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“What do you want, Jamieson?” I glared at him.

“I did it again, didn’t I?” he asked quietly.

“Did what?” I sniffed trying to keep my tears back.

“I hurt you again,” he said.

“I just was caught off guard is all,” I tried to make excuses for my emotions.

“Jenna…” he said coming closer to my bed. “I was going to ask you tonight. I was going to do it after we left the bar but when we ran into Trinity it just didn’t seem like the right time. Then Julian just blurted everything out. That wasn’t how I had planned it,” he explained.

“It’s alright. You don’t have to explain anything.”

“Yes I do.” He moved to stand next to me. “I want nothing more than for you to be my date to the wedding.”

He reached his hand out cupping me cheek.

“You do?” I asked.

“Yes of course,” he replied gently. “I’m sorry you were upset this evening. That is not how I pictured this going.”

“It’s alright, I had a good time for the most part,” I told him.

“Well for what it’s worth I had an amazing time. Thank you for agreeing to go on a date with me,” he said still holding me gently.

I blushed under his intense stare.

“Jamieson…” I pleaded but to no avail. He lips met mine and I easily submitted to his greedy kisses.

I got lost in his kisses. Our magical connection kicked in and I was consumed by the need that came over my body. We kissed like we were starved of each other and in many ways I guess that was true.

“Come to my room with me, baby.” He pulled back whispering in my ear.

“I can’t. You know I can’t,” I told him honestly. Just the mere thought of the dark bedroom sent ice water coursing through my veins.

“Please, come with me,” he tried again.

“Not in that room, Jamieson, anywhere but that room,” I pleaded again clawing at his shoulders begging for more kisses.

“Please, I have a surprise for you,” he nipped at my bottom lip. A surprise?

“Fine, but I am coming right back to my room after you show me whatever it is you’re going to show me.”

He lightly chuckled cocking an eyebrow at me, “Okay.”

He grasped my hand, pulling me from the bed and leading me down the hallway to the grand double doors of his bedroom. I sucked in a breath preparing for the memories to flood me once he opened the doors. But to my surprise when he opened the doors I couldn’t even recognize the room I once knew.

“What did you do?” I gasped taking in the room before me.

His bedroom had always been dark and sexy. His massive black bed and matching dark furniture had now been replaced with all crisp white and cream pieces. Even the bedspread was bright whites and grays.

“I made a few changes,” he said walking into the massive room. “What do you think?”

“It’s beautiful,” I was dumbfounded.

“I did it for you, Jenna.” He turned to face me. “I don’t want you to be haunted by the memories of this room any longer.”

“I don’t know what to say, Jamieson.” I was in complete shock. He had done all of this just to make me feel more at ease and I must say it worked. The stunning bright room was heavenly. It no longer reminded me of the bad memories that surrounded me and Jamieson.

“Say that you will stay the night with me, Jenna,” he said boldly.

My head snapped around to look at him but what I saw there I was unprepared for. His eyes were heavy and full of need.

“I…uh…I don’t know.” I fidgeted nervously.

He closed the distance between us and drew me to him. “Please, Jenna I just need to be near you tonight.”

“Okay,” I conceded before I could really think it over.

“Thank you,” he said kissing my forehead.

He released me and I climbed into the massive white fluffy bed. Jamieson walked around to the other side of the bed and removed his shirt and sweats leaving only his boxers on.

“Okay, I didn’t agree to that.” I tried not to stare at his gorgeous body.

“You didn’t have to. It’s just part of the deal.” He grinned at me as he climbed in the bed, pulling me close.

I sunk back against him breathing in his intoxicating cologne. He clutched me closer draping his large arm around me.

“I have missed you, baby,” he whispered into the crook of my neck driving me mad.

“Mmmm…hmmm…” I wiggled my butt closer to him. My resolve was starting to crack and I knew this time I would let it break completely.

I let out a hungry sigh showing my desire for him.

“Fuck it,” He growled flipping me on my back and crouching over me. “I’m done pretending. I need you now, Jenna.”

“Then take me,” I gave him the permission he was desperately seeking.

That is all it took and he ripped open my button-up pajama top exposing my bare chest. He didn’t move immediately he just stared at me for a few seconds, watching me. Then he lightly ran his hand down over my bare breasts making me shudder.

“God you are beautiful, Jenna.” He bent down to kiss my breasts.

I moaned in appreciation and pushed forward allowing him better access. Jamieson took his time though kissing and caressing, making me want more. I had missed this. Jamieson had always been able to drive me completely mad.

I began to try to shimmy out of my pajama bottoms when Jamieson reached down yanking them off in one swift movement. I wasn’t wearing panties so I was completely bare.

Jamieson’s eyes went heavy with hunger and he moved lower down my body. He slipped a hand in between my legs urging them apart. I complied granting him the access he desired. I felt his hot mouth roam over my navel and I tensed in anticipation of where he was headed. He moved my thighs gently apart and settled in between my legs. I felt like I was on the edge of losing it but I knew I hadn’t even come close to that precipice yet.

Jamieson kissed my thighs lightly as he gently ran a finger down my hot center. I moaned in response to his touch. He merely grinned at me before driving his tongue deep into me.

I writhed in pleasure as Jamieson was unrelenting in his pursuit of my pleasure. It didn’t take long and I came for him. I thought maybe that would satisfy him slightly but it didn’t. He stalked up my body like he was hunting prey.

“You have no idea how much I have missed that, baby.”

“I want you, Jamieson.” I blurted out. I wanted Jamieson and I wanted him right that instant.

He reached inside the drawer of the bedside table next to me and I knew he was grabbing a condom. He pulled down his boxers and rolled the condom in place. I watched mesmerized by his nakedness.

“Are you sure Jenna, because this is your last chance to run.” He balanced his weight above me on one arm.

“Yes,” I said closing my eyes tightly.

He cupped my chin with his free hand. “You have to look at me, baby. That is the only way.”

I opened my eyes slowly to be met with his navy eyes intently waiting for me. I watched as something flashed in them and he thrust forward into me. I gasped in shock at his shocking intrusion but he quickly began moving us in rhythm making me forget any initial pain.

He set a slow lazy pace at first, gradually thrusting deep inside of me. I wanted more and let him know by clawing my nails down his back. The thing I had always loved about sex with Jamieson was that he didn’t hold back. He pushed me to my limits and then demanded more. But for some reason he was holding back.

“Jamieson please…” I pleaded nipping his shoulder playfully.

He replied by grabbing both my arms and pulling them above my head pinning me there.

“Is this what you want? Is this what you crave?” he growled in my ear thrusting hard deep into me.

“Yessss. Oh God, yes!” I moaned.

Jamieson groaned in appreciation pounding into me over and over until I lost it. I came hard underneath him and he followed collapsing on top of me.

I wrapped my arms tightly around him holding him close.