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He was shocked to the core, or he was a better actor than Brando. His face lost colour and his jaw dropped. He reached for the cigarettes that weren’t there and when he realised their absence he made two hard fists and put them on the desk in front of him. ‘Murdered!’

‘Right. I saw him yesterday and gave him my card. It was found on his body. The police paid me a visit first thing this morning.’

Another chance to check on how genuine he was — would the threat of my seeing the police erase the shock? It didn’t. ‘That poor kid. Do they know why or who…?’

I shook my head and watched him while he processed the information. The phone rang; he unclenched one fist, picked it up and spoke without looking at the instrument. ‘Take a message, Junie. No calls for a while.’ He hung up and sat back in his chair helplessly. ‘I can’t believe it. I saw a bit of him while Danni… A nice kid. What did you think of him? God, could it have anything to do with this business?’

Price was scoring points with me. His concern about the dead boy looked authentic, and he hadn’t yet transferred his attention fully to how it might affect him. He was getting there, but not straight off. I told him I’d found Jason a bit dim, and hadn’t got very much out of him. I said I didn’t know whether his death had anything to do with the Prices, but I hoped not.

‘What else?’

I shrugged. I had thoughts on that, sparked by the expensive car and suit and Stankowski’s throwaway remark that Jason might not have been as squeaky clean as he looked, but I saw no reason to tell Price. He fidgeted with things on the desk, got himself back under control and then it got through to him. ‘You say the police got to you. What did you tell them?’

‘Next to nothing. No names.’

‘Can you do that?’

‘Not for long if they don’t come up with something. If they run out of ideas they’ll come back at me.’

‘And then?’

I explained that our business wasn’t confidential in the legal sense and that they could search my records if it came to that, or they could charge me with obstructing justice, which would force me to talk.

Again, this was the sort of thing he could handle; propositions, possibilities, options. Then he surprised me. ‘What if Jason’s death is connected to the drugs thing? It’s likely isn’t it? If your enquiries turned up evidence on who killed poor Jason… I don’t mean to sound opportunistic, but it’d give me something more to work with. You follow?’

I had to sit back and think about that. Trying to get the dirt on some suburban drug pushers was one thing, investigating a murder was quite another. Price saw me hesitating but misinterpreted it.

‘I know it’s more than we contracted for, but I can make up any differences.’

I was tempted to tell him about his wife’s infidelity, just to lay all cards on the table, but I resisted. ‘It’s not that.’

‘What, then?’

‘Jason was worried about talking to me. He said he’d been threatened.’

“There you are.’

‘No. He made a slip of the tongue. He said she had threatened him. She.’


‘I don’t know. Your daughter or maybe your wife.’

‘Sammy? That’s ridiculous, and Danni’s just confused and stumbling around. She’s in bad company probably.’

I wasn’t sure about either of those conclusions but I let them pass. I told Price I’d keep the cops at bay for as long as I could and that I had a police contact who might be able to fill me in on the drug boys’ operations in the Georges River area.

‘Good. Good. That sounds very professional’

And that’s fuckin’ patronising, I thought. Price was the sort of client who won and lost points with me by turns and I tended to react to how the ledger stood at the time.

‘So what’ll you do now?’ he asked.

‘I’ll follow Danni for a bit. Is she likely to be at home?’

He shrugged. ‘Who knows?’

‘Where else then — friends, interests?’

‘Friends, I have no idea. Interests — would you believe rollerblading and skateboarding? She goes to this skateboard park in Kingsgrove, or she did. I picked her up there a couple of times when her car was in dock. It’s near the railway station.’

‘Just out of interest, why’re you located here? It’s not exactly the business hub of Sydney.’

‘There’s more going on here than you’d think, particularly among the Asian community. I can speak Chinese. Studied it at university. Some of our best clients are Asians. They’ve got some good ideas. Keep you on your toes.’

I nodded, stood up and winced as my bruised stomach twinged sharply.

‘What’s wrong with you?’


‘Come on, Hardy, I did a stint in the medical corps. You’re hurting.’

‘Pulled a muscle in the gym,’ I said. ‘Stay off the smokes. ‘

I went out and apologised to Junie for my high-handedness earlier. She nodded but couldn’t contain her curiosity and her concern. Price wouldn’t have too many roughnecks like me calling on him.

‘I hope Mr Price’s not in trouble,’ she said.

‘Who isn’t?’

‘Well, I suppose… yes, all right. Thank you, Mr Hardy.’

And that told me something new. Junie had the hots for Marty. But Marty had Sammy and Danni to worry about. I rode down in the mirrored lift and didn’t once look at my reflection. I was afraid I’d think of how my anti-godson, Clifford Parker, had tried to call me Cliffy until I’d paid him enough money not to.

I had lunch in a Bankstown cafe — gnocchi and a salad and a glass of red — and deliberated whether to go back to Strathfield and tackle the woman who’d got away from Tom Bolitho or try to locate Danni Price and see what manner of young woman she was. So far I’d divided the day pretty evenly between the paid and unpaid work. Time to go for the money. I drove to Lugarno and parked outside the Price gates. The button I pressed got me a muzzy female voice.

‘Yes? Who is it?’

I don’t know what made me do it, but on an impulse I ventured an imitation of Jason Jorgensen’s voice. ‘It’s Jason.’

‘Oh, Jason. Thank God. Come in. Please hurry.’

She sounded desperate and I pushed open the gate and sprinted up the path to the house. She came staggering through the door to meet me and shrieked when she saw me. Her face and skin were colourless and I could see a good deal of skin because she wore only a sleeveless white lace blouse hanging open and a pair of knickers to match. Her left arm was bloody from the elbow to the wrist and blood had run down her blouse to her legs. Both of her hands were dripping blood and there was more on her face and in her hair. When she saw me she tried to turn back into the house but sagged at the knees and I stepped forward and caught her.

Her beautifully sculpted face was like a death mask as she looked up at me. ‘You’re not…’

‘No, but I’m here, Mrs Price. What’s happened to you?’

Then I saw the deep cut in her arm below a fresh puncture mark in the spot where injecting drug users probe for a vein. It looked as if she’d hit the vein for her shot and then somehow gashed her arm. Blood was rushing from the wound and she was fighting the fatigue and helplessness that comes with blood loss. I lowered her onto a padded bench seat on the porch, pulled off her blouse and made as tight a tourniquet as I could around her lower arm. The blood seeped, then stopped. She lay back with her head turned to one side and one arm up behind her. I placed the wounded arm across her body just below her breasts.

I stood up and swore as the bruised stomach pinched me.

She opened her eyes. ‘Who’re you?’

‘It doesn’t matter. I’m calling an ambulance.’

‘No!’ The ferocity of her delivery stopped me dead.

‘Your life’s in danger, Mrs Price. You’ve lost a lot of blood.’

She had guts or enough desperation to amount to the same thing. ‘Not so much. Mostly shock. Call Dr Cross. I was trying to call him when you… but the blood made the phone slippery. The number’s by the phone. Please, please…’