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After a long, shared shower involving wet hands and soapy bodies and, on Lauren’s part, a distinct refusal to allow herself to delve too deeply into her feelings, her stomach grumbled. One hunger satisfied, another demanding attention.

“I’m starving,” Lauren said as she ran a brush through her hair.

“I worked up an appetite myself.” His eyes gleamed with a predatory satisfaction. “I think we’ve run through every place that delivers in both neighboring towns, so what did you have in mind?” He pulled his T-shirt back over his muscular chest.

“I don’t mind picking up burgers from The Diner. I’ll get a turkey burger. Cheeseburger and fries for you?” she asked, attempting to act as if her body still wasn’t quaking from his touch.

“Perfect. In the meantime, I’ll get started on that big hole in the wall.” He paused. “How about I call in the order ahead of time?”

“Thanks. That would be great.”

He reached for his phone and she noticed he was listening to voice mail first. He deleted the message, then turned to her. “What would you say to dinner with my father and uncle instead?”

She narrowed her eyes. “I’m pretty sure they invited you, not us.”

He shook his head. “The message was clear. They’re having a late dinner at Uncle Hank’s and would like us to join them. Gabrielle and Derek are going, too.”

Lauren raised an eyebrow, surprised. Wary. And a little nervous. “Why?”

“They didn’t say, but I can promise you they won’t treat you badly.”

“Gabrielle was nice the one and only time we met, but that was before…” She trailed off. Why go into the details of her family’s actions. “Do you want to go?”

He studied her then nodded. “I do. You?”

“I just don’t want to give your family the wrong idea about us, that’s all.”

“What wrong idea would that be?” he asked, sounding more curious than upset.

Lauren turned to face him. “We’re working together.”

“And sleeping together,” he said with a grin.

“They don’t need to know the details. I just don’t want them thinking we’re seriously involved.” She sat stiffly on the edge of the bed.

“You mean you don’t want me to think that.”

“I’m just being honest, up-front.”

“Point made. I’ll call my father and let them know we’ll be there.” That muscle jerked in his jaw, but otherwise she couldn’t read his expression.

Which she figured was just as well. She couldn’t bear to know she’d hurt him as much as his words had hurt her. But her designs were debuting in Paris and she had a plan for her future. She’d been hurt badly once before. She couldn’t handle it again. Keeping an emotional distance this time around was the safest route for them both.

AMBER SAT in the parking lot of Petco in Salem, holding her cell phone closer to her ear. “Are you sure Jason and Lauren are going to Hank’s for dinner?” she asked Gabrielle.

“I’m sure. Thomas asked Jason and Lauren, and Hank invited Derek and me. So nobody will be in Lauren’s house at eight. Did you pick up the mice?”

“I just left Petco. They’re disgusting,” Amber said, shuddering as she glanced at the three baby mice sitting in the cage on the passenger seat.

“Oh come on, don’t be a wuss.”

“Easy for you to say. You’re not the one sitting with Algernon times three staring at you,” Amber hissed. “I can’t believe people keep these things as pets. Are you sure this is going to work?”

Amber and Gabrielle had come up with their first idea to keep Jason at Lauren’s side, but now that Amber had the animals in her possession, she was getting cold feet.

“If you saw a tiny mouse in your house, would you let Mike leave?” Gabrielle asked.

“Good point. Still, this is crazy, you know that, right? Crazy as in ‘Mike and Derek will kill us if they find out we’ve been meddling in Jason’s life’ crazy.”

“It’s only meddling if something bad happens as a result. The doorbell’s ringing. They’re here and I’ve got to go. So you do your thing.” Gabrielle disconnected the phone, leaving Amber to let herself into Lauren’s house and leave the furry creatures behind.

JASON LIKED having his family gathered around Hank and Thomas’s rectangular dining room table with Lauren by his side. The brothers weren’t any better cooks than Jason, so the meal of choice was from The Diner, the same as he and Lauren would have eaten anyway. He wasn’t sure what the men’s agenda was in having this dinner, but if it meant making Lauren comfortable with the Corwins, he was all for it.

Even if she wasn’t.

I just don’t want them thinking we’re seriously involved. Her words sliced through him, but what had he expected? He’d known she wasn’t interested in anything long-term or permanent. And if he was honest with himself, neither was he.

He just didn’t like her dismissing their relationship as if it meant nothing.

“We’re so glad you could make it,” Thomas said, interrupting his thoughts.

Jason held Lauren’s chair as she settled into her seat before he sat down beside her.

“I appreciate the invitation,” Lauren said, her voice neutral.


She obviously didn’t trust the reason for this meal, but Jason wasn’t worried. Inviting someone over then insulting them wasn’t the Corwin way.

Which led to his own curiosity. “So to what do we owe the pleasure?” Jason asked.

Derek, seated next to Gabrielle, stretched his arm over the back of her chair. “Good question. I was wondering the same thing myself.”

“Thomas has an announcement.” Hank’s eyes gleamed at the prospect of his brother’s news.

“Uh-oh,” Gabrielle said, placing her napkin in her lap.

Though everyone already had food on their plates, no one was interested in their meal.

All eyes were on Thomas.

“I have a plan to get Clara and Edward together for good,” Jason’s father said, explaining the reason for this gathering.

“They’re already living in the same house,” Derek said. “I’m not sure we’re ever going to see much more than that. I think we should be grateful Uncle Edward’s made such big strides in such a short time and not mess with his head.”

Jason shot his cousin a grateful glance. “I agree.”

“Nonsense,” Hank said, running a hand through his wiry, unkempt hair. “Tell ’em your plan. I bet they’ll change their minds.”

“I doubt it,” Jason muttered.

“Don’t be such a naysayer, son. I’m going to remind my brother what it’s like to feel jealous by showing an interest in Clara. He’ll be so determined not to let me near his woman, he’ll naturally step up and admit his feelings.” Thomas spoke with pride in his voice. “Clara will surely say she never had any interest in me and then I will gallantly step aside, leaving Edward and Clara to live happily ever after.”

“Assuming the curse doesn’t bite ’em in the ass,” Hank said. “But you two seem to be doing all right.” He gestured toward Derek and Gabrielle. “And Amber and Mike seem to be holding their own, so I think it’s worth a shot for my brother, too.” He nodded, then picked up his knife and fork and dug into his food, as if the matter were settled.

Far from it, Jason thought, but before he could say so, he realized Lauren had stiffened at the mention of the curse.

Jason placed a reassuring hand on her thigh beneath the table. Stupid move, he realized, when her body heat shot directly into his palm and through him, settling like a heavy missile in his lap.