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“Happy New Year.”  he mouthed to himself.  If people only knew about the secret dealings that occurred day in and day out all around the world, most would never leave the safety of their homes.  Joplin raked his free hand through his hair, then he stepped out of the stairwell, taking the hallway to the main lobby.  He passed the doorman, who smiled at him while sharing a bubbly drink with another employee.  They ignored him, returning to their impromptu celebration; welcoming in the New Year.  Joplin strode pass them, exiting the large high rise, using the front entrance.  Noise from the clanging bells filled the air.  It was a celebration of new beginnings.

He strolled down the sidewalk, passing a woman whose eyes were filled with tears.  He didn’t stop to ask if she needed his help.  Today there would be many tearful people, mourning the loss of friends and loved ones, but for most the world will reset as if these people never existed.  As for him--he would go home, shower, then change into a fresh set of clothes.  He held no emotions for what he had done and his only regret was that he’d not planned for the deaths of Dash and the woman in Tollin’s apartment.  He disliked loose ends but in this instance, he’d been left with few options, leaving improvisation as his remaining choice.  Regardless of the outcome...or the fallout, he’d done what he’d been paid to do.  As it concerned Tollin Pettier; that kill had been duly served.   And the others--their lives held little value because on one point Dashiell had been correct.  In the end, he would classify them as collateral damage.  In laymen's terms, this amounted to one phrase “wrong place--wrong time”--not his problem.


Chapter 2

11:37 Am

Morpheus Gustafson’s,

Annual Celebration

Fawn wobbled down the hallway, and each step looked like a gymnasts endeavoring to master the balancing beam. During one of her steps, she’d misjudged the distance; wedging a tight fit of her stiletto snuggly in the hem of her gown.  She was on the verge of falling face first and from behind, Bolden had noticed her struggle.  He sped up his pace reacting fast, bracing her back to prevent a tumble and she’d wrongly misinterpreted his touch.  Fawn cursed at him.

“Take your fucking hands off of me.”

Aggravated by her rant, Bolden shook his head, and he’d decided that he might have been better off had he allowed her to fall.  He considered this when he shot back his response.

“Fine...next time, I’ll just let you fall...and we’ll see how silly you’ll feel then.”

Her speech was slurred when she carelessly hurled an accusation.

“Oh...I bet you’d love that.  Big man like you would love to see his sister fall flat on her ass.”

She hiccuped, then added...  “Jackass.”

Bo glowered, because if he was a jackass, then she was a calculating bitch.  As far back as he could recall, Fawn had always schemed to undermine him.  He stalked into the room behind her, slamming the door once he’d been assured that they were indeed alone.

He spread his feet apart, matching the width of his broad shoulders.  Bolden was annoyed--and every rattled nerve was fast approaching a frenzied rage.  He didn’t hold back when he shouted...

“I didn’t come here to get dicked around.  You said that you’d take me to dad.  So...where is he?”

“What?  Did I say that?”  She was feigning mock surprise.

“Stop fucking with me Fawn.

“Oh...stop being so melodramatic.”

“Melodramatic!”  Bolden fumed, when he said...

“Where is our father Fawn?  Where is dad?”

“Why are you in such a hurry?  Think you’re to good to socialize?”

From the moment Bolden had arrived at his father’s home, he’d been on edge, mainly because he’d been greeted at the door by his plotting, scheming, good for nothing half-sister.  Her welcome had made him feel like he was the Gustafson’s returning prodigal son.  Then she topped off their reunion by dishing up a heaping load of her usual bullshit.  He didn’t need this; her or any of her snide jealousy crap.  What had he been thinking when he persuaded himself to come.

The room was silent, except for the other sounds in the house.  A pounding beat played in the background.  Dueling sounds of drums, bass and treble rode waves, vibrating walls and chandeliers.  The house was filled with dignitaries, city and state official’s, contractors; all assembled to celebrate New Year’s Day.  Bolden had not seen his father in years and before arriving, he had prepared himself to deal with his half-sister no matter what she did or said.  And here he was--horn locked, reliving the same old childhood squabbles.  Bolden shook his head.  He tried to refrain from drudging up the past.  Bo’s voice held a warning tone, when he said...

“Fawn...I’m not interested in meeting any of dad’s friends, so it wasn’t necessary to point me out to them.  I have no interest in dad’s business or his affiliations.”

“You talk as if dad’s work is unmentionable.  Business--affiliations...  What in the hell is that supposed to mean.”

“Arms deals...that’s what I mean.  His companies do not discriminate and they will sell to the highest bidder--with no care for the outcome.  I won’t involve myself with that.”

“Oh pshaw!  Listen to mister high and mighty.  Can’t get his hands dirty cause, he’s a big important attorney.  Mr. Upholder of the law...did you ever consider the fact that our father has other companies that don’t involve armaments”

Fawn giggled while she walked unsteadily in the direction of the bar.

Bolden cleared up the confusion, but he doubted if her head would grasp hold of the information.

“Yes, I am aware...but as an attorney I am an officer of the law and I don’t want to involve myself with anything that might be called into question.”

Fawn held onto the bar to maintain her balance when she said...

“Sounds to me like you’re calling our father a crook.  You don’t think that he’s capable of doing business aboveboard.  You have such a suspicious nature.”

“It’s necessary--especially when I’m forced to be in your company.”

Fawn narrowed her eyes when she said...

“For the record brother, let’s get something straight--as far as I’m concerned, you never have to be in my company.  I know that you don’t like me; and the feeling is mutual.  And our father is a better man than you’ll ever be.”

“Thanks for clearing that up.”

Bo paced the room, watching his soused sister sloshing dark liqueur in a short stubby glass.  She gulped a swallow and he considered that perhaps he should abandon this visit.  If his father was in this oversized mansion, he hadn’t seen him, and he doubted if his sister would be of any help to him.  He was prepared to leave when his attention was drawn to her.  She said...

“Do you know why daddy asked you here today?”

“Fawn--it’s New Year’s Day--it’s a holiday.”

“Is that the reason you think you’re here?  After all this time--after everything that happened the last time you were here in the city...”

Fawn was referring to the big blowout between father and son.  Words had been spoken and when the dust had settled; father and son had parted ways, each refusing to reconcile their differences.  For the past two years, Bolden had lived his life accepting that perhaps their relationship would never be repaired.  But when his father had called him, inviting him to his home; Bolden had been stunned, when he heard a response that amounted to him acquiescing.