certain.


They were sprawled out all over the place, half undressed, all barefoot by now, their bellies and thighs showing. Alexander was lolling with them and I began to wonder about that dog. He was turning into a con man-or con dog-getting all the best of everything because, presumably, he couldn't exist without plenty of company around.

Amy and I moved briskly into their midst, all smiles and cries of greeting, rubbing our hands and moving here and there so they could get a good look at our bodies.

They looked, all right, and not without interest. Buddy was jabbing Johnny in the ribs as he ogled Amy, who was showing more skin in her bikini than the other two dames put together. Speaking of the other two dames, Mary Ellen was grinning at me like I was something under the tree Christmas morning.

Trudy wasn't missing a trick, looking from Mary Ellen to me and back again. That was an angle I hadn't figured on, a way to split them up. Make them jealous by playing one against the other.

Even as I thought about this, Trudy's face was turning dark with anger and she glared at Mary Ellen. “Remember, little girl, you're my guest here,” she spat.

Mary Ellen looked at her like she was the queen mother. “Little girl. I'm sixteen, just like you.”

“Four months younger, don't forget,” Trudy reminded her.

“Besides,” Mary Ellen continued, “Mr. Brady and Mrs. Brady said we could stay. So there. We're their guests, not yours.”

Trudy was a hustler and she got up at once, hurrying to me, taking my arm. “Go ahead, Mr. Brady, tell her who your favorite is.” Her eyes were promising me the moon, like it was a pimiento stuffed up her snatch.

“Well,” I began, “I wouldn't want to make trouble. You're nice girls, both of you. I'm sure each of you has her strong and weak points.”

“Weak?” Trudy snapped. “All right, tell me where I'm weak.”

I tried to spread my hands, but she was holding on tightly, her breast hammering at me like a soft club. I looked down at it.

“Am I weak there?” she blurted, following my gaze.

“Indeed, no, my dear.”

“Then here?” she continued, shoving her other mound into my chest, her hips jamming me hard.

“Again, I must say no. Your two strong points, actually.”

She swallowed, a kind of desperation in her eyes and I could feel the tables tipping in my favor… my favor and Amy's, because she was going the same route. From the corner of my eye I could see her looking first at Buddy and, when his interest was climbing, she'd turn to Johnny. She was playing them like a yo-yo with two strings.

“Then maybe I don't have what it takes here,” Trudy continued, stepping back and placing both hands on her crotch, gripping herself through her shorts. “Hasn't this thing shown you a couple of good times, Mr. Brady?”

“I never denied it,” I retorted.

“Well, then.”

“Just cool it,” I snapped, waving my hand in a gesture of dismissal. “You can't help it if you're not the only woman in my life.”

Her hands went to her hips, her feet planted far apart. “You remember what I said about keeping our fun quiet, Mr. Brady? I'd hate to have to make trouble now.”

I smiled. “If you did we'd all be in trouble and that fun we'd been having would all be in the past, permanently. Consider that.”

Apparently she did, while Mary Ellen got to her feet. She was hardly five feet tall and, from what I could see under her loose and gaudy shirt, she was buxom. She came to me, her hand out, and I shook it.

“Nice work, Mr. Brady,” she exclaimed. “You put her down real neat.”

I made a face, “I didn't mean to. Trudy's been a generous girl, until now.”

“Shucks, I can be generous, too.” I waited, refusing to commit myself. Let the two of them fight it out.

“Do you want me to show you?” Mary Ellen continued.

“You're my guest, my dear,” I purred, “so feel free to behave as you please.” “All right, then.”

Crossing her arms, Mary Ellen grasped the hem of her T-shirt and jerked it over her head. Naturally there was nothing underneath the thing and her heavy breasts bobbed into view. They were very white with tiny blue veins here and there and the nipples were half the size of coffee cups, their color a blood red.

Dropping the garment, the stocky girl posed, looking like a slightly too chubby cherub, one foot planted before the other. “Like me better now?” “Very appealing,” I admitted. “Huh.” The snort came from Trudy, who was lingering not far away. She came closer and, as she moved, I saw Alexander come into the picture, sniffing at Mary Ellen's discarded T-shirt. He looked up at us, puzzled, and tail wagging. That horny old mutt was loving this sort of action.

Mary Ellen whirled. “Butt out, former friend.” “Up yours, jerk,” Trudy hissed, poking her face into Mary Ellen's.

A split second before they were going to start trading scratches, I stepped between them. “All right, it's only fair that Trudy should have the opportunity to take center stage for the next few minutes, Go ahead, my dear.” My snake was panting, shoving against my zipper like a trapped animal hungering for freedom.