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“Jer’ol…” Alec heard one of his hostesses call his name.

He stopped and waited for her to reach him. “Mei, how are your whales?” Everyone in the industry called the highest of the high-rollers “whales.” Personally, Alec found it insulting, but the whales did not seem offended that the casinos planned to beach them—and their money.

“I’m having a problem with Mr. Qian’s funds.” Mei frowned, making her nose wrinkle. She was descended from the dragons of the Orient. In her human form, she was stunning with her straight black hair and eyes. She was smart, spoke four Asian languages, and could add her weekly commission in her head, to the penny.

Alec tucked his hands in his pockets, waiting for the rest of the story. Qian was a pain in the ass with his bizarre personal requests, but the last time he had stayed with them downtown, he dumped fifteen million dollars into the coffers like it was chump change. A casino could put up with a lot of pain for that kind of profit.

“I tried to set up his usual bankroll, but his bank in Hong Kong is denying the transaction. I don’t want to tell him because he’ll just throw a hissy-fit. He’s already threatening to go to the Hard Rock.” Mei grimaced at the possibility of losing her player and her commission.

“No, we don’t want him to leave, especially since this is his first time at Crown Jewel. Advance him one million to play and ask Darius to sort out the money problem.”

Mei tightened her lips as if she had bitten a lemon wedge. “Darius and I are not speaking.”

“This is business.” Alec extended his hand for her microphone and earpiece. Mei pulled it from her ear and handed it to him.

“Floor to Darius,” Alec spoke into the mic. Although the dragons could communicate telepathically with each other by mindspeak, the intercom system was more secure, and private.

“Yes, Jer’ol,” Darius answered, his Russian accent clipped and matter-of-fact.

“Mei is having a problem with a whale’s bankroll. Fix it.”

“Yes, Jer’ol.”

Only Alec and Mei would have detected the slight hesitation in Darius’s voice at being asked to help Mei with a problem. Alec disconnected and shook his head.

“You knew you would have to go to Darius with this?”

Mei nodded, her chin offset in annoyance.

“Any other two dragons on earth would thank the Great One to have found their mate.” Alec fought down his frustration at the always-squabbling duo. “Eventually, Darius will lose his dragon form if you do not find a way to do a hell of a lot more than work out a bankroll problem together.”

“With all due respect, Jer’ol,” Mei tapped one elegant foot on the Italian tile. “I had no choice in the matter.”

Alec exhaled a deep sigh. Some days, he felt more like a babysitter than the king of anything. “‘The Fates shall choose thee your mate,’” he reminded her. At Mei’s continued stubborn look, he could only shake his head.

“Don’t let your personal feelings affect business.”

“Yes, Jer’ol.” Mei turned on her stiletto heel and marched off in pursuit of her whale.

Alec continued toward the unopened exhibit but slowed slightly as he walked through the grand entry of the casino. The gold and jewels in the ceiling made the entrance gleam like his ancient lair. It pleased him. His dragon senses vibrated with the pleasure of being around the jewels.

Alec swiped his keycard outside of the sealed gem exhibit. A ten-by-ten foot steel door slid open with a slight swish and then closed just as silently behind him. The exhibit was set up for visitors, with balconies on four sides surrounding a gilded throne room. His grandfather’s, and now his, gold throne sat at the far end, behind a pane of glass. Inside the room, a female voice talked with Leo. “I don’t understand why I can’t examine the pieces now,” the gemologist said.

“You can speak with Mr. Gerald when he arrives.”

“Leonides, Leonides,” the woman cooed. She stood above Leo on the right-side balcony, bending over to examine a case of sealed jewels. “We do not need to wait for Mr. King of Las Vegas. I know you must have the codes.”

“Mr. Gerald will be here soon.” Leo’s tone was implacable.

Alec stopped beside Leo at the foot of the stairs. “Are you looking up her dress?” His voice was quiet, not carrying to the woman.

“Of course,” Leo responded in a similar hushed manner. “Aren’t you?”

Alec let his gaze wander up the woman’s strappy shoes to her legs. She was wearing stockings. Odd, no one wore panty hose in Vegas. One of her hands held her dark red hair back from her face, presumably so she could see his jewels better. Her exposed backside looked just right in the tight red dress, like an upside-down heart.

Alec’s dragon jumped inside him. Need clenched his gut tight. “I’ve got this.”

“You sure?” Leo lifted a brow. “Dr. Luciana De Luca is a handful. Make that two hands full.”

“I can see that.”

Leo laughed under his breath. “Tee needs me to stop by her office anyway.”

Alec looked sideways at his friend with a knowing smile. “Better hurry up, then.” Tee was Leo’s best domestic casino hostess. As the head of Casino Operations, Leo constantly had to meet and greet her high-rollers.

“It’s not like that with us,” Leo protested. “She’s my employee and friend. That’s it.”

“Whatever you say.”

“Tee’s damn good for the bottom line, that’s what she is,” Leo said with sharp finality.

“She does have a lovely bottom line.” Alec enjoyed the good-natured ribbing.

Leo shook his head. “I’ll see you at the evening briefing,” he said before stomping to the exit and leaving the exhibit.

Alec turned his gaze back to the appraiser. She had not moved from her spot on the balcony and seemed wholly entranced by the sealed case. He bounded up the stairs with a light tread.

“Interesting,” Luciana muttered to herself. “I’ve never seen this color…it’s like the ring.”

Alec stopped near her and inhaled her scent. No daisies here—she was musky with a hint of vanilla. His dragon wings pulsed invisibly at his back. Bestial urges flared and warmed his skin, so much that he wouldn’t have been surprised to see steam fill the room. Alec frowned. His physical reaction to this human woman was unusual.

“You’re hot.” The woman turned to face him, seeming not at all surprised to see him standing next to her.

“So I’ve been told.” He rested his elbow on the case, letting the back of his hand brush her bare skin. Energy zapped along his arm with the suddenness of a snake bite. Alec fought to keep his expression neutral and unthreatening.

“I bet.” The woman dropped her hair and scooted away from him along the edge of the case. “I meant you are warm, temperature-wise. I can feel it.” A flush started at her neck and climbed to her cheeks. “Even in this meat locker.”

Alec stepped closer, purposely crowding her. Luciana’s pupils dilated, but she lifted her chin toward him like a shield. Heat swarmed from him and settled over her. “You’re a contradiction, Dr. De Luca.”

“How so?” Her tone was bold, unperturbed, but she bit her bottom lip. More contradictions.

“You are a natural redhead of Italian descent.” Alec let his gaze drop to her unpainted toes, then travel up the swell of her hips to her narrow waist, then linger over her unbound breasts until her nipples puckered. Luciana crossed her arms.

Alec waited patiently for her to meet his gaze again.