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When I reached his bedroom door it was closed. I pounded on it with my fist.

The door swung open and I came face-to-face with a very pissed off looking Jamieson Wellington.

“Jenna,” he said my name bitterly.

“I need the ring Jamieson.” There was no need for chit-chat, I was all business.

“You have a ring. Actually you have two from what I can see.” he replied looking down at my left hand.

“Cut the shit. Where is it?” I narrowed my eyes and balled my fists willing myself to hold back.

“Why do you need it?”

“Because it’s mine and I need it back. Just give it to me.” I was exasperated with his games.

“Tell me why,” he challenged.

“Fine! Obviously I will have to give it back to him when I go tell him that I fucked you and married you instead at my Bachelorette party. I can’t imagine he will want to marry me now.” I was shaking with rage. Jamieson had always had a way of making my crazy and it seems nothing had changed in that department.

Jamieson didn’t say anything he just retreated into his room. I didn’t follow, I couldn’t, that room held too many memories of us.

“Here.” He held out a small red Cartier box.

“Thank you.” I pulled back the lid on the box to make sure my engagement ring was in fact inside. To my relief it was. I pulled off the rings on my left hand and offered them to Jamieson. “Here these are yours.”

“No I bought them for you. They are yours.” He pushed my hand away.

“Whatever.” I snapped, sliding them in my jeans pocket. I turned and headed back down the stairs. I knew we had more to discuss, but first I needed to talk to Cain. The rest could be sorted out later.

When I reached the bottom stair I heard a female’s voice behind me. I told myself not to look back but I did it anyways.

“Who’s that, baby?” A very scantily-clad brunette purred as she came to stand next to Jamieson at the top of the stairs. He had come out of his room to watch me leave. Apparently they both had. Well I hoped she heard my little outburst about her boyfriend being married to me!

“Fucking classic!” I screamed with a glare before slamming the front door behind me.

When I got into my car and headed down the long driveway I let the tears freely fall. I knew I shouldn’t let him affect me that way but I couldn’t help it, he had wrecked me and not just once. I kind of always knew he would, but back then I had hoped it would be in the good way, not in the life-destroying, soul-crushing, never-going-back kind of way. Shit, was I ever wrong!

I pulled up to the townhouse that I had practically been living at for the last year. Cain had purchased it after we had graduated law school and passed the bar in Alabama. I parked the car and hesitated fighting the waves of nausea that were hitting me. I pulled out the ring Cain had given me from my sleek black leather hand bag and slipped it on my left hand one last time.

Cain answered the door right away looking happy to see me home safe and sound from my trip to Vegas. I felt horrible knowing I was about to ruin everything we had created.

He moved paper work and his laptop off the sofa to make room for us to sit down. I knew he had a huge case he was working on and he was spending every waking minute writing his brief.

“So tell me, how was Vegas?” he asked, grabbing us each a can of soda from the fridge.

“Umm…well…we need to talk.” I watched his face turn from happy to concerned instantly.

“Alright.” Shit, okay just calm down and do this.

“I slept with someone.” Or just blurt it the fuck out!

Cain didn't say anything, he just looked dazed.

“I got drunk and don’t remember any of it. It was stupid and I feel so horrible. I’m so sorry, Cain.”

He set his soda on the coffee table and scrubbed his hands over his face. “Did you use protection?” Wait what? Not exactly the question I was expecting.

“I….I don’t know. I don’t remember and I didn’t ask him.” I told him shamefully looking at the ground.

“I assume it was just a one night stand, am I wrong in that assumption?” Oh crap. I knew this question was coming but I still hadn’t decided how to answer it.

“Yes, it was just one night,” I told him dully, leaving out the fact that it was with my ex. Cain knew about Jamieson but I don’t think he really understood how much had happened between us.

Cain didn't respond. We instead sat in silence for a long time as I watched him contemplate what I had told him. It is incredibly painful watching someone you love digest the fact you have betrayed them.

“I’m so sorry, Cain. I didn’t mean for this to happen.” I felt a lone tear slip down my cheek. I knew I had no right to be upset or cry. I was not the innocent party here, he was.

“It’s alright.” He reassured me.

My head snapped up and I searched his face to make sure I wasn’t just hearing things.

“I understand. Things happen. You were drunk and you didn’t mean to do it. I’m not happy about it but I can’t say it changes the way I feel about you.”

My mind raced to catch up to the situation. I couldn't believe this man was willing to forgive me so easily. He was truly amazing, which made the next part of this so much worse. I was full on sobbing now.

“Cain I don’t deserve your forgiveness—”

“I know that but I also understand it. You were distracted, you lost your way but now you’re home and you can refocus,” he told me. I didn’t know if he was trying to convenience me or just him.

“No Cain you don’t understand I did something horrible, unforgiveable—”

“I don’t care. I said I forgive you.” he told me again. Shit, now what do I do? I have to tell him that I’m married. He deserves the whole truth.

“I’m married.” I shout out and the silence that consumed the room was deafening.

“What are you talking about?” He looked more confused now than when I first admitted I cheated on him.

“I also married him.” I choked out.

“No…you can’t be. The wedding.” He was trying to soak in this latest dagger to the heart.

“I know. I’m so sorry, Cain. It was the biggest mistake of my life and unfortunately I will be paying for it dearly.”

“Jesus…I just can’t believe you would do this, Jenna. You have always been such a smart girl. I never thought you would do something this stupid.” I deserved that, and so much more.

He stood up abruptly and started pacing the floor in front of the couch. I stood up as well as an attempt to distract him.

“I know.” I whispered through my sobs.

“The cheating I could handle. I mean who hasn’t right? But the fact you married this asshole, well that is a level of stupidity that is unforgivable.” There was anger in his voice. I had expected that.

“I’m sorry.” I told him again.

“Who do you think you are, fucking Britney Spears?” he was getting increasingly angry now. I didn’t move just stood like a statute in front of him. I deserved all of his hurtful words and more.

“I made a horrible mistake.” I pleaded.

“Horrible mistake doesn’t begin to cover it. Well I’m glad I found out now what kind of woman you really are. Do you even realize what you lost here today Jenna?”

“Yes,” I squeaked out from underneath my tears.

“I could give a shit less about you screwing some prick in Vegas. You are allowed your freedoms before we are married. Lord knows I have been using mine. But a drunken wedding in Vegas…that is beneath you, and me for that matter. I am being groomed to be the next Governor of this state and I will be damned if I have a slut for a wife by my side.”

I was stunned but it only took a few seconds for his words to totally sink in.

“What do you mean you have been using your freedom?” I asked pointedly.