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For Sasha, who has a special place in this novel. For Isa, Mara, Fin, Sy, and Serra who gave their time as sounding boards. For Alex, Penny, and Tori, who have put up with my incessant complaints during the (extremely lengthy) process that went into the manuscript. My gratitude to Matthew and Allison, who have excellent tastes and opinions in books. The list of people who have kept me on an even keel while I wrote this book is nearly endless, but I’m determined not to leave anyone out: Nona, Lily, Tammy, Claire, and Stella. You’re all gems.

To those who have seen people like us meet tragic ends over and over on the page and on the screen: this one is for you. We’re done getting buried.

And as always, to my readers. Thank you so much for having made this book, and all the others that came before, possible.

About the Author

Benjanun Sriduangkaew writes love letters to strange cities, beautiful bugs, and the future. She has lived in Thailand, Indonesia, and Hong Kong. Her short fiction has appeared on Tor.com, in Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Clarkesworld, and year’s best collections. She has been shortlisted for the Campbell Award for Best New Writer, and her debut novella Scale-Bright was nominated for the British SF Association Award. She can be found blogging at beekian.wordpress.com or on twitter at @benjanun_s


Copyright © 2020 by Benjanun Sriduangkaew.

Cover art by Rashed Al-Akroka.

Print ISBN: 978-1-60701-539-0

Ebook ISBN: 978-1-60701-540-6

Prime Books


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