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Given his track record with the fairer sex, there was no way in hell he was slipping down that treacherous slope. He’d made a point to avoid virgins his entire life for precisely that reason. The fact that Avily just so happened to be the little sister of the woman who’d destroyed his heart had only reinforced his resolve.

“Yeah, whatever.” The hurt lurking in Avily’s green irises belied the bored disinterest she aired. “Sorry to tell you this, but you came all the way here for nothing. I’ve got too much going on right now to help you, even if I was willing. Which I’m not.”

He took in the stubborn set of her chin and steeled himself for a major display of groveling. A noise sounded behind him. Glancing over his shoulder, he spotted Lex poking his head through the doorway.

“There you are. I was beginning to think I’d lost you.”

If only I could be so lucky. “I told you to wait outside.”

Jerrick’s curt reminder fell on deaf ears. Lex scooted his glasses up the bridge of his nose and grinned. “Wow. Easy to see why you wanted her to be your bitch instead of me.”

He should have killed Lex while he had the chance. “Tarker, I advise making yourself scarce. Now.

Giving a loud gulp, Lex scurried off. Holding his breath, Jerrick turned and met Avily’s fulminating glare.

“What the hell was he implying?”

“Not what you think.” He gave a low cough. “For the most part.”

She tapped her foot, the small motion carrying enough menace to put any sensible male on high alert. “Care to explain?”

“Only if you promise not to kick me in the balls.”

She rolled her lips in a tight line. “We’ll see.”

Her compromise was better than he’d expected. Flipping open his jacket, he pulled the ad from his pocket. Shooting him a suspicious glance, Avily plucked the paper from his outstretched fingers. She dropped her gaze and choked. “What the—?” Her stare jumped to him, bright and accusing. “This is your idea of an explanation? In what warped universe?”

Tweaking the bridge of his nose, he exhaled wearily. “Maybe I should fill in a few blanks.”

“You think?”

He gestured to the paper waving in her grip. “I need you to get me inside. It’s part of the job I was telling you about.”

“Do I even want to know what this place is?”

“Probably not.” He rubbed his forehead, digging hard into the ridge of his brow. The tension sitting there refused to budge. “It’s a sex club. Heavy into the master-and-slave scene.”

“If you think I’m going to play your slave, you’re out of your damn mind.”

Begging had never been his strong suit. It didn’t sit well on him to depend on others for anything. He’d suffered through too many disappointments and back stabbings to hang his trust or hope on anyone. But if he didn’t gain her cooperation on this, they were both fucked. “You’re my last hope. The only way I can get into that club is if I have a female human with me.”

“Why do you need in there? Granted, you’ve been involved in some bizarre jobs before, but nothing like this.”

“I don’t have the details to provide at this point.”

Suspicion hooded her eyes. “You just don’t want to tell me.”

Sooner or later he’d have to fill her in on the events that’d led to his taking on this heist, but not until he determined how to do it without revealing precisely how big a role she played in all of it. Hell, if there was a way of keeping her from ever finding out he was doing this to protect her, all the better.

Avily continued glaring at him for a long, silent moment before eying the paper in her hand. Deciding to risk any wrath she might unleash on his vulnerable privates, he stepped beside her and caressed her arm. She visibly stiffened and jerked her head up. Their gazes crashed into each other.

A lifetime passed before she took a shaky breath and licked her lips. The slow, enticing drag of her soft pink tongue riveted him. His cock thickened behind his fly, and he smothered a curse. Even now, with his fate—and hers—hanging on a precarious thread, his desire for her was as ill-timed and impossible as ever.

Avily’s attention flicked to the printout. “You said this is a slave-and-master club, right?”

He willed his head back into the game and away from the tempting visual of Avily garbed in a skintight leather corset and on her knees in front of him, his aching cock buried in her mouth. “It’s simply a job. Like any other we’ve done in the past.” Or not. “Don’t let it freak you out.”

“Oh, I’m not freaked out about it. At all.”

He blinked. “You’re not?”

“No. In fact, I’ve decided I’ll do it. But only on two conditions.”

Her unexpected capitulation floored him to the point it took a moment to track down his voice. “Go on.”

“This is the last time you ask for my help. Ever. That life is behind me. Main reason I’m doing this is to clean the slate between us once and for all.”

He nodded. “Done.”

Her expression shifted into the territory of sly and calculating. “The other reason I’m doing this is to settle a few things between us as well.”

Wariness fell over him. “How do you mean?”

She held up the photo. Her eyes twinkled with far too much calculation and wicked retribution. “Let’s put it this way, there’s only one of us here who’s gonna look extra charming in the ass-less chaps and collar. And it sure as hell isn’t me.”

Chapter Five

Witnessing Jerrick’s rattled look almost made up for him waltzing into her life and turning her world topsy-turvy with one tiny crook of his finger. In all the years she’d known him, he’d rarely become flustered by anything. Knowing she’d managed the near impossible? Best feeling ever.

He crossed his arms over his chest. “I understand your need to enact some kind of twisted revenge on me, but we both know there’s no way in hell your version will work.”

“Why? I’m as perfectly capable of bossing you around as you are of me.”

Those insufferably arrogant eyebrows of his winged upward. “Oh really?”

“Sure. How hard can it be?”

“You realize what goes on between a Dominant and a submissive, right?”

“I’m not naïve. I do have some experience with these things.” Holy hell, why did I say that? Talk about the most ridiculously untrue statement in history. Damn him and his condescending smirk, making her blurt out stupid-ass stuff.

Jerrick’s trademark scowl descended into place. “What, precisely, did you mean by you have experience with these things?”

It was tempting to lie through her teeth again and concoct an insane story involving a stable of adoring slave men who catered to her every whim, but no doubt Jerrick would see through that big, fat, hairy fib. “I meant in general. I’m not completely innocent to the ways of the world.”

A fraction of the fierceness eased from his features. After an aggravating period of silence where he scrutinized her with that hooded expression he so excelled at, he narrowed his eyes and stepped closer. “Fine. Then command me to do something.”