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Anton had seized her arm when he saw her waver; now she tucked her arm inside his and leaned her head against his shoulder again. “A whole new world,” she said. “Will you show it to me?”

“There’s nothing I’d like better,” he said. He leaned down and kissed her, a soft, lingering kiss that warmed her so thoroughly she thought she would never be cold again.

Behind them the sun broke the horizon in a blaze of orange fire. Below them, the prairie snow spread out all around, unbroken. Ahead of them, the land and sky still lay in shadow…

… but a shadow that would soon be lit by the sun.

The kiss ended. Brenna let out her breath in a contented sigh, and snuggled against Anton, whose arms tightened around her.

Long ago, her Commoner nursemaid had told her that with every sunrise a new world was born.

Brenna, gazing down from the airship, watched that saying come true.