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She punched the pillow and rolled over, ready to scream.

Vishous was not a happy camper as he pulled on his dagger holster. He was distracted, vaguely pissed off, achy as shit, in desperate need to have a smoke and collect his marbles before he went downtown. He felt totally off center, like he had a heavy duffel bag hanging off one shoulder.

"Vishous! Wait!" Jane's voice came from upstairs just as he was going to dematerialize, "Wait!"

Her footsteps bounded down the stairs and she whipped around the corner, his shirt dwarfing her, the tails hanging down almost to her knees.


"I have an idea. It's crazy. But it's also smart." With high color in her cheeks and her eyes lit with purpose, she was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. "What if I moved in with you?"

He shook his head. "I want you to, but-"

"And functioned as the Brotherhood's private surgeon."

Holy… shit… "What?"

"You really should have one on-site. You said there are complications with that Havers guy. Well, I could solve them. I could hire a nurse to assist, upgrade the facilities, and be in charge. You said there are at least three to four injuries a week within the Brotherhood, right? Plus, Bella's pregnant and there well probably be more babies in the future."

"Jesus… you would give up the hospital, though?"

"Yeah, but I'd get something in return."

He flushed. "Me?"

She laughed. "Well, yeah. Of course. But there's something else."


"The chance to systematically study your race. My other great love is genetics. If I got to spend the next two decades fixing you boys up and cataloging the differences between humans and vampires, I'd say my life had been well served. I want to know where you came from and how your bodies work and why you don't get cancer. There are important things to be learned, Vishous. Things that could benefit both races. I'm not talking about you guys as guinea pigs… Well, I guess I am. But not in a cruel way. Not in the detached way I was thinking of before. I love you and I want to learn from you."

He stared at her and did a whole lot of not breathing.

She winced and said, "Please say y-"

He crushed her against his chest. "Yes. Yeah… if it's okay with Wrath and you're cool with it… yes."

Her arms went around his waist and squeezed hard.

Holy shit, he felt like he was flying. He was whole, complete, solid in his head and his heart and his body, all his little boxes arranged properly, that Rubik's Cube in out-of-the-wrapper, perfect condition.

He was about to get sappy when his phone went off. With a curse he undipped it from his belt and barked, "What. Jane's. You want to meet me here? Right now? Yeah. Fuck. Okay, see you in two, Hollywood." He clipped the RAZR shut. "Rhage."

"You think we'll be able to swing a move-in for me?"

"Yeah, I do. Frankly, Wrath would be much more comfortable if you were in our world." He ran his knuckles down her cheek. "And so would I. I just never thought you'd give up your life."

"Not giving it up, though. Living it a little differently, but not giving it up. I mean… I really don't have many friends." Except Manello. "And there's nothing tying me down-I was prepared to leave Caldwell for Manhattan anyway. Plus… I'm just going to be happier with you."

He looked her face over, loving the strong features and the short hair and the piercing forest green eyes. "I never would have asked you, you know… to blow everything you have here away for me."

"That's only one of the reasons I love you."

"Will you tell me the others later?"

"Maybe." She slipped her hand between his legs, shocking the shit out of him and making him gasp. "Might show you, too."

He covered her mouth with his and pushed his tongue into her as he backed her up against the wall. He didn't care if Rhage waited on the front lawn for an extra-

His phone went off. And kept ringing.

V lifted his head and looked through the window by the front door. Rhage was on the front lawn, phone to his ear, staring back. The brother made a show of checking his watch, then flashing his middle finger at V.

Vishous pounded a fist into the Sheetrock and stepped off from Jane. "I'm coming back at the end of the night. Be naked."

"Wouldn't you rather undress me?"

"No, because I'd shred that shirt, and I want you sleeping in it every night until you're in my bed with me. Be. Naked."

"We'll see."

His whole body throbbed at the disobedience. And she knew it, her stare level and erotic.

"God, I love you," he said.

"I know. Now run along and kill something. I'll be waiting for you."

He smiled at her. "Couldn't love you more if I tried."


He kissed her and dematerialized out front to Rhage's side, making sure some mhis was in place. Oh, great. It was raining. Man, he'd so much rather be cozied up with Jane than out with his brother, and he couldn't help but shoot a short-stack glare at Rhage.

"Like another five minutes would kill you?"

"Please. You start down that road with your female and I'll be here until summer."

"Are you-"

V frowned and looked at the condo next to Jane's. The garage door was jammed halfway up, the glow of brake lights revealed. There was a slam of a car door then on the breeze the faintest scent of sweetness drifted over, like powdered sugar had been sprinkled in the cold wind.

"Oh… God, no."

At that very moment Jane threw open her front door and came running out, his leather jacket in her hand, his shirt flowing behind her. "You forgot this!"

It was a hideous hole in one, a revelation of all the pieces he'd seen only fragments of: The dream had arrived in real life.

"No!" he screamed.

The sequence played out in a series of seconds that lasted centuries: Rhage looking at him as if he were crazy. Jane running over the grass. Him dropping the mhis as fear overwhelmed him.

A lesser ducking out from under the garage door with gun drawn.

The shot made no sound on account of the silencer that was in place. V lunged for Jane, trying to shield her body with his. He failed. She was hit in the back, and the bullet came out the other side, busting through her sternum, going into his arm. He caught her as she fell, his own chest blazing with pain.

As they crumpled to the ground, Rhage tore off after the slayer, not that V really noticed. All he knew was his nightmare: Blood on his shirt. His heart screaming in agony. Death coming… but not for him. For Jane.

"Two minutes," she said between gasps as her hand flopped onto her chest. "Got less than two… minutes."

She must have been hit in an artery and knew it. "I'm going to-"

She shook her head and grabbed his arm. "Stay. Shit… not going… to…"

Make it… were the words she was going to say. "Fuck that!"

"Vishous…" Her eyes watered, her color draining fast. "Hold my hand. Don't leave me. You can't… Don't let me go alone."

"You're going to be fine!" He started to pick her up. "I'm taking you to Havers's."

"Vishous. Can't fix this. Hold my hand. I'm leaving… oh, fuck…" She started to weep while gasping. "I love you."


"I love…"


Chapter Forty-eight

The Scribe Virgin looked up from the bird in her hand, sudden dread startling her.

Oh… wretched happenstance. Oh, horrid destiny.