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“Jenna, are you a virgin?”

His words shocked me at first. He thought I was a virgin? Really? I may not be experienced but I am by no means a virgin.

“No!” I exclaimed.

“I’m sorry. I just had to ask.” Jamieson looked a bit sheepish now.

I didn’t know what to say to him after that. He had thought I was a virgin, which I was not but now I wondered if he was disappointed at that fact. “Look I’m not a virgin but I might as well be one. I have only had sex a handful of times with my college boyfriend.” I couldn’t have screwed this up more if I tried. He probably thinks I am a total spaz and wants nothing to do with my crazy ass. This man can have his pick of women and I can almost guarantee they are playing with a much better skill set than I am.

I reached down to grab my top from the floor, but Jamieson again stopped me. “Look, you can’t say things like that to me, okay?” He reached up and ran his long fingers threw his sandy blonde hair. I yearned to do the same thing but I had dowsed the entire situation with some ice-cold water with my inexperience. “You can’t tell me things like that.” he repeated again.

“Okay…” I was beyond confused. Was he mad that I wasn’t a virgin or that I might as well be one?

He must have noticed my puzzlement because he let out deep sigh and started again. “I can’t hear about you being with another man, Jenna. I don’t ever want to hear about that. While you are with me it is only you and me baby, we are the only ones that exist. Do you understand me?” Whoa, not what I expected.


“For the record you being a virgin wouldn’t have scared me, in fact it probably would have driven me insane, but it also would mean I couldn’t ravage you the way I intend to,” he confessed with the sexiest grin. I felt my stomach plummet to the bottom of my long torso at his words.

He pushed me down so my back was once again flat against the couch as he climbed back on top of me. My mind went completely still as he began kissing me hungrily. I wanted this man. With my ex, I had been more than a willing participant in our limited sexual escapades but—I didn’t crave his touch, I didn’t burn for him, not like I do with Jamieson.

It was that realization that spurred something alive inside me and I began ripping at Jamison’s buttons on his jeans. I was desperate to see all of him and feel his skin on my own. He let out a deep growl and helped me undo his pants. In one fluid movement his pants and boxers were off. A wave of anxiousness hit me as it occurred to me that it was now my turn. Jamieson took his time undoing my jeans and sliding them slowly down my legs. Once he cast them aside next to the couch his eyes settled on my one remaining clothing item, my navy lace thong.

“Are you sure, Jenna?” he questioned, quickly glancing up at me.

“Yes,” I whispered.

He then slipped his fingers inside the waist of my lacy thong and pulled it too from my body. When the cold air from the air conditioning hit me I immediately felt a bit embarrassed, I was more than ready for Jamieson. He had worked me up into a total frenzy that my body had betrayed me and was surely revealing how much I wanted him.

Jamieson wasted no time. He slid down my body settling between my legs. As I realized what he was about to do next panic struck me.

“Jamieson I…I never…” I couldn’t find my words. I couldn’t think at all but I was still nervous as to what was to come.

“I know baby, just relax.” he said simply before his mouth met my pink soft folds. I shuddered from the intensity and the warmth of his tongue.

“Amazing, fucking amazing.” Jamieson muttered softly before thrusting his tongue deep inside of me. I let out a deep gasp in return.

My limited sexual experiences had never included this, but I was quickly seeing what I was missing. It felt amazing and I was positive Jamieson Wellington was more than equipped to show me what the hype was all about.

It didn’t take long for me to feel the incredible burning low in my belly and I knew I was close to being a goner. Jamieson must have known this too because he seemed to only increase his intensity as I climbed higher and higher. When I finally came apart and let go it was the most overwhelming feeling. I had obviously had orgasms before but this was different, there was something primal that broke free in me. I had cracked and lost all control. My body was no longer my own, it was completely Jamieson’s and he knew it.

“You are so gorgeous, baby.” He slid back up my body and reached across me to get something out of the small table next to the couch.

I watched as he pulled a small foil package out of the drawer from the table. He quickly opened it and began rolling it on his incredible length. I hadn’t had time earlier to fully appreciate all of Jamieson before, but now I had a full view of him and all his glory. Looking at him, I felt uneasy as I tried to calculate exactly how his long thick length would fit inside of me.

He noticed my panic because he simply smiled up at me and said “Relax, remember?”

I tried to do as he said but it was difficult. I am not the type of person that can just shut my brain off easily; it seems to always be on overdrive analyzing everything.

“I promise I will make this feel good, baby.”

I felt Jamieson position himself at my entrance and took in a deep breath right before he began pushing inside me. I remembered the first time I had sex and the tight pain that accompanied it. This was thankfully not as uncomfortable but there was a slow burn and tightness as Jamieson intruded his way to my inner depths.

He paused when he was seated completely within me. I let out a labored breath and gripped his back. I was more than ready for him.

“I’m going to move now, okay?” he asked looking deep into my eyes.

“Okay.” I shut my eyes, preparing for the ecstasy that I knew awaited me.

“Look at me, Jenna. I want you to look at me, baby.”

I pried my eyes open and found his hungry eyes waiting for me. The minute our eyes met I felt what I always felt when I looked deep into his beautiful navy eyes; complete desire. It was our own form of silent communication. To an outsider it probably would look like nothing more than attraction between us, but what was truly happening was so much more. Looking back it was even more than I could totally understand.


It was Sunday and I knew he would be home from Vegas finally. I had spent the last two days holed-up in my apartment contemplating my next move. Audrey and Olivia had come over several times to check on me and offer their support, but I knew I would have to go the next step alone. I needed to go see Cain. I had avoided talking to him on the phone because I didn’t want to admit I was home yet. I needed time to think and get a clear plan. I had done that and now I knew the time had come for some serious confessions, but first I needed the engagement ring Cain had given me. I didn’t know for sure if Jamieson had it or not but it was my only hope. There was a chance I may have lost it, but something told me Jamieson had it.

I pulled into that long gated driveway and I felt completely nauseous. The last time I had driven down this road I was fleeing with only tiny scraps of what used to be my heart. I vowed that day I would never return but here I was.

I parked my car and stormed up to the large wooden door punching the doorbell button.

“Well look what the cat drug -in. You bring your stuff?” Julian asked between taking huge bites of his sandwich he was eating.

I glared at him. “Where is Jamieson?”

“Upstairs,” he jerked his head in the direction of the stairs.

I didn’t say anything further I just continued past him and up the stairs.

“Keep it down you newlyweds.” Julian hollered back at me as I made my ascent. So he had told his friends, interesting.