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In that uncomfortable position she had to accompany her mistresses in their walk a few minutes later. They had untied her hands so that she could carry the ladies' bags, parasols and coats. She walked three paces behind them, half paralysed with pain and humiliation.

When they were back in the castle Mabel was locked in Miss Crimpton's room, with the order to unpack all the suitcases and to put away in the cupboards all the belongings of the fat lady. They had removed the bit at last, but with the promise that it would be applied the next day.

She had hardly finished her work when Eva Crimpton came into the room. With her lorgnette carried defiantly in front of her critical eye, she checked all the cupboards, and, under the pretence that a pile of linen was not quite shipshape, she condemned Mabel to be whipped at once.

With her panties removed, the poor girl had to go on all fours in the middle of the room and offer her behind to Miss Crimpton's horsewhip. She received a dozen lashes which made her scream with pain. Eva struck still more powerfully than Dorothea von Berner. Mabel's poor buttocks covered themselves with bleeding cuts and the horsewhip burst the blisters caused by previous whippings. Then, on her knees, the slave bad to thank her torturer and humbly lick her feet. She was extremely humiliated to be treated in this way by that fat woman who, the vary morning of the same day, wan still unknown to her. She understood that this Miss Crimpton would be a particularly implacable and experienced mistress.

The remainder of the day was spent without any other incident. Mabel, dressed as a maid, served dinner to her two mistresses, then waited upon Bridget, and only after that was she allowed to eat herself. Then she was summoned to the drawing-room to receive further orders.

"You still want the slave for to-night, Eva?" Dorothea von Berner asked her friend.

The fat woman smiled with an expression of greedy lust which did not escape Mabel.

"And how, darling! I'm looking forward very much to be caressed as I like by this little beast of pleasure. But I would like her to be locked in my room from now on for two hours so that she should prepare herself in prayers for me to obey me and serve me as I wish."

"Should she be naked?" Bridget asked.

"No, on the contrary, I would like her dressed, very dressed — in an evening-gown, for instance, just as she was when a free and proud girl going to halls. Put her into a long evening-gown and, under it, corset her very tightly, to the maximum. As for her underclothes, let her wear the same worn usually by whores, such as, for instance, panties in black laced satin — that would be fine. Ah, I nearly forgot — before letting her put on her panties, slip a glycerine suppository into her anus and stop it up well with a cork! Then you will tie her up at the foot of my bed and gag her with my dirty linen, a chemise or knickers which you will find in the cupboard."

On hearing so many perverse refinements Bridget's face had lit up with a smile, while Mabel's had become crimson with shame and fright.

The slave took leave of her mistresses and was taken away by the maid. A half hour later Miss Crimpton's orders had been carried out to the letter. Mabel, atrociously corseted in leather stays, was dressed in an adorable evening-gown in black and pink silk, the very dress which she had worn at fashionable balls in Paris. As for her underclothes, she wore only a narrow pair of panties in black silk and lace, very perverse and sexy, which she was wearing for the first time.

The girl's secret orifice was corked up with care and already she was beginning to feel the effects of the suppository which Bridget had introduced with sadistic joy. Mabel understood that cruel Eva would probably force her to keep it all night without taking off the cork, in order to cause her the maximum of discomfort and shame.

The poor slave was on her knees, with her hands tied behind her back by a string connected to her dress. The lower part of her face was gagged with mauve panties worn for the last three days by the fat mistress.

For two hours she had to stay there, meditating on her cruel fate. Then she heard noises of steps and laughter coming from the passage. The room was suddenly inundated with light and Miss Crimpton appeared.

She went to her dressing-table without condescending even to glance at the tied up slave. For a long while she paced across the room, putting away her things, as if Mabel did not exist. Finally she took hold of a strong leather horsewhip and went up to the girl. She made her stand up with a kick and showed her the bed with an imperative finger.

"Lie down here and don't move!" she ordered.

Mabel, with her hands still tied up, obeyed. She lay down on the blankets and followed all her mistress's moves with fearful eyes.

A few minutes later, Eva came and sat on the bed near the slave. She surveyed her for a long time, without a word, and with contempt in her grey eyes. Then, slowly, she began to paw her. First, her hands touched her breasts, caressing them through the material of the dress and now and then pinching the nipples violently. Then she caressed Mabel's belly, thighs and suddenly slipped her hand under the skirt. Mabel shuddered as she felt the fat hand go to and fro on the bare flesh of her thighs under the material of the panties, on her imprisoned femininity. Then the hand slipped towards the buttocks, penetrated between them and checked whether the cork was well in position.

This perverse game lasted for about half an hour. Miss Crimpton pawed, pinched and caressed, without omitting a single inch of Mabel's flesh and, all the while, she looked hypnotically into her slave's eyes.

Mabel was becoming frantic with rage, despair and shame. Gagged and tied up she just had to submit to the pawing, and tears welled up in her pretty eyes.

Then the woman removed the knickers that were gagging Mabel and started caressing the girl's face just as she had caressed the other parts of her body. She even obliged her to open her mouth and dipped into it two of her fingers on which she was wearing rings, and explored every nook and cranny of Mabel's month, under her tongue, along her teeth and her palate. Mabel had to take a hold on herself not to bite these insolent fingers.

At last Eva stood up and began undressing under the eyes of her slave. Her heavy fat body, the skin of which was however magnificently smooth and white, soon appeared, under a lace brassiere and a pink pair of panties over an enormous rump. Those two articles of clothing were also removed and then Miss Crimpton was entirely naked. Strange to say, in spite of her fatness, there was something very attractive in her body, probably because its majestic shapes were perfectly delineated.

"Slave," she said, "I made you come here so that I could use you, or rather your tongue, as an object of pleasure. So you're going to be very attentionate and make all your efforts to please me, if you don't want to be punished very severely. My horsewhip will always be here to give you a few warnings and force you to an unceasing activity. Your slavish tongue must neither slow down nor tire before I say so. You probably don't know the kind of caresses I am fond of, but you will soon know. I don't want "normal" caresses from you, understand? It is on the charming orifice which, in your case, is at this very moment stopped by a cork, that I want you to work with your tongue as diligently as possible, Do you get me?"

First, Mabel did not catch the meaning of Miss Crimpton's words. Then, all at once, she understood and her face made a grimace of horror and disgust. So that was what this fat mistress wanted her to do? Oh, dear! But she had not the leisure to think it over for Eva had come back to the bed and sat astraddle on Mabel's face. Crushed by the enormous hot buttocks, the poor slave was half stifled. She felt debased and dominated by the perverse whim that this fat woman was imposing upon her.