that was Johnny Wells, a child of the gutters, a product of the slum tenements. A good-looking boy who was part man, part animal and 100% good in a girl’s arms. And that was Johnny’s kick. His other buddies, the hungry ones who roamed Manhattan’s Juvenile Jungle, had their ways of making the scene — Ricky who fished guys at the pool table; Beans, who stole and fenced the goods; Long Sam, who was more muscle than brain but needed nothing else as a teen-aged mugger — but with Johnny’s good looks and the personality of a satyr, it had to be women. They wanted him, and he was ready to let them have what they wanted, for a price. So seventeen-year-old Johnny Wells embarked on a new life: a big front, lots of folding money, and a hundred different women. But no life as rotten as Johnny’s could hope to escape—
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