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“Sure,” I told him and we lazily walked toward the small white cottage.

It was quaint but it had a beautiful wrap around porch that held an exquisite white wood porch swing. It was rustic yet chic at the same time.

“We are planning on turning this into a cafe for visitors.” He opened the door to the small house, motioning for me to head inside.

I followed him inside and took in my surroundings. There was something special about the space; it had a cozy and comforting feel to it. The walls still hung old black and white photographs. I walked over to examine them.

“It was an estate sale. The farmer passed away and had no remaining heirs so the property was sold with all the contents left in the barn and house. We remodeled the barn obviously but we haven’t started in here yet,” he explained.

“I think you should keep some of this stuff in here. It would make a great country atmosphere while paying tribute to the original owner,” I said examining each picture before me.

“Ethan said the same thing.” He shot me a grin.

“I can envision it perfectly.”

“We are planning to remove the walls and restructure into a restaurant. There are two back bedrooms and one small bath.” He led the way to the back of the house.

I followed him into the first room which was tiny and housed only a small wooden desk. The second room was slightly bigger and it still contained a wrought iron bed with a colorful quilt.

I ran my hand over the bed imagining the farmer’s wife knitting it herself. “This is beautiful.”

“Sure is.”

I looked up to find him staring at me intently. He had been watching me as I examined the space. He stepped closer to me, taking me in his arms.

“Thank you for coming with me today,” he spoke softly.

“Thank you for bringing me here.”

“I can’t wait for our trip to Santo Domingo. I’m really looking forward to some alone time on the beach with you.” He smiled.

“You are huh? Well I haven’t exactly agreed to be your date yet,” I kidded him.

“Like you have a choice,” he smashed his lips to mine.

I moaned as he kissed me deeply. Since our date night our appetites for each other had been insatiable. We couldn’t keep our hands off each other.

“Bend over, baby.” Jamieson drawled in my ear, tipping me forward to hang onto the foot of the iron bed.

“Jamieson I don’t think…” I gasped as he unbuttoned my jeans slipping them down my hips along with my panties.

“I can’t wait Jenna. I need you,” he growled.

I released my hands at an attempt to turn around and face him but he stopped me. “Hands on the bed, sweetheart. This is going to be fast and not gentle at all.”

His words sent bolts of excitement low through my belly. I replaced my hands on the bed in anticipation of what was in store for me.

I heard Jamieson unzip his pants and the thud as they hit the floor. He hadn’t even really touched me and I was in a total frenzy. I was sure the second he did, I would come apart.

I felt him come up behind me. He ran one hand down my hair and settled on the base of neck.

“Hold on tight, Jenna.” He slammed inside me.

“Ahh!” I screamed at the impact.

Jamieson pulled back and pushed forward again into me, this time quicker. He set the pace and I now believed what he told me. This was Jamieson undone; this was the man I remembered all those years ago that could completely own me.

He slammed into me several more times before I screamed as I found my release. Jamieson pulled back unrelenting and slammed into me one last time and then quickly pulled out, his cum shooting on my back.

I had never had a man do that before but I can’t say that it bothered me. There was something incredibly carnal about having him spread his seed on my bare skin.

Jamieson steadied me indicating for me not to move while he grabbed something to clean me up with. He then helped me pull my jeans back in place. When he was done, he pulled me upright and spun me around to face him.

He didn’t say anything at first he just stared at me intently brushing the hair from my forehead.

“I love you Jenna,” he spoke quietly barely above a whisper. “I have loved you for a very long time.”

I closed my eyes as I felt tears prick my eyes. These were the words I had waited over five years to hear. This is what I had wanted all this time. My tears were not out of frustration but of relief. I was so incredibly relieved he had finally told me how he felt.

“I love you too, Jamieson.” I told him back opening my eyes to find his.

He wiped a lone tear from my cheek with his thumb. “I should have told you back then. I should have said it the moment I knew. I wish I could go back in time and do it over.”

“It’s alright,” I said halting his regrets. “You’ve told me now and we’re together. That’s all that matters.”

I watched as something caught his eye and his gaze traveled to my neck. “You kept it?”

He asked lightly touching the round diamond around my neck.

“Yes.” I told him.

“I knew it would look beautiful on you.”

“Thank you for giving it to me.”

He smiled at me making my stomach dip in appreciation. He could turn me own so easily and I’m sure he was well aware of that fact.

“Shall we go?” he asked threading his fingers through mine.

“Alright,” I gazed at him intently.

Jamieson pulled his motorcycle up to my sister’s house an hour later. I had planned on going home to get my own car but I was running short on time after our trip to the winery so he insisted on dropping me off instead.

I hopped off the bike removing my helmet and handing it to him. He removed his own helmet and stood pulling me close to him. He kissed me so tenderly it almost made me dizzy.

“Call me if you need a ride home.”

“I’m sure someone will give me ride home but if they can’t I will call you.”

“Tell your parents hello from me,” he said kissing me one more time before releasing me.

He started the bike as I ran up the stairs to my sisters beautiful country home. I waved just before I opened the door. When I spun around to walk through it I almost ran smack into my sister.

“Oh! Hi there, Jacks. Sorry I’m a little late,” I greeted her.

“I hope you know what you’re doing, Jenna, because it looks to me like you are playing with absolute fire there,” she warned watching Jamieson leave.

I knew Jacks had my best interest at heart but I wish she would back off just a bit. I knew she didn’t get her happily ever with Ethan but that didn’t mean I couldn’t have mine, or did it?


January 16, 2015…

I was drunk. I knew that. I also knew I was well past the point of caring what I said to him. I needed to know why he was in Vegas crashing my Bachelorette party. I needed to know what he wanted and I was hell bent on getting it out of him.

“I’m going to ask you again, Jamieson, why the fuck are you here right now?” I said staring him down from across our private VIP table.

“I think you know the answer to that question,” he replied smugly sipping his whiskey.

“No I don’t! I have no clue why you showed up here so please enlighten me,” I demanded.

He set his drink down on the small white table in front of us leaning forward. “Fine, but not here.”

“I’m not leaving with you,” I folded my arms over my chest in defiance.

“Then I guess you will never know.” He picked up his glass again and leaned back into his seat.

“Ahhh…why are you like this? Fine, let’s go,” I burst out in frustration and stood up, indicating I was ready.

Jamieson stood in return.