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She gave the rather intimidating bald, tattooed fellow guarding the entrance to Lover’s Knot an uncertain glance and decided to resort to Plan C instead—finding another way in besides sweet-talking her way through the front door. Backtracking to the alley she’d passed earlier, she systematically checked the two side exits and found them aggravatingly inaccessible from the outside. Unlike Jerrick, lock picking had never been her forte. Just as well, considering she didn’t even have a measly compu-card handy to jimmy the locks. She rounded the rear of the building and spied a door propped open with a small wooden crate. Pumping her fist in victory, she ascertained the coast was clear and made a dash for the door.

Judging from the various boxes of packaged foods stacked in the hall, she was on the other side of the kitchen. A quick peek through the doorway confirmed her suspicion. Sneaking by before anyone could spot her, she followed the short corridor, passing several unoccupied rooms that seemed to be nothing more than offices.

The muted, sensual beat of music drifted from the distance, luring her onward. She came to a pair of double doors with large heart cutouts centered in the red, shellacked metal. The cavernous room beyond housed a crowded bar and a dance floor packed with provocatively dressed people writhing together in syncopation to the erotic tune thrumming through the central speakers.

Feeling woefully conspicuous in her frumpy business attire, Avily pushed through the doors and made her way to the bar. Ignoring the few patrons who gave her curious looks, she flagged down the bartender and ordered a Fairy Sex Fizz before snagging a vacant booth in the corner where she could scope the action.

Fifteen minutes into her stakeout, it became all too apparent that the really good stuff was reserved for the non-public rooms. Definitely a hiccup to her plan. Not like it wouldn’t be remotely odd—strolling in on some random stranger getting his ass paddled and asking if she could take notes. Grunting, she took a healthy slug of her cocktail, fortifying herself with liquid courage. Her attention drifted to the bar and locked on a familiar face. She choked, the swallow of Fairy Sex Fizz threatening to reverse course.

Jerrick. What the hell was he doing here? And why now, of all inconvenient times? She watched him engage the bartender in a brief exchange of words, panic welling to the forefront. If he caught her here, guaran-damn-teed he’d send her packing. Then how would she gain the intel she needed? Slouching lower in the booth, she held her breath, willing him to look anywhere but her direction.

Of course her thoughts produced the opposite effect. Leaning his hip against the glossy fiber-optic bar, he shot a hooded look toward the too-brightly lit corner where she huddled. Even from this distance, she detected the subtle shift in his demeanor when his gaze landed on her.

The noisy din in the room drifted into the background, an inconsequential soundtrack to the awareness and tension orbiting through the endless space between them.

Fast as the spell of fascination was woven, it unraveled with one vicious tug when Jerrick straightened with a snap she swore she felt to the marrow of her bones.

Aw shit. He’d moved from surprise and bewilderment over her presence to You’ve got some fucking explaining to do.

She really hated that portion of their encounters.

His posture equal parts rigid and deadly calm, he stalked toward her booth and hauled up short next to her seat, his thick, ink-black lashes nearly obscuring the slit of his gaze. His expression was carved from a substance harder than stone. “Damn it, Avi, what are you doing?”

Feeling like a ninny of epic proportions, she steeled her spine and scooted upright in the booth. “You insisted that I know nothing about sex and places like this. Well, I’m intending to rectify that.”

“Is it your primary goal in life to drive me insane?”

Not purposefully, but she did seem to excel at it.

“How the bloody hell did you even get in here?”

“Kitchen door.”

A growl slipping between his teeth, he slid in next to her, his knee bumping hers. Rather than moving over and granting her a semblance of breathing space, he pressed his thigh into hers. His nearness immediately sent her hormones on buzzing alert. She stared into his eyes, drowning in the mesmerizing azure of his gaze. A fluttery sensation rippled through her tummy. With any other member of the fae—particularly a Maddoc like Jerrick—she might have chalked up her fascination as a byproduct of his fairy sex magic. But oh no, her damnable obsession with him had nothing to do with spells. Though gods knew, that’d be infinitely easier to break than the pathetic reality residing in her heart.

She loved him. And more and more, she feared the impossibility of that status changing.

His gaze trekked around the room, covertly cataloging its occupants. “You’ll have to sneak out the same way you came in. I don’t trust Baldy at the door not to raise a ruckus.”

“I’m not going.”

Another warning growl issued from him that would have intimidated the crap out of a lesser woman.

Okay, she might have been a teensy bit intimidated. But damn if she was budging. She backed up her resolve by taking a slow, deliberate sip of her fruity drink.

His features tightened. “In two minutes I have a meeting with the proprietress, and there is no way in hell I’m leaving you here by yourself, Avi.”

“Hmm, then I guess you’ll have to let me tag along then, won’t you?”

For several nerve-wracking seconds, they engaged in a mute stare down. The ultimate tie-breaker appeared in the guise of a uniformed staff member approaching their table. The man offered a curt nod. “Madam Love will see you now.”

Madam Love? Jeez, that was a bit hokey. Avily automatically scrambled to vacate the booth along with Jerrick when he stood. Judging from his dark glower, he was none too pleased at her shoehorning her way into his meeting. Too bad. That’s what the bastard got for trying to oust her from this gig.

“If you’ll follow me?” Gesturing with his arm, the club employee led them toward the hallway that Avily had recently cased. He ushered her and Jerrick into the largest of the offices.

An eye-popping mural depicting lovers entwined in various erotic embraces took up most of the back wall, but it was the gorgeous blonde woman sitting at an intricately carved borasha wood desk who commanded all attention. She gifted Avily and Jerrick with a dazzling smile and indicated the twin burgundy leather armchairs resting across from her. “Welcome. Please have a seat.”

Jerrick and Avily dutifully obeyed the request, and the woman blatantly appraised them. “Yes, you two are clearly in desperate need of my help.”

Avily blinked. “Pardon?”

The woman steepled her fingers and gave a considering hum. “I’ve seen it before. Too many times. You wouldn’t believe the number of couples who walk through my doors who are in a similar predicament. Constantly taking two steps back while traveling the road to love.”

“I think you have us confused with someone else. Avi and I aren’t a couple. I’m your seven o’clock appointment.” Jerrick cocked his head toward Avily. “Technically she’s not supposed to be here, but Avi has a slight problem listening to direction.”

Somehow she resisted the strong desire to kick him in the shin. “No, I believe you have a major problem trusting that I know what I’m doing.”

Madam Love sighed. “My work is going to be cut out for me with you two.”

“Don’t sweat it. She’s leaving anyway.”