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I crossed my arms over my chest defensively and turned to watch the rolling pasture land out the window.

We rode in complete silence for a long time until Jamieson broke it. “I’m sorry.”

“It’s fine,” I said still pissed off.

“No it’s not. I’m just having a hard time adjusting to you being around.”

Now I was more than pissed I was offended. Screw him. It was not my idea to move in with him. I can damn well just go to my sisters if that’s how he felt. “I’m sorry. I told you I didn’t want to move in. I can be out by the end of the week.”

Jamieson slowed the truck pulling it over to the side of the highway. “That’s not what I meant.”

“It doesn’t matter, this was a bad idea. I can move in with my sister no big deal. I will just come by and get my stuff later,” I tried to seem indifferent to his rudeness.

“Damn it Jenna that is not what I want!” He yelled slamming his fist into the steering wheel. What the hell?

“Uh, okay then what is your problem, because I’m completely confused. You barely talk to me and you act pissed off all the time. So enlighten me, what is the problem if it’s not me?” I was exasperated with his hot and cold attitude.

Jamieson took a steadying breath and looked over at me with a pained expression. “I want you, Jenna.”

“Jamieson—” I started but was immediately cut off.

“I know you don’t understand because I have made such a mess of everything but I’m still a man, Jenna. Can’t you see that it is hard for me to have you so close but not be able to have you the way I want? It’s torture for me.”

“I…I didn’t realize I guess. I’m sorry,” I said breathlessly at his bold confession.

“It is not your fault, it’s mine,” he protested, sounding defeated.

“Maybe it is best that I just go to my sister’s,” I tried to offer him some relief.

“No. I want you to stay with me. It’s my issue to work out and I promise you I will.” He gave me a half smile of reassurance.

“Okay.” I didn’t really know what else to say, I was more than a little confused by his outburst. I needed time to think about it.

Before he dropped me off at the farm he asked me when I would need a ride home. I told him I would just have my sister or Lukas drive me but he insisted on coming back for me in the afternoon. I was pretty sure he had to work then but I didn’t want to have another argument with him so I just let it go.

“Good Jens, now when you come around this next set of oxers I want you to really urge him forward. Make him climb,” Jacks relayed to me from the middle of the massive outdoor arena.

I was high atop a young dark bay gelding named Harold. I was rusty but it wasn’t completely tragic. I was slowly regaining my senses and balance.

I steered the tall gelding down the long line of fences and we effortlessly cleared them all. I leaned forward patting his neck, slowing him to a walk.

“Nice work. You get along well with him,” she said smiling up at me.

“Thanks. I think I had forgotten how much fun that is.” I told her and unsnapped my helmet.

“You made it look fun,” Jacks smiled at me, holding her growing belly.

I dismounted and led Harold toward the exit. Jacks walked slowly beside me.

“I can’t believe you’re going to have another one soon.” I said pointing to her protruding stomach.

“I know,” she said wide-eyed.

“Well you do make a good broodmare.” I joked.

“Thanks a lot!” She playfully pushed my shoulder as we exited the arena.

Jacks and I both were startled by a car door. I hadn’t noticed anyone pull in while I was riding, I had been so focused.

“Oh look it’s your husband,” Jacks teased.

I just gave her a “you’re not funny look.”

Jamieson walked toward us looking so sexy it hurt to even look directly at him. He was completely out of place in the barn with his trim navy suit on.

“Jacqueline.” he greeted my sister.

“Jamieson,” my sister returned with a hint of snark to her voice. She continued on into the barn and left me on my own to deal with my husband.

“You ready to go?” he asked as he pet Harold’s nose.

“Yes I just need to put him away real quick. I will just be a minute if you want to wait in the truck.” I suggested.

“Are you trying to get rid of me, Jenna?” he asked quickly.

“No, it’s just you’re not really in barn attire,” I told him plainly.

“Clothes can be easily cleaned,” he said before we started walking into the barn.

I put Harold in the cross-ties and began unsaddling him. Jamieson stood close by watching me.

“Here, Jenna let me.” Grayson, Jacks’ new assistant offered from behind me.

“Oh you don’t have to do that.”

“It’s no problem.” He flashed me his bright white smile that complimented his porcelain skin and dirty brown hair.

I stepped aside and let Grayson untack Harold. I patted the big gelding and told him what a good boy he was today.

“That was some impressive riding out there,” Grayson complimented me.

“Thanks, but I think it was mostly all him. I was just a passenger,” I told him sheepishly.

“I doubt that,” Grayson said before disappearing to the tack room with the saddle he had pulled off Harold.

Jamieson cleared his throat reminding me that he was standing right behind me and was likely ready to leave.

“See you tomorrow guys,” I shouted down the barn aisle and turned to follow Jamieson toward his truck.

Jamieson opened the door for me and I climbed up inside the cab. When we pulled out onto the main highway he finally spoke to me.

“You looked like you really enjoyed yourself today.”

“Yeah, I forgot how much I enjoy spending time at the barn riding with my sister.”

“Why did you give it up?” I could tell he was genuinely curious.

“I don’t know. I went off to college and started pursing other things I guess.”

“Why didn’t you start riding again once you moved back to Alabama though?” he continued to press the issue but I wasn’t sure I wanted to tell him.

“I was just too busy,” I offered, hoping he would buy it.

“I don’t think you would have been too busy to do something you clearly love that much.” he looked at me giving me a knowing glare.

“I just had other things I had to focus on,” I tried again.

“He didn’t like it, did he?” Jamieson had always been able to see through me so clearly.

I didn’t respond, instead I just looked forward down the long stretch of highway counting down the minutes until I could get out of the truck.

“Asshole,” Jamieson muttered under his breath.

I sucked in a breath and then let it out. “He said it was a silly hobby. He thought it was a waste of time and money. I don’t really know why I allowed him to keep me from it. Looking at it now I am ashamed at how I compromised myself.”

“I couldn’t imagine keeping you from something you love. You lit up today. I haven’t seen you that way in long time Jenna. It was nice.”

“Thanks.” I didn’t really know what to say to that but Jamieson was right. If you really love someone you don’t keep them from what truly makes them happy. It was just another glaringly obvious sign that Cain never did love me.

After we arrived home, I ate dinner and retreated to my bedroom to shower; I was filthy from the barn. When I stepped out of the shower I heard a light knock on my door. Still draped in my towel I cracked the door open. Jamieson’s heated eyes met mine and I shuddered under his stare.

“Careful Jenna, my resolve is not that strong.” he warned in dark tone.