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Those whales had been closest to his kids when they disappeared. From their conversation, Sean had the impression that the whales had not killed Murel, though not from lack of trying. Still, if he questioned them, perhaps they had seen what became of the kids, or remember something that would help him find them.

He surfaced again and leaped up and down to show that he was ready to board the helicopter. It extruded pontoons from its landing platform and Rick set it down upon the waves.

Ke-ola and the burly man hauled Sean aboard. Yana wrapped him in a tarp till he dried off and completed his change. Rick tossed him a duffel bag. "Extra duds in there, Sean. You're welcome to them."

Thankfully, he pulled them on. The wind was cool, and though the tarp kept it off, it didn't do much to warm him.

"Nothing?" Yana asked. "The boys told us what the Honus got from Ronan and Sky before they vanished too." She sounded annoyed that they hadn't had more information. Yana did not so much resemble other grieving mothers as she did an eagle with an eye out for prey. He knew she was holding back her emotional reaction while making a mission out of finding the kids. It was her training. Act and think first, feel later, when you had the luxury of time to fall apart. He took her hand and squeezed. A flicker in her eye betrayed her fear, then vanished when she squeezed his firmly in return. She was in control. Good. He agreed with her. There was much to be done.

"I overheard something I want to question our black-and-white boyos about but I want the copter. I want to be in my human form when I confront them.

Unfortunately, seals are fair game for orcas. I'll need more of their attention on my questions than on licking their snouts over how I might taste." The mother of his children winced. "Sorry, love. I don't believe they hurt either of our kids." He summarized the conversation among the orcas. "It's not their way to lie among themselves, and they wouldn't have known I was eavesdropping. But one of them may have noticed something he didn't feel was relevant to the argument or interesting enough to share with the others."

She acknowledged this with a sharp nod, the kind she might have given a report from another officer. "You know where to find them?" she asked.

"I do," he said, and gave her a heading that she relayed to Rick.

They were out of headsets and he couldn't make himself heard over the chopper's noise to explain to the others what he had to Yana, so she relayed that too, and made introductions. When she got to Raj Norman, he shook Sean's hand and patted his own belt, which bristled with armaments Sean could not begin to identify.

"Don't worry, buddy," he bellowed above the copter's roar. "If those whales give you a hard time, tell 'em the trigger-happy dude," he jerked a thumb at his own chest, "will be happy to make black-and-white puddin' of the lot of 'em."

"A comfort to me and none to them I'm sure," Sean said politely, though the idea of anyone attacking Petaybean creatures with high-tech armaments made him a bit nauseous. "But I don't think it will be necessary. I intend to pull rank."

Yana interrupted, pointing to the water, "Tall fins at 2200," she said.

Sean looked down and there they were, a flotilla of them in Y formation, proud as you please. The copter overtook them but did not set down. Instead, at Sean's urging, it circled high enough to keep from frightening the whales while keeping them in sight as long as their fins remained above water.

Sean could not copy their verbal speech aloud but he could think at them in their own language, and so he did. Hello there, boys, and isn't it a lovely morning and the water fine?

So it is, if it's any of your business, replied the lead whale, turning first one way, then the other, then flipping upside down trying to spot him. Even over the noise of the copter he heard them sending out their sonar signals, seeking him.

Up here, me fine finny friends. Don't worry about it. I am one of the people who put you into this lovely ocean with all of these tasty fish and other things your sort find agreeable.

Very good of you, we're sure, the alpha whale replied cautiously. What is it you want?

A while ago you made a little mistake. Oh, not that I blame you. You had no way of knowing, of course. But me and my-er, calves-sometimes take the form of seals, and it seems you mistook my daughter for a light snack.

I didn't eat her! came a protest from the ranks. Sean wasn't close enough to tell which one, but he suspected the speaker's dorsal fin had a piece bit out. She deserved it, mind you. She is vicious. She bit me but- Frankly, I was about to call the game off when she disappeared, the alpha whale interrupted, with an aside he apparently thought Sean would not hear to the speaker - now known as Bitfin-to let him do the talking. Whales might not lie, but like anybody else, Sean suspected they probably wanted to put the best spin they could on an error in judgment when called to account for their actions. I knew there was something peculiar about that one. And then, you know, she said she was actually not a seal but a mur- Moray eel, boss, one of them supplied, based on what she thought she'd heard. She said she wasn't a seal, she was a moray eel.

There you have it. Of course, I've been known to gnaw on one or two of those too if I'm a bit peckish, but she didn't seem like a seal or an eel to me but another more dangerous creature altogether. I've no doubt that if she hadn't disappeared when she did, she'd have made us all sick at the very least so, as I said, I was about to call it off when she vanished in a cloud of murk and bubbles.

And my son? Sean asked.

Looked like another seal, did he?

He did.

Never laid an eye on him, much less a tooth.

He'd have been swimming with an otter. Not the usual kind. A wee brown fellow.

Had whales possessed shoulders, the pod would have shrugged them. I saw no strange-looking otters swimming along with the strange seal. I didn't see either, did you?

Not me!

Nor did I!

There you have it, the alpha whale said again. Now the normal sort of otter, we'd have probably gobbled up without a thought, but after meeting your she-calf, I should have felt it my responsibility to warn my pod off any funny-looking animals in the vicinity. But that reminds me. The little-your she-calf-said something about some sharks, thinking to frighten us, I think, though pretending she was giving a warning. What was that about?

She was warning you indeed, Sean replied, the thought giving him a pang. That would have been part of what took his kids to sea. They'd have thought it necessary to warn the other creatures about the new predator in the waters. They were like that. And yes, sharks are coming.

As I told your calf, sharks are our natural prey, not the other way around. I hope you've no objection to us eating them? No relation, are they? Aunties? Uncles?

Mothers of mates perhaps?

Sarcasm really didn't suit orcas but Sean let it pass. No, no relation, but it would be in your own best interest to let them breed and multiply for a few years so there's enough for you to eat and enough to breed more sharks as well. Also, you should know there'll be some new humans coming this way soon.

Well, that's all right, the alpha whale said. By and large your sort have treated us well enough here, and you're not all that tasty-so it's said. Wouldn't know personally, of course.

Sean was pleased. They seemed to be on very good terms in spite of a potentially hostile situation. He felt that the alpha whale and the others were being truthful insofar as they understood the truth.

Yana cocked an inquisitive eyebrow at him and he nodded and made a hand sign for her to be patient just a bit longer.

Of course, he said. But now that we understand each other better, I want to ask you all to think if you can remember what happened just before nobody ate my kids and the otter.