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Closing his eyes, Jake wondered if the trust was completely broken. He moved closer to Carson, so close behind him that he wanted to run his hands over his shoulders and hold him. He was in as much pain as him, he was certain.

“I want you to trust me,” he said. “How do I earn it back? Where do we go from here? What do I have to do?”

Turning, Carson faced him. “You can start by telling me the truth. Right now.” He paused, and Jake held his breath. “Answer me this, Jake. Can you let her go? Are you finished with her now?”

Searching deep, Jake knew that his future rested on how he answered that question. He had to be honest, no matter what. He had to earn the trust back.

Even if it meant the end of their relationship.

“No. I can’t let her go.”

And that was the truth. He was not ready to give up Bree. Didn’t know if he ever could.

The tension between them was tensile-strength and about to snap.

Lifting his chin, Carson peered back with penetrating eyes. “Then I have one more question. Are you willing to share her?”

* * * *

“Men,” Bree muttered to herself, “do they not own anything halfway decent to wear besides baggie sweats, long shorts, and t-shirts?” Of course, the walk-in Jake and Carson shared was filled with dress and casual clothes, alike, but she wanted something that would half-way fit her and make her not look like a vagabond wandering the street. She had no clue what she would do for shoes, unless she wore the stupid boots.

Not likely.

Still holding the towel at her chest, she rummaged through one of the men’s drawers, not coming up with anything to her liking. “Dammit.”

“Looking for something?”

She bolted straight up, her towel taking a lunge. Turning, she grasped it closed between her breasts and looked at Jake-tall and dark and handsome-framed in the open double doors.

“I… I thought I’d find something to put on.”

“No need.” He reached and shut the doors behind him. “No clothing required for the next,” his gaze dropped to his wristwatch, “sixteen hours or so. After that, we’ll figure out the clothing situation.”

“Sorry, Jake, but I don’t think that’s a good idea. Really, I need to be going. May I just borrow…?” She picked up a t-shirt.

He swept to her side, took the shirt out of her hand, and laid it back on the dresser. “There will be no talk of leaving, Bree. The roads are snow-covered and nasty. We can’t risk it. Besides, your twenty-four hours are not up yet.”

Panicking a bit, she drew back, drawing the towel closer. “Surely you are not going to hold me to that silly auction thing, are you Jake? Let me call Ginger. I’m sure her jeep…” At once, she wondered where her cell phone was. Had she even had it last night? The last time she remembered seeing it was back in her apartment. That’s right; she’d tossed it on her bed.

But no matter. That was the least of her concern at the moment. Avoiding Jake, she moved toward the bed. “I’ll call someone.”

“Nobody is coming out in this weather, Bree.”

She turned boldly to face him, remembering her conviction of a moment earlier. Even if she couldn’t leave, she wasn’t going to carry this any further. Surely there was another room where she could hang out…far away from this den of seduction. “Jake, we can’t go on with this. Just let me be. The last thing I want to do is come between you and Carson. It’s best that we let this die.”

“So you didn’t enjoy our night together?”

Swallowing hard, she looked into his eyes. “I can’t deny that I enjoyed every second. And that is the problem. There is no future here, Jake, and I’m not taking this any further. You and Carson have a life together. I need to exit, and we need to forget this ever happened.”

“Your words and the look on your face are in utter contradiction, my dear.” Stepping forward, he ran a fingertip over her forehead. “So many frown lines and worry wrinkles,” he whispered. Drawing closer, his breath was hot on her neck. “Let me erase those, Bree.”

She backed away. “You aren’t listening to me.” Dammit, for once she was going to have resolve. She was going to do the right thing!

“I’m reading your body language. Your words aren’t very convincing.”

Frustrated, she balled her hands into fists. “Stop doing that! Quit putting things in my head for me to think about. I know what I need to do. I need for you to stop confusing me!”

Jake’s shoulders slumped and he exhaled hard. The relaxation of his body made her more at ease. “Please stop,” she whispered. “I’m trying to do the right thing. Please let me.”

Jake closed his eyes at her words. “I love you, Bree.”

Her head shook in denial. “No. Don’t do that.”

“I do. I can’t deny it. Being with you last night made me realize that I cannot live without you. I love you, and I want you.”

No. This wasn’t happening. She stalked off. “But what about Carson! You can’t throw that relationship away!”

“Bree, that’s what I want to talk with you about.”

“No. You can’t love me.”

“I do.”


“Bree, please…” he reached for her and she jerked away.

“I do not fall in love, Jake. I don’t. And you cannot and will not fall in love with me. I screw up every relationship that comes my way. There is no hope for us.”

“I can make you happy. This will be different. Please hear what I have to say…”

“No. It’s not in me. I can’t settle for one man. Never have I been able to do that. I’ll break your heart down the road. I guarantee it. We’ll be together, and I’ll see someone else. It’s what I do. One man just isn’t enough for me.”

Jake quieted her with a hand in the air. She stopped talking and looked into his face. Finally, he said, “Stop for a moment, okay? Quit selling yourself short. Just because you screwed up in the past doesn’t mean you will fuck up in the future.”


“No. I won’t listen to another word, Bree. And I’m not letting you go tonight. You’re staying here. With me. And by God, you’re going to let me have one more chance of convincing you that we belong together. Do you understand?”

A nervous laugh escaped her throat. “So what are you going to do, tie me to that bed for the next sixteen hours until I cry out my love for you in orgasmic pleasure?”

The expression on his face didn’t budge. The silence between them spoke volumes.

“Give me one more chance, Bree,” he whispered, “to make this work. Give me a few more hours. I love you. I need you. And I guarantee you that by this evening, you will never want to leave.”

Swallowing hard, Bree held his gaze. Her head said no. Her pussy was already wet, betraying her. And her heart was definitely on the fence.

Still, she looked him square in the face and said, “All right.”

Chapter Eight

Jake drew closer. “Do you trust me?”

Looking up at him with round, soulful eyes, she replied with a simple, “Yes.”

“Good.” His hands went to the rim of the over-sized towel. Tugging it away from her body, he tossed it aside. “This will work, Bree,” he said softly, “but you must trust me. And remember, red and green. It always works.”

She nodded and Jake felt his chest swell and his mouth curl into a smile. God, he loved her. And he could only hope that in the end, all would work out.

Carson had surprised him. Totally, utterly from left field, had thrown him for a loop. But it was a good loop, and if they all were fortunate, things would fall together like a charm.