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Jamieson pulled the truck up to the massive gate in front of his house. I watched silently as he typed in the code. I had begged for him to turn around and take me home, but he refused. I knew it was useless to continue to argue with him so about half way to his house I went into silent mode. The gate in front of us began to move when headlights came up behind the truck following us down the long drive. It was too dark for me to see in the side mirror if it was Audrey and Olivia or if it was the guys. I was hoping it was my friends so that I could immediately hop out of the truck and into their car to make my getaway. But that of course would have been too perfect.

“Fuck,” Jamieson grumbled next to me as he pulled the truck into his huge garage.

“What?” I asked looking over at him. He was looking in the rearview mirror; he was not thrilled with his late night visitor.

“Stay here.” he commanded before jumping out of the truck and storming toward the car that had followed us.

“Screw that,” I said to myself. I followed Jamieson out into the front of the garage.

“Trinity, I told you not to come here,” he barked at the driver of the car. Of course it’s a girl!

I couldn’t hear what she said back to him but I could see her inside the car. She was gorgeous of course with soft brown hair and full red lips. My stomach dipped in my stomach as it occurred to me this was the same girl from the other day. She was the girl in his room when I had come to retrieve my engagement ring.

“She doesn’t have to leave on my account, Jamieson.” I spoke up making my presence known to both of them.

“Damn it Jenna! Go in the house!” he growled at me. Fat chance, dickwad I’m loving watching you squirm in front of your girlfriend!

“What is she doing here?” I could hear the girl now. She was pissed and I don’t blame her. I would be raging had I been in her shoes, little did she know I had.

“Trinity this has to stop. I told you it was over. You can’t keep showing up here.” Jamieson was leaning over the car now looking menacing. What an asshole!

Blame it on the alcohol or my soft spot for this poor girl but I had to speak up. “There is no need to break up with your girlfriend, Jamieson. Ninety days and this whole sham of a marriage will be over. Invite her in. I’ll take a cab home.”

I started rummaging in my person to find my phone to get a ride home when I heard a blood curdling shrieking sound coming from the car.

“You married her? What the fuck! You married that?” Whoa bitch, I was feeling bad for you. Not anymore.

“Trinity, if you show up here again unannounced I will call the cops, do you understand me?” Jamieson said coldly.

“Fuck you.” Trinity screamed back at him and threw her car in reverse. I had stopped looking for my phone and continued to watch as she sped off down the private road.

“Nice girlfriend you have there.” I muttered.

“She is not my fucking girlfriend!” Jamieson yelled and whirled around to face me.

I was a bit stunned at his tone but my shock quickly turned to anger.

“Yeah okay whatever you say.” I began clumsily fishing around my purse for my phone again. I dropped my keys with a clatter to the pavement instead.

Jamieson let out a strained breath and then muttered some curse words. He then began walking towards me. “Let’s go inside.”

“Look Jamieson—”

“Jenna, don’t argue, just come inside the house. It’s time we talked.”

Maybe it was, because he sounded almost defeated when he asked me, or maybe it was because it was time that we did finally clear the air. But whatever the reason was I followed him inside the house and tried to prepare myself for what was to come.

I swore I would never step foot in this bedroom again. That day I left with my heart shattered into a million pieces I promised myself I would never come back here. What in the hell was I doing?

“Alright, talk.” I snapped.

Jamieson sat on the edge of his huge dark wood bed. His room still looked the same and it unfortunately held lots of memories, some I would do anything to forget.

“Look Jenna, I’m sorry.” He leaned forward resting his elbows on his knees. I relaxed slightly at his show of vulnerability. “I didn’t intend for any of this to happen. This was not my plan.”

“And you think it was mine?” I demanded.

“No I know it is not what you wanted and I’m sorry about that, but you need to understand something.”


“I may be sorry for how things have happened but I’m not sorry they did happen. Do you understand me?” His eyes were locked onto mine and the piercing blue centers now were dark purple. I had always loved Jamieson’s eyes’ ability to turn from light to dark quickly. I was a bit taken aback by his confession but it didn’t totally shock me. I knew it was by no accident he was on the same plane to Vegas that day.

I took a deep labored breath and leaned against the wall I was standing next to. “Why Jamieson? Why did you do it?”

He stood up and came over to where I was standing. He stopped just short of touching me. “I know it was wrong, Jenna. It was probably the most selfish thing I have ever done, but I couldn’t help myself. I told myself I just wanted to see you one last time but I knew I was lying. I couldn’t let you go, not to him.”

I felt a tear trickle down from the corner of my left eye. “I was happy, we were happy. I had worked so hard…but it’s all gone now. It’s ruined, I’m ruined.” The tears started coming hard now.

“Were you happy though? Were you truly happy with him?” Jamieson questioned softly. He was treading lightly and I appreciated that.

We both jumped when we heard the front door slam shut. “Jamieson we have an issue!” Julian yelled from downstairs.

“Fuckkkk,” Jamieson growled in my ear. “Stay here I’ll go see what the problem is and I’ll be right back. Okay?”

I nodded my head, not quite able to talk yet. In a way I was relieved Jamieson had to leave, it would give me a chance to get myself under control again. My carefully crafted walls were starting to crumble and I needed to fix that quickly.

After Jamieson left the bedroom I proceeded to splash some cold water on my face in the large adjoining bathroom. I had loved his bathroom. It was huge. There was a dressing room in the middle and in the far back half was an oversized stone shower with what felt like a million shower heads. Jamieson and I had spent many of nights and mornings in that shower and thinking about it sent butterflies shooting through my stomach.

It took me several minutes to get myself back to a decent looking state. But while I was in the bathroom my alcohol for the evening started to hit me yet again. I wondered out of the bathroom and into the massive dark room. I didn’t feel totally steady in my heels so I kicked them off and sat down on the bench at the foot of Jamieson’s bed to wait for him.

I don’t know how long I waited. It was long enough that I snagged a fluffy white throw blanket from the end of his bed and curled up on the bench. I could have lain down on the bed but I refused. That was one boundary I would not cross.

I woke up from my impromptu nap when I heard Olivia’s voice outside the bedroom door.

“I don’t give a shit, Jamieson. You did this. You broke up her engagement, you got her fired from her job and you are the one that literally broke her in two all those years ago. So let me remind you that I don’t give a damn what you need or want. She is my friend, not you. Not anymore.”

“I know, Liv. I know. All I’m asking is for you to give me time. I need time with her. I have to make this right, not for my sake but for hers.” I could hear the pleading in Jamieson’s voice. That was new, Jamieson never pleaded for anything or to anyone.