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While the fire raged within her stone room, he had picked up his father and taken the male out to the grave. After the blaze had devoured what it could reach in the basement, Phury had swept up the ashes that were left and placed them in a large bronze urn. There had been a lot of them, because he’d burned the mattress and bedding along with her.

The urn went next to his father’s head, and then he had shoveled loose dirt on the top of them.

He’d burned the whole house down after that. Burned it flat to the ground. It was cursed, the whole place, and he was sure that even the fierce temperature of the flames hadn’t been enough to cleanse the infection of bad luck.

As he’d left, his last thought had been that it wouldn’t be long before the ivy covered up the foundation.

Sure you burned it all, the wizard said in his head. But you were right, you didn’t make the curse go away. All those flames didn’t cleanse them or you, did they, mate. Just made you an arsonist as well as a failed savior.

Putting out the blunt, he wadded up the drawing, attached his prosthesis, and went to his door.

You can’t run from me or the past, the wizard murmured. We’re like the ivy on that plot of land, with you always, covering you up, blanketing the curse that is upon you.

Throwing out the drawing, he left his room, suddenly frightened of being alone.

As he stepped out into the corridor, he nearly plowed over Fritz. The butler leaped back in time, protecting a bowl of… peas? Peas in water?

Cormia’s constructions, Phury thought as what was in the doggen’s arms sloshed around.

Fritz smiled in spite of the near miss, his wrinkled, rubbery face pulling into a happy grin. “If you are looking for the Chosen Cormia, she is in the kitchen, taking her Last Meal with Zsadist.”

Z? What the hell was she doing with Z? “They’re together?”

“I believe the sire wished to speak with her privately about Bella. That is why I am doing chores elsewhere in the house at the moment.” Fritz frowned. “Are you all right, sire? May I get you anything?”

How about a head transplant? “No, thanks.”

The doggen bowed and went into Cormia’s room, just as voices drifted up from the foyer. Phury went to the balcony and leaned over the gold-leafed rail.

Wrath and Doc Jane were at the foot of the stairs, and Jane’s ghostly expression was as strident as her voice.

“-ultrasound technology. Look, I know it’s not ideal, because you don’t like people on the grounds, but we don’t have a choice here. I went to the clinic, and not only will they not accept him, they demanded to know where he was.”

Wrath shook his head. “Christ, we can’t just bring him-”

“Yes, we can. Fritz can pick him up in the Mercedes. And before you argue with that, you’ve had those trainees coming to the compound every week since last December. He won’t know where he is. And as for the glymera shit, no one needs to know he’s here. He could die, Wrath. And I don’t want that on John’s conscience, do you?”

The king cursed long and low and glanced around, as if his eyes needed something to do while his head churned over the sitch. “Fine. Arrange for the pickup with Fritz. The kid can have the test and the operation, if need be, in the PT suite, but then he has to be transported back out ASAP. I don’t give a rat’s ass about the glymera’s opinions, what I’m worried about is precedent. We can’t become a hotel.”

“Understood. And listen, I’m going to want to help Havers out. It’s too much for him to set up the new clinic and care for patients. Thing is, it’s going to involve some days off-site for me.”

“Vishous okay with that security risk?”

“Not his call, and I’m telling you only out of courtesy.” The female laughed dryly. “Don’t give me that look. I’m already dead. It’s not like the lessers can kill me again.”

“That is so not funny.”

“Gallows humor is part of having a doctor in the house. Deal with it.”

Wrath barked a laugh. “You are such a hard-ass. No wonder V fell for you.” The king grew serious. “But let’s be perfectly clear. Hard-ass or not, I’m in charge here. This compound and everyone in it is my deal.”

The female smiled. “God, you remind me of Manny.”


“My old boss. Chief of surgery at St. Francis. The two of you would get along beautifully. Or… maybe not.” Jane reached out and put her transparent hand on the king’s thick, tattooed forearm. As the contact was made, she became solid from head to toe. “Wrath, I’m not stupid, and I’m not going to do anything precipitous. You and I want the same thing, which is for everybody to be safe-and that includes members of the species who don’t live here. I’m never going to work for you, or anybody else, because that’s not my nature. But I’m sure as hell going to work with you, okay?”

Wrath’s smile was full of respect, and he nodded once, the closest the king ever came to a bow. “I can live with that.”

As Jane took off in the direction of the underground tunnel, Wrath looked up at Phury.

He said nothing.

“That Lash you were talking about?” Phury asked, hoping the kid had been found or something.


Phury waited for a name. When the king just turned and hit the stairs, his long, calm stride eating up the distance two steps at a time, it was clear none was coming.

Brotherhood business, Phury thought.

Which used to be yours, the wizard was kind enough to point out. Until you lost your napper.

“I was coming to find you,” Phury lied, going over to his king and deciding that an unofficial report about what had happened at the clinic was clearly unnecessary by this time. “There are a couple of Chosen who are going to be stopping by here. They’re coming to see me.”

The king’s brows sank behind his wraparounds. “So you completed the ceremony with Cormia, huh. Shouldn’t you be seeing the females over on the Other Side?”

“I will soon enough.” Shit, wasn’t that the truth.

Wrath crossed his arms over his heavy chest. “I heard you manned up at the clinic tonight. Thanks for that.”

Phury swallowed hard.

When you were a Brother, you were never thanked by the king for what you did, because you were just carrying out your duty and your job and your birthright. You might get an attaboy for kicking ass, or some awkward, testosterone-scrambled sympathy if you got cracked and were hurt… but you were never thanked.

Phury cleared his throat. He couldn’t get you’re welcome out, so he just murmured, "Z was on top of everything… and so was Rehv, who happened to be there.”

“Yeah, I’m going to thank Rehvenge as well.” Wrath turned toward the study. “That symphath is proving useful.”

Phury watched the double doors slowly close, the pale blue room beyond getting shut out of his sight.

As he himself turned to go, he caught sight of the majestic ceiling of the foyer, those warriors so proud and true.

Now he was a lover, not a fighter, wasn’t he.

Aye, the wizard said. And I bet you’ll be just as bad at the sex. Now go run along and find Cormia and tell her how you like her so much you’re benching her. Look into her eyes and tell her that you’re going to fuck her sisters. All of them. Every one of them.

Except her.