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Bolden was walking towards the exit when he heard his sister say...

“Let him go dad...Bo is just being Bo.  He isn’t happy unless the world hums to his tune.”

She sipped her drink, and Bo wondered if she could get any drunker.

“If he doesn’t want to be here...let him go.  He’s a conformist.”

Bo corrected her when he said...

“You mean nonconformist.  A conformist is a person who accepts established practices. A nonconformist goes his own way, and he doesn’t accept prevailing ideas or practices.”

Fawn smirked when she said...

“Conformist...nonconformist...it all amounts to the same thing and each word can spin either way.  Bottom-line--you want to leave--so go.”

It was all Morpheus could do not to laugh--or to choke some much needed sense into his daughter.  This duplicity was strange because on one hand, he admired his daughters unbridled spunk--then on the other hand, she was like a vulture--poised to dive right in, at the moment of death.  Fawn fortified her confidence by exploiting the weaknesses of others.  She would take her brother’s strengths then use these very assets against him.  But he’d heard enough, and he wouldn’t tolerate her fool-play--at least, not today.  The time had come for discussions.  The time had come to heal old wounds.  Hostilities had spoiled their relationship and Morpheus took the first step, because he’d decided to be the bigger man.

“Fawn--go see to our guest.  And be a good friend to that young lady...”  Morpheus snapped his fingers, trying to recall the name.  Fawn frowned when she said...


“Yes--Cynthia.  I understand that she’s upset over something concerning her boyfriend--is that right?”

Fawn rolled her eyes when she said...

“It’s New Year’s Day daddy.  Who isn’t upset over a boyfriend--especially when that boyfriend is a simpleton like Dashiell Wrightly.”

“Fawn--you’ve said enough”

Morpheus raised his voice, asserting a firmer tone when he warned his daughter.  He chided her saying...”Leave.  Go be a good friend to Cynthia.  And be grateful that you aren’t experiencing the same disappointment.”

Fawn stared at him but her gaze had been a short one.  She knew her father better than most, and he wasn’t known for dispensing idle threats.  She didn’t waste time leaving, but she made a point to nail her brother with a blazing glare.  She hated Bo because he and his mother  purposely avoided her and every other member of the Gustafson’s family.  When she turned, her flowing gown lifted with the wind, then the train swept the floor as she ambled out at a slow pace.  She left the room, slamming the door when she was on the other side.

Morpheus was a complicated man and few people fully understood him.  He was a brilliant arms dealer, possessing the temperament to manage this type of enterprise; as well as a large assortment of industrial and real estate investments.  If need be, he could be a liar, immoral, a cheater and if all else failed, he would do unto others, before they did unto him.  He was no different from his father or his grandfather where business was concerned and the time had come for Bo to reconnect with this side of his family.

Morpheus changed the topic, taking their conversation, in another direction.

“Bo...your mother is here.  When we spoke, why didn’t you tell me that she’d be joining you?”

Bo defensively said...

“It was last minute.  Really last minute.  I was walking out of the house when she called out to me, requesting that I wait for her.  Frankly, I didn’t even know that you’d invited her.”

“Bo...son.  Your mother and I have a long history.  She’s always welcomed with or without an invitation.  She knows this...in spite of the fact that she’s never taken me up on the offer.  So you can see why I’m puzzled.”

As a young boy, Bolden had learned not to ask his mother questions concerning his father.  When he’d been old enough to understand, his mother had summed up their relationship using two words; brief and stormy.

Morpheus cleared his throat when he said...

“I just asked because...well, I was surprised to see her.” He edged furthering asking....

“Is she dating...? I only asked because...there’s a guy hovering by her side.”

Bolden frowned, when he said...

“She has been seeing someone regularly, but he didn’t ride with us.  I can only guess that mom extended your open invitation to include him.  Of course, I’m just speculating, because I really don’t have an answer.”

Bo was rambling, mainly because it felt strange discussing his mother with the man who’d once been her lover.   Morpheus could see that talking about Mikita had struck a cord with his son and the note had not been a harmonious one.

They were talking and he wanted to keep the conversation on an even keel.  He said...

“Bo...if you’d prefer it, we don’t have to talk about your mother.  Mikita and I have a past and most of those memories don’t involve you.”

He pointed to a chair nearest him, then he said...

“Please...sit. Don’t be so formal.”

Bolden couldn’t understand his nervousness, given that this man was his father.  Even so, he’d grown up learning about his father’s darker side, listening to the rumors of others.  He’d learned that his father was the kind of man that most people would never consider saying no to.  He supposed with a history like that, what child wouldn’t be afraid of him.  And to date, that portrait of his father hadn’t changed.

“Have a seat son.”  Morpheus said, using a gentle voice.  Bolden chose the seat to his left.  Only a few seconds passed when his father said....

“You graduated at the top of your class, and you passed the Bar on your first try.  That’s cause for celebration.”

“Just another test.  No cause for celebration.”

Bo inclined his head, and his father didn’t question his modesty.  Bolden had always been an ‘A’ student, and he’d assumed that he’d approached that test, as if it were no different from any other exam he’d ever studied for.  Morpheus decided to make light of the accomplishment, mirroring Bolden.  He directed his concerns towards the future.

“So...I understand that you’ve accepted a position at a law firm in Denver.”

“Yes--that’s right.”

The room went silent, and it didn’t pass his notice that his father had not mentioned the name of the firm.  This could mean one of two things; Morpheus already knew the name of the law firm--or he didn’t care.  Of these two options, neither was good.

His musing was interrupted by his father, when he said...

“Son...I don’t mean to pry but...well...have you considered other choices?”

His father was a crude man and he felt the beginnings of his interference.

Morpheus continued when he said...

“Son...I’d like you to consider something.  Actually...I’d like you to consider a job opportunity.”

Bo was shaking his head, when he said...

“I already have a job.  My first day starts in one month.”

Morpheus stared at his son, and it didn’t take an ignoramus to understand the reason that spawn his objections.  Fawn.  His blabbermouth, bullheaded, speak her mind, daughter.  If there had been a chance; she’d sunk it with her vileness.  Morpheus knew this as sure as there had once been a man on the moon.  If his offer stood a hare’s tail of a chance, he would have to coax his son with platitudes.

“Bo...son; I only want what’s best for you.”

Bolden recalled every rumor concerning his father and when he spoke, the rumors fueled his objection.

“Dad...I appreciate your concern, and I’m sure that you believe this offer might appeal to me...but you really needn’t bother.  You’ve played your part by ensuring that I had the best home and education.  I couldn’t have asked for more.  And as far as my employment is concerned...I’ve got that front covered.”

“But Bo...that firm isn’t up to snuff.  Son...you’re a Yale undergraduate, and you attended Harvard Law.  You successfully completed an Oxford Fellowship.  For you, the sky is the limits.”  Morpheus leveled his gaze when he added...  “You can do better than an entry level position at a mediocre law firm.”