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He pulled me against him and kissed me gently. I let his lips caress mine lazily relishing in his touch.

“I love you, Jenna Middleton,” he whispered into my ear.

“I know you do and I love you too, Jamieson Wellington,” I said back to him before pulling his lips back to mine.


Four months later…

“He looks so much like Lukas,” I told my sister as I held her beautiful baby boy. Luke Harrison was born healthy and happy just over a week ago. He had his father’s distinct German features and his Mother’s porcelain skin. He was perfect.

“I know,” Jacks replied smiling at her baby boy as I held him nestled in my arms.

“Babe, do you want to hold him for a bit?” I asked Jamieson who was intently watching me from across the living room of the Jack’s farm house.


I stood up and walked over to where he was sitting. But as I passed in front of the window I noticed an unfamiliar car coming down the long gravel drive toward the house. “Who is that?” I asked.

Jamieson turned to look out the window behind him. “Oh shit.”

“You said a bad word, James!” Libby called out from near the T.V.

“Who is it?” Jacks asked standing up to walk towards the window. Her face instantly said she recognized the car as well.

“I will handle it,” Jamieson assured her as he headed to the front door.

“What is going on? Who’s coming?” I demanded, still holding baby Luke.

Jacks didn’t have time to answer before I saw who emerged from the sleek black SUV.

“It’s Ethan,” Jacks said barely above a whisper.

I watched as Jamieson met his brother at the porch. Jamieson didn’t let him past him. He stood blocking his path. I could see Ethan was not pleased by this.

“What does he want?” I wondered aloud.

“Me,” she gasped.

“Are you going to talk to him?”

“No. Please just get rid of him,” she said taking Luke from my arms and retreating to the back of the house. I knew she was going to her room. Some days she still spent all day alone in there.

I went out on the front porch to see if Jamieson needed my help in handing his brother.

“I need to see her, James,” he pleaded.

“Look Ethan, I know you want to see her, but it’s not a good time. She isn’t ready.” Jamieson told him.

“But she needs me, James. I know she does,” he tried again.

“I’m sorry, Ethan, she doesn’t want to see you,” he told his brother sympathetically.

“Aunt Enna, who’s that?” Libby asked coming out onto the front porch with me.

Ethan must have heard her because he stopped talking to Jamieson and looked past him at the small little girl beside me. He watched her intently for a moment and then backed away from Jamieson.

“Please just tell her I was here,” he said before getting in his car and leaving.

Jamieson watched as his brother drove down the long gravel drive before he joined me and Libby on the porch.

“What was that all about?” I asked him curiously.

“I have no idea but I have the distinct idea it is only the beginning,” he warned, leading us all back inside.

“Where are we going?” I demanded while I sat anxiously in the passenger seat of his big Dodge truck.

“You will see.” He shot me a wide grin.

A few minutes later we pulled up to the winery. He parked the car in front of the small white cottage.

“What are we doing here?”

“I want to show you something,” he told me as he helped me out of the truck.

We walked up the stairs to the little cottage and Jamieson opened the door. Once inside, I could see why he had brought me here. The cottage had been totally remodeled. It was exactly how I had envisioned it. It was a complete open space now with small wooden tables scattered through-out. I could see the kitchen now held the place where the bedrooms use to be.

“Oh Jamieson, this is perfect. It turned out so great,” I told him walking around the space.

It was amazing. The small cottage had been transformed into a perfectly chic country café. The walls still hung many of the original pictures of the farmer and his family. Jamieson had even taken the quilt from the bed and had it hung on the far wall as tapestry.

I was engrossed with the space. I went from corner to corner examining it all. Jamieson stayed near the front door watching me with a smile. I could see he was proud of what he had accomplished.

“I’m glad you like it.”

“Like it? I love it!” I exclaimed.

He laughed and walked over to where I was looking at some pictures that hung near the kitchen.

“Jenna…I need to ask you something,” he said in a serious tone.

His change in emotion caught my attention and I turned to look at him worried at what he had to say. But when I turned around he was kneeling on one knee.

I sucked in a sharp breath of air as it dawned on me what he was doing.

“Marry me, Jenna.” He held up a small red Cartier box.

“Yes,” I said instantly and he jumped up picking me off the ground, twirling me in his arms.

“I love you, baby.” He said with a huge sexy grin.

“I love you too, but can I please see my ring now.” I teased him.

He obliged and handed me the red box. I opened relieved to see the stunning ring I found on my finger months ago. I was mesmerized once again by its beauty.

“I wasn’t sure if you would want a different ring because of what happened,” He said with a hint of insecurity.

I pulled back to look at him. “No, I love this ring. You bought it for me before all the bad things happened between us. It’s perfect. I don’t want a different one.”

“Okay, good.” He smiled back at me.

“Thank you for bringing me here today. I am so proud of all the things you have accomplished although I am surprised you had any time since I have been keeping you from work lately. I’m afraid I have been distracting you.”

I watched as Jamieson’s eyes went from warm and sweet to needy and predatory. “Baby, if you’re a distraction, you are the loveliest one of them all.”

“I am?” I asked coyly before I tore off in the other direction knowing full well he would chase me and I would be the happiest woman on the planet when he caught me. Jamieson Wellington was it for me. He was my other half and there was no escaping him now.


Love & Hate

(Book One: Hate)

Love & Hate

(Book Two: Love)


Faith & Betrayal

(Tess’ Story)

Lovely Despair

(Jacks’ Story)


J.J. Dorn lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband and terrifyingly maniacal cat, Pippa Kiddleton. She currently owns three American Paint Horses. She has been riding and competing since she was a very young child. J.J. competes on a national level with her horses. When she isn’t spending time at the barn, she is busy working on her next novel. For more information please visit www.jjdornbooks.com or find her on twitter @JJDorn1. For sneak peeks into J.J.’s latest projects check out her pinterest account at www.pinterest.com/JJDorn83