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She stood before him, naked and confident, with a possible hint of vulnerability. Hell, they were all vulnerable. When it came to love, anyone can lose.

Or win.

Tonight he hoped they all were winners.

“You are so…beautiful.” His words were raspy and broken. “Come here.” He offered her his hand and Bree took it. Slowly, they rounded the bed. Jake admired her firm body and rounded contours, and was eager to explore her again.

With his hands to her waist, he lifted her to sit on the edge of the tall bed. At that height, he looked down on her, liking the position of dominance as she stared up at him with innocent-or maybe not so innocent-eyes.

“You understand you were given to me for twenty-four hours, correct?”

She nodded, lowering her gaze.

“You are mine, Bree. You will do as I ask and strive to meet my needs. In turn, I will see that you are well-satisfied. Tonight, you belong to me, my little Christmas slave.”

Her eyelids fluttered as she lifted her gaze to meet his. A sliver of a smile met her lips as their gazes fused. His heart melted. “Yes, sir,” she whispered.

“Trust me.” It wasn’t a question.

She nodded.

Stepping to his right, Jake opened a bedside table drawer. “I have a new addition to our repertoire,” he told her, and pulled out the black silk blindfold he’d tucked there earlier.

* * * *

Jake had drawn the heavy drapes tight, eliminating any curls of light coming from the outside. Even though it was about mid-morning, the room was dark enough so that candles and soft lamps were needed. Now blindfolded, Bree could barely see a thing, although she remembered exactly how the room looked a moment before.

Leaning back against the nest of red silk pillows, propped against the massive headboard, she savored the slick, cool fabric against her naked back. The temperature in the room was cool, too, and her nipples puckered at the crispness. Her wrists were bound and rested comfortably against the pillows at her shoulders.

Jake had tied the blindfold around her head with a gentle tug. He had lifted her into his arms and had placed her just so, while he bound her with leather and tinsel.

Now, she waited. She’d felt the swish of the satin sheets as Jake moved off the bed. He left her with a soft, “Be patient, love. I will be right back. Shh…” and a gentle touch of his finger to her lips. That was several minutes ago. The longer she lay in wait, the more heightened her sexual being became. Every nerve in her body stood alert.

He came to her without words, at first touching the hard pebble of her breasts with his fingertips. He pinched and twisted, and she gasped with pleasure. That lone touch caused her to squirm a little.

With a finger, he lifted her chin to angle her face up. The kiss he placed on her lips was sweet and sinful. Her breathing deepened as he slowly delved into her mouth with his tongue, and they mingled breath and lips.

She’d played a little with being cuffed and tied up prior to this but for some reason, blindfolding had never occurred to her, or her partners. She wondered why, because just the one kiss from Jake and only the touch of his lips to hers-coupled with not being able to see-had heightened her awareness and her pleasure.

She could get used to this.

Now she felt his hands on her face, cupping her cheeks in his palms. He angled closer and sat on the bed. Leaning his way with the shift, she felt the heat of his body next to hers.

Lost in the single sensation of his lips plying hers, she found herself slinking into the nest of pillows, lying prone on the bed. The headiness of his kiss overtook her, while his hands smoothed down the column of her neck with lazy, feathery strokes. Involuntarily, she jerked at her bonds, wanting to wrap her arms around his neck and pull him closer.

“Later, Bree…” he breathed. “I will let you loose later. Patience, love.”

Lying still, she waited, silently agreeing.

“I am going to move slow, Bree. We have hours. I hope you do not object.”

“No,” she said softly.


“Do you like the blindfold?”


“Good. I want you to keep it on.”

That was just fine with her. With a light touch, he trailed his fingertips over her chest and circled each nipple. Her breasts swelled as his touch and she arched into his hands. He lifted and palmed their weight, rolled and squeezed her nipples. Leaning into her, he took one hard bud between his teeth and tugged.

Then again. Harder.

Oh, damn…

A sex-charged current zinged from that nipple straight to her clit. Jake continued a slow, deliberate assault with his teeth…sucking, teasing, tugging, tempting…

And nearly sending her over the edge.

So lost in the sensation, she barely registered another shift on the bed, until she felt a cool hand slowly work its way up the inside of her calf…and thigh. It took a couple of seconds for her brain to register that there were still, indeed, two hands at her breasts, but a third was easing toward her pussy.



“Shh, love…”

She jerked away. “Stop. Stop!” She twisted to the side, moving her legs away from whoever was at her feet. Jake continued toying with her breasts.

Fingers below grazed her pussy.

Again, she twisted, trying very hard to ignore the fabulous sensation being created down there. What is happening? “Stop, Jake. Take this blindfold off of me now!”

“Lay back, Bree. Quiet now. I do not want you to talk.”

Dammit. “Lay back? Relax? Whose hand is that?” Fingers again, probing… “Stop. Dammit. Stop.” Oh, hell. “Red. Red!”

Everything did, indeed, stop.

“Shit.” She cursed between her teeth, while attempting to shift upward against the headboard. “Take this blindfold off of me, now.”

She sat in silence for a moment, then finally, hands went behind her head and the blindfold was off. It took a moment of blinking before she registered who was sitting on the bed before her.

Jake and Carson.

“Oh, fuck…”

Both were naked. Both stared at her in wild expectation. Both of them oozed the promise of delicious, decadent sex.

And both were waiting for her to say something.

Thing was, she couldn’t think of one thing to say.

Carson inched forward. “Bree…”

“What do the two of you want from me?” There, that would cut to the chase.

Jake moved closer. “We want you, Bree. Both of us.”

“Both of you?”

Her gaze shifted from one man to another.


“And you thought blindfolding me and bringing in Carson would make me receptive to that? Have you thought about a simple conversation?”

“We thought you might enjoy this.”

Well, damn, they were right. She was beginning to enjoy it. “I…” She truly didn’t know what to say. “I just need for you two to talk. I don’t have words right now.”

Resigned, she sank back into the pillows. “Talk,” she ordered.

Jake opened his mouth to speak, but Carson interrupted. “Let me,” he said, scooting closer to her side. “Honey, I know that you and I haven’t had much time, but there is a spark there, you have to agree.”

Nodding, she did agree. They’d made eyes all evening and the slip of his finger up her dress last night had thrilled her beyond belief. She’d not been able to set that feeling aside for long.

“You have a sexual potency that is extremely attractive to both of us,” he continued. “We both lived bi-sexual lives for a long time until we committed to each other. But you…you have tempted us back to where we feel most comfortable. There has never been another woman we’ve each felt this attracted to.

“Jake has been struggling for months. I don’t want to lose him. I love him. And he loves you. I know you, and I need time, but there is a strong attraction, and I think…”