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We spent the rest of the night drinking and laughing with the rest of our guests. On the whole it had been a good night and I was glad to have the chance to say goodbye to my friends and family. At the end of the night, I shared a cab home with Livy and Audrey.

I made it home to my almost completely packed up apartment. It was lonely seeing all the boxes stacked up in my living room. Ignoring the feelings of sadness, I got ready for bed and snuggled into my pillow.

I was almost asleep when my phone rang next to me. I looked at the screen and didn’t recognize the number. I answered even though I knew it probably wasn’t a good idea.

“Hello?” I answered groggily into the phone.


It was him. Just hearing him say my name sent unwanted shivers up my spine.

“Please don’t hang up.” he pleaded.

“What do you want Jamieson,” I demanded.

“I…uh…I just wanted to make sure you are okay,” he said cautiously.

I laughed sarcastically. “I am fine. What is it that you really want?”

“Are you fine? Julian said—”

I cut him off. “No you don’t get to call me in the middle of the night asking if I am okay four months after you broke my heart! You didn’t care then and I certainly don’t believe for a second you care now. So spare me the bullshit and tell me why you really called,” I growled through the phone.

He didn’t say anything for a long time and then let out a deep breath. “I’m sorry I called. I just wanted to make sure you were okay.”

“Well I’m great so you don’t need to worry,”

“I know you don’t believe me, Jenna but I do care about you, more than you will ever know. I will always care about you.”

“Forgive me if I find that a bit hard to believe,” I said my voice dripping with sarcasm and bitterness.

“I deserve that and more. I get it but that doesn’t change the fact that I worry about you. Please just take care of yourself,” his voice was desperate which struck me as strange.

“I’m a big girl Jamieson I will be fine.” I snapped back to him.

“I know that. Good luck in law school, Jenna, I know you will do amazing,” he told me and then hung up. What in the hell was that all about?


Call it poor decision-making or call it asking for trouble, but whatever it was I had made the choice to move in with my ex-boyfriend now turned husband. Like Olivia had said over the phone when I told her, “What could possibly go wrong, right?”

I had been there almost a month and things were surprisingly okay. Jamieson had been gone for most of that time. He had to oversee a new business venture in Europe so I had the house to myself pretty much, well minus my new roommates on the first floor. I was quickly learning there was something to be said for having guy roommates. Derrick and Julian may have been messy and load but they were tons of fun too.

The first few days of the move had been intense as Jamieson was still home. He insisted on helping me pack up my apartment and get everything into storage. But after that I didn’t see him much, I figured he was giving me my space. He worked long hours and came home late at night. When he did come home, he locked himself in his bedroom only to reemerge very early to go to work. I was hoping I would only be living there a short time. I was keeping myself occupied sending out as many resumes as I could. I was bound and determined to get another job as quickly as possible. I knew it was my ticket to freedom.

I was sort of dreading Jamieson coming home from his business trip. For the last couple of weeks I had become relaxed in my environment, laughing and joking with Julian and Derrick while watching TV at night. I even was learning to play a little Grand Theft Auto, as Derrick had insisted on teaching me. The guys were a blast and they had really helped take my mind off what a disaster my life had become. I knew that chill and fun environment would change today as soon as Jamieson came home.

“Morning J,” Derrick greeted me as I rounded the corner to the kitchen to grab some breakfast for the day.

“Good morning, Derrick,” I replied to him trying to ignore the fact he was only in his boxers and drinking milk straight from the gallon.

“You know there are glasses you can use,” I suggested, glaring at him.

“Man JW, is this what it’s like to be married? Getting nagged at all the time?”

I hadn’t noticed Jamieson at the far end of the kitchen. He was sorting through his mail dressed in a sharp navy suit.

Jamieson didn’t answer Derrick he just grumbled something inaudible.

“Hi Jamieson. I didn’t know you were home yet,” I said to him.

“I got in early this morning.” he informed me, not looking up from his mail.

I in return tried to ignore his presence and quickly grabbed a banana for breakfast. I had gone to the grocery store when I first arrived but my food stash had been raided several times over by my ill-mannered roomies.

“You still need a ride today, J?” Derrick asked me as he continued to rummage through the fridge for food.

“Yeah I do. You still okay to give me a lift to the farm?”

In a craptackular turn of events, my car broke down a few days ago and was currently in the shop. It was going to be there until at least the end of the week. Derrick and Julian had been kind enough to give me rides when I needed them.

“What happened to your car?” Jamieson stopped what he was doing and looked at us.

“Oh it broke down while I was on the highway a few days ago. I had it towed to the dealership and they are fixing it, but it won’t be ready for a few more days,” I told him.

“You need a ride?” he questioned me.

“No. Derrick said he could take me so I’m okay.” I replied to him.

“I will take you. When do you need to leave?” Jamieson stated sternly.

I looked over to Derrick for help but he just grinned and shrugged his shoulders before abandoning me in the kitchen with Jamieson.

“I can be ready in a few minutes.” I said choking back the last bit of banana.

“Great, I’m ready whenever you are.” He ignored me once again to check his cell phone this time.

I left the kitchen and dashed upstairs to get on my riding clothes. I had told my sister I would come help her ride some young horses today. Since she was pregnant again she no longer could ride the young training horses, it was too dangerous. She had hired an assistant named Grayson a little over a year ago and he was now riding all the horses Jacks couldn’t, but there was still too many to ride in one day. I figured since I was currently unemployed I might as well help out at the farm.

The tension in the truck was palpable. Jamieson had remained his quiet self and it was putting me on edge.

“Do you remember where it is?” I asked him as we drove down the highway toward the farm.

“Yes,” was his only reply.

“Did your business trip go okay?” I asked out of anxiousness.

Again all he said was, “Yes.”

“Where did you go exactly?” I continued my nervous small talk.


“Oh nice! I have always wanted to go. Is it as gorgeous as everyone says it is?” I couldn’t seem to stop my nervous babbling.

“I suppose,” is all he offered in return.

He clearly didn’t want anything to do with me or this conversation which hurt my feelings for some unknown reason. It wasn’t that I really needed Jamieson’s attention, but I found it confusing considering he practically demanded I move in with him.