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“Thanks guys, but I can’t do that. I need to be honest with Cain. It’s the right thing to do.” I told them with determination.

“Well we will be right by your side the entire time.” Liv and Audrey each took one of my hands. I felt a tear slide down my cheek as our plane propelled us forward deeper into my worst nightmare. Dear Lord, please see me through this.


July 10, 2009…

It had been almost one month since I first stepped foot in Jamieson Wellington’s house. I have been back several times but regardless, I always got extremely nervous driving down that long private driveway.

Tonight he had invited me to come over to watch a movie with him. I knew for a fact the guys were out. Audrey and Olivia were meeting up with them at Havens for drinks. Tonight we had the house to ourselves. Jamieson and I had been on a total of three dates but he had yet to really make a move. He was taking things painstakingly slow and it was killing me. Every second I was with him I waited; full of anticipation for that moment when he would let go of his carefully crafted boundaries. He had kissed me on several occasions but it was always just a gentle greeting or quick farewell. My mind craved more and my body demanded it. I was so tightly wound I felt like I could explode into flames at any moment of the day.

I pulled my car up behind Julian’s large Escalade that was sitting in the driveway. I took a steadying breath, checked my lip gloss in my rear view mirror and pushed the door open. As my eyes drew up toward the house I could feel him watching me. He was on the front porch in a worn pair of jeans and he was barefoot. The second our eyes met I felt my heart rate pick up and my stomach did a huge flip low in my belly. This man does sexy like it is his freaking day job.

“Hey baby,” he said, pulling me to his huge chest and kissing my forehead lightly.

“Hi Jamieson,” I greeted him shyly, hugging him back.

“Are you ready for our movie night?” he asked leading me into the house.

“Yes. What are we watching?” I asked curious.

“I have choices. I’ll let you pick.”

I followed him down the hall to the large living room. He strolled over to the large built-in shelves below the television. He pushed the wooden doors back to reveal row after row of DVD’s.

I perused his collection of movies for several minutes before I found one of my all-time favorite films. I quickly latched onto the case and handed it to him with a smile.

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” he stated, looking at my selection.

“What you don’t like that movie?” I felt a wave of disappointment.

“No. I love this movie. It is my all-time favorite. I just didn’t take you for a Wyatt Earp fan.” He said still looking surprised.

“I’ll be your huckleberry.” I stated with a sexy smile.

“That’s from Tombstone not Wyatt Earp.”

“I know. Tombstone is a close second favorite, but I prefer a Kevin Costner Wyatt to a Kurt Russell Wyatt.” I told him honestly.

Jamieson didn’t say anything he just smiled at me mischievously. When I felt like I couldn’t take it any longer I turned my head to the side, but his large hands grabbed the side of my cheeks and he pressed forward crushing his lips to mine. It took me a half a second to register what was happening before I greedily leaned forward opening my mouth to him. He immediately took control taking ahold of my hip with one of his hands guiding me squarely in front of him. He was ravenous, taking what he wanted from my lips and giving me so much in return. My head was swimming with desire and I loved every second of it. One thing was for sure. I had never in my life been kissed like this and I had a sinking suspicion Jamieson Wellington was the only man on earth capable of such a feat.

Jamieson lightly guided me backward while continuing to madly kiss me. When the back of my calves hit the side of the couch he lowered me to the soft fluffy cushions below. He broke our kiss as he climbed on top of me. His eyes roamed my face studying me. I felt myself get flushed from his intense gaze.

“You continue to surprise me, Jenna.”

A small smile spread on my lips. “Is that a bad thing?”

“Not in the least.” He said before he pressed his lips back down on top of mine.

I was getting drunk his kisses when I felt things take that inevitable shift from casual make-out to lust-filled frenzy.

Jamieson shifted above me sitting up. He lightly lifted the hem of my silk top up my torso. He did it painstakingly slow and I knew it was to give me time to object, but of course I did no such thing. When he lightly tossed my top on to the floor next to us I let out a small gasp. I wasn’t even sure I actually had made a sound until I saw Jamieson’s face. His eyes were hooded with desire as he watched me lying there half-naked on his couch. But it wasn’t just desire that was revealed, his eyes also sparkled with something I had never seen in a man’s eye before, the only way I can describe it was pure rapture.

As that revelation hit me I sprang forward almost attacking Jamieson, pulling at his t-shirt and kissing him with passion. He met my eagerness in stride and helped pull his shirt over his head and tossed it behind the back of the couch. I pulled at my navy blue lacy bra until it too found its way to the floor. The second my breasts were exposed I felt a wave of nervousness at being so revealed, but Jamieson washed all those thoughts from my mind as he lowered his mouth to my rosy nipples. His warm mouth felt like pure ecstasy. I lifted my rib cage and chest up toward Jamieson in appreciation. He received my invitation and hungrily wrapped one of his large arms around my torso locking myself to him. I felt his free hand begin to wander down under my jeans and I stiffened slightly. It was an involuntary reaction more than anything, but it was enough to make Jamieson pause.

“I’m sorry I’m going too fast,” he apologized as he gently pulled his hand out from underneath my jeans.

“No, no sorry it’s just…” What do I freaking say now? No it’s just me?

“Jenna, what is it? Did I do something wrong?” his voice reflected the concern showing on his face.

My heart raced with worry. I didn’t want Jamieson to stop, but I am just not really experienced. Sure I had had sex before, but the grand total of six times that I had done it with my college boyfriend couldn’t have prepared me for this.

“No you didn’t. I’m just I’m not very good at this.” I told him shyly with red growing across my cheeks.

“I don’t really know what that means, Jenna.” Crap what do I say? Do I tell him the truth?

“I just mean…I uh…I am not very experienced is all,” I blurted out.

I didn’t want to look at him but I was curious to see how he would take that information. When I did finally meet his gaze, what I saw shocked me yet again. I had thought I might see confusion or rejection but instead I was met with wantonness.

“I know that.”

“You do?” He did?

“Yes.” Oh great, it was that obvious.

I attempted to retreat backwards on the couch a bit to escape his overwhelming presence.

Two large hands pinned me down halting my movement. “That isn’t a bad thing, Jenna.” He let out a deep sigh and softly glided his hands up to rest on my shoulders. “I knew you were innocent, Jenna. That is part of the reason I was attracted to you the first night we met.”

“Oh,” I replied trying to reconcile what he was saying with my brain.