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A husky laugh fell from Madam Love. “Oh, but you will, you handsome liar.” Giving his ass another smack, she tugged on the taut band of the restraints, forcing him to take several shuffling steps.

Something nudged the backs of his knees. He had only a moment to decipher the source of the object before firm hands pressed into his shoulders, coaxing him down. His butt hit a cushioned surface. The spanking bench? “This is a fucking bad idea.”

“I think someone protests too much.” Kissing his perspiration-soaked forehead, Madam Love buckled his bound wrists to the padded bar behind him. “I’ll leave you two to continue this adventure alone. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t.”

Her announcement and its accompanying evil chuckle worked double-time at increasing his agitation. Without the buffer of her presence, his defenses held no prayer of withstanding the devastating allure of Avi. “You’re staying right here, you damnable woman.”

“I have a business to run.”

Goddamn it.” A stream of unflattering epithets fell from him. Judging from Madam Love’s silence, she either didn’t care or had vacated the room.

He got his confirmation a second later when Avi brushed her fingertips over his pecs. “She’s not here, Jer. And I confess to being confused.” She nipped his earlobe, her soft lips and breath making him shiver. “I thought I’m your special, despicable, she-devil tormentress.”

“Trust me, I’m beginning to suspect that the two of you are diabolical twins separated at birth.”

“Then you think I’m capable of pulling off this dominatrix cover?”

He didn’t need to see her face to detect the hope quivering in her voice. “It doesn’t matter what I think. It’s a foolhardy idea.”

“Why? I can make a believer out of them.” Her lips trailed from his ear and kissed a path toward his jaw. He closed his eyes behind the blindfold, his mouth instinctively seeking hers when she ventured past his chin. Rather than comply with his mute request for her lips, she continued her exploration of soft kisses on his opposite cheek. “I can make a believer out of you.”


She stalled the remaining words on his tongue, roping them into submission with her fingers flicking open the top button of his fly. “You’re so big, I can’t even get my hand inside.”

What did she bloody expect? All these sweet kisses and touches were playing havoc with him. Damn miracle he fit in his briefs at all. “Good. Your hand doesn’t need to be anywhere near my cock.”

“I don’t think it agrees with you. In fact, I’m pretty sure it’s dying to come out and say hello.”

Of course it did, blasted thing.

Avi slid her hands to either side of his waist and rucked his jeans past his hips a few inches, easing the pressure against his engorged shaft. The comfort was short-lived. An entirely new brand of tension took its place when she peeled his briefs down and grasped his cock in her hot, eager little hands. The meager amount of oxygen he claimed possession of became trapped in his lungs. She stroked him with fingers that felt far from virginal, leaching his brain of all coherent thought.

“You feel incredible in my hands, Jer. Hard and velvety. Slippery.”

The excitement in her voice provided an additional erotic caress along his nerve endings. He opened his mouth, fully intending to insist she cease this madness, but his shaky groan ghosted free instead. She kissed him then, fully on the mouth, her tongue a sensuous invitation. He greedily gorged on her lips, his teeth desperately scraping their delicate softness as he attempted to swallow her whole. She pulled back, leaving him straining toward her futilely, harsh breaths ripping from him.

Her hands departed in the wake of her kisses, and he waffled between frustration and relief. She was quiet long enough he began to grow wary.

“Damn it, Avi. What are you up to?” He wanted to demand she tuck his cock back in his pants and release him, but admitting his concern at being vulnerable and exposed was less preferable than actually enduring it.

“Just getting something.”

Were there more terrifying words to spill from a woman’s mouth in a moment like this? Recalling the rack of dildos, he instinctively clenched his butt cheeks. He didn’t care if it made him a pussy, he’d damn well scream a bloody fit if she so much as tried to get one of those things near his ass.

The pattern of her uneven breaths marked her return, along with the indisputable proof that whatever she’d fetched had sparked her excitement. And would likely result in him suffering cardiac arrest. He steeled himself for the worst.

A ticklish sensation swirled at the base of his cock, and he reflexively flinched before letting his head fall back with an ungraceful thud as the feathery stroke painted the underside of his dick. “W-what is that?”

“A peacockian feather.” She made a lazy, sweeping gesture over the straining head of his shaft, tormenting him. “Hmm, who knew it’d be this much fun, teasing one cock with another?” Her wicked giggle threatened to do him in. When she tickled his balls, he strained against his bindings, a blue streak of curses tumbling forth. She nibbled his jaw. “I’ve dreamed similar scenarios to this one, but it was always you wielding the feather.”

His overheated flesh sizzled anew at her admission. “I tickled your clit with a feather?”

Her breath grew wispy. “Yes. It makes me wet just thinking about it.”

Even though he knew it would be the death of him, the demand edged past his teeth anyway. “Let me feel.”

“Your hands are bound.”

“Then release me or find another way to show me what that dream feather does to you.”

She fell into a deep silence. For the longest moment he convinced himself she wouldn’t yield to either of his suggestions. Then he detected the distinct rustle of her clothing. His pulse thudded at the captivating possibility that she stood before him naked. More than anything, he despised the encumbrance of the blindfold. He shifted his head, fruitlessly attempting to loosen the knot. “Take this thing off me.”

“No, it’s more thrilling this way.” She settled on his lap and started her torturous swishing of the feather again.

The anguished noise that escaped him sounded foreign to his own ears, as if some wild animal had crept into the room when he wasn’t looking and set up space in his body. “Avi, stop.”

She didn’t comply and instead soothed him with two fingers upon his lips. Her feminine musk filled his sinuses, making him punch drunk. She’d found a way to show him. The feral creature inhabiting him reappeared, and he lustily lapped at her fingers before sucking them into his mouth. She squirmed, her feather strokes on his cock and balls growing restless.

He nipped the pads of her fingers and let them slide free of his mouth. “Paint your nipples with your wetness.”


“Do it.” He nuzzled her palm. “Please.”

“I should make you beg harder than that.”

He almost wept like a babe when her hand drifted from his face and the slick sound of her fingers slipping along her labia tantalized his ears. “My punishment is not getting to see you stroke yourself.”

“You like to watch me do that?”

There was no point in lying when the ramrod stiffness of his cock clearly ratted him out. “More than you could imagine.”

“Poor, Jer. I feel quite evil depriving you the sight. However will I make it up to you?”

“Your tits in my mouth would be an excellent start.”

“What a positively crude thing to say.”

“You know you love it.”

She sighed. “I do. I love everything about you. But you already know that.”

He tensed.

“It’s okay. I’m not looking to spoil the moment with silly professions of love that you don’t want to hear.”