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I had survived the litany of questions my family leveled at me after I had divulged my shameful Vegas marriage. Some of the worst moments were explaining how I was going to tackle the fact that the wedding invitations had already gone out. Jacks offered to help me call all the wedding vendors and the venue. Cain’s mother had insisted we get married at the country club. I had preferred a southern style plantation but I was overruled. Thinking of the expense my parents had already gone through made me sick to my stomach. I knew they wouldn’t ever divulge to me how much my epic fuck-up was going to cost them, not after I revealed I was in fact engaged to a total creep. I knew I had narrowly missed a loveless marriage. I had Jamieson to thank for that I guess, but I doubted I would ever tell him so.

By the end of our discussion, everything seemed to be handled. Jacks was a huge help, she volunteered to call Cain’s mother and ask her how she wanted to arrange returning gifts as well as making an announcement. I would owe my sister to the end of time for this.

My mother had cried through the entire discussion, looking sometimes as if she would murder Jamieson and Cain too. Thank God for Lukas he laughed through most and cracked jokes. My father looked utterly disappointed and said very little. It had been the single worst day of my life. I had called Audrey and Olivia on my way home informing them of how everything had gone. They both thought it had gone relatively well considering¸ and I guess they were right it could have been a lot worse.

When I got home I tore off my clothes and climbed into the shower. I craved the relaxing warmth to soothe my aching muscles. It is weird how sometimes after a very emotional situation it can feel like you just ran a marathon. I breathed in the lavender body wash and closed my eyes letting the spray pelt my face. My phone dinged on the counter signaling I had a text message and then it rang. I ignored it. I was sure it was one of my concerned family members wanting to rehash the very details I had just laid before them. I was done dealing with the drama of my quickie wedding and hopefully my soon-to-be quickie divorce. My plan was to get in my comfy flannel jammies and curl up on the couch with some really bad reality T.V. in the hope it helped me escape my own shitty reality.

I was just climbing out of the shower when I heard someone pounding on my front door; it was most likely my sister coming by to check on me. When I left my parent’s she walked me to my car and I could tell she was sick with worry for me.

I considered throwing on my P.J.’s first but then decided against it as I was sure it was my sister. I hurried to the front door and pulled it open still in my towel, but who was on the other side of the door was most definitely not my sister.

“Can I help you?” I asked my strange visitor pulling my towel tight across my body.

“I seriously doubt that.” The tall lanky brown haired woman said pushing past me and invading my home. I recognized her immediately. She was the girl that I had seen in Jamieson’s room the day I went to get my engagement ring from him, the one that threw a fit the night before in his driveway upon seeing me. This ought to be good, the perfect way to top off my day.

“Please, by all means come in.” I told her sarcastically, closing the door behind her. I racked my brain trying to remember her name but it evaded me.

“I came over to make things clear between us.”

“Okay…” I scrunched my towel to my chest.

“Jamieson is mine. We have been together almost two years now and were planning on getting married.”

I interjected the moment she slowed to take a breath. “Well that may be difficult considering—”

“That he already married you? Well I will admit at first I was devastated but it seems Jamieson has come to his senses and will be divorcing you as soon as humanly possible.”

“I see.” I said with clear anger and resentment. What she was saying struck a nerve with me. It shouldn’t have because what she said was true, we would be getting a divorce as soon as we could, leaving him free to do whatever he pleased, but for some reason her pointing it out pissed me off immeasurably.

“Jamieson is mine,” she repeated. “He may be your husband on paper for these next few months but don’t get confused sweetheart, he is most certainly not yours,” she spat out. Oh no she didn’t! Not today Satan, not today.

“First off, sweetheart, if Jamieson is indeed yours as you keep pointing out then why the hell did he marry me? And secondly, sweetheart, I could give a rat’s ass about what you want or what your man wants. I don’t want to be involved in this situation any more than I have to be, so you can rest assured I won’t be trying to steal Jamieson from you. And now that that’s settled I think it is time for you to leave!” I yelled throwing the front door open letting it hit the wall behind me.

She eyed my mostly naked body suspiciously for a half a moment before she began striding out the door. “He could not possibly want you over me.” Now this was officially the worst day of my life.

After my surprise visitor I cracked open a bottle of wine and sunk down in my comfy couch still reeling from the events earlier. I turned on the Bachelor hoping to relish in some other poor woman’s pain to help ignore my own. The Bachelor was one of those shows you watch to help you feel better about your own life. In some weird way hearing about some random woman’s struggles of dating a man with forty other women just made you feel better about your own crappy love life.

I was on my second large glass and intently listening to a gorgeous brunet cry about having seen the Bachelor kiss another girl while on their group date when again there was a knock at my door. I considered ignoring it for half a second but then decided against it and went to open it. When I peered through the peep-hole I saw a very handsome and pissed looking Jamieson Wellington staring back at me.

I opened the door and turned back to the couch completely ignoring his presence all together.

“Well you just missed your girlfriend,” I grabbed my glass and chugged back some more wine.

“I know she told me she came to see you,”

“She’s charming. I would tell you that you sure know how to pick them, but then what would that say about me, huh?” I said snottily.

“What did she tell you Jenna?” He demanded showing his anger. Why he was mad at me was perplexing. I was at home minding my own business.

“Oh you know, just that you belong to her and I am not to get confused about that. And that you have been together a couple of years and plan to get married. Oh and that you couldn't possibly want me over her. You know basic girly chit chat stuff.” I was being a complete bitch with my sarcasm but he deserved it, he had help promote me from slut to home wrecking slut. However, I had to admit I didn’t much care about his girlfriend’s feelings but I did care about how I had compromised myself.

“Fuck!” He yelled and then began pacing back and forth in front of the couch where I sat. “I knew Trinity would do this. What a fucked up scenario. It’s just such a delicate situation now,” he was rambling and not making a bit of sense. He was panicking.

“Look Jamieson, I don’t want to cause problems for you. I won’t say anything about the wedding. We can just keep going on about our lives like we normally would and as soon as we can, we will get a divorce. We don’t ever have to see each other again.” I offered trying to ease his stress.

He stopped pacing immediately and locked eyes with me. “Is that really what you want?”

“I think it’s for the best given the situation, don’t you?” I replied.

“Damn it Jenna! No I don’t think it’s for the best. That is not at all what I want,” he growled and began pacing again.