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As he thought about this, Jircniv shook his head. He desperately wanted to believe that was not true.

As he thought about it, he tried his best to put the cold smiles of those two dark elves out of his mind.

“Looks like we are almost… are we ready, then? In that case, everyone, I hope you will relax over here.”

There were many tables and chairs in place on the grass. The tables were covered in pure white tablecloths and large sun umbrellas provided shade. The Death Knights who had been moving the furniture into place were standing by beside the log house in order not to get in the way.

“We have also prepared refreshments for you.”

Wine bottles were arrayed on the tables, filled with an orange liquid. Beside them were high-stemmed wine glasses made of clear crystal. Each of them was intricately carved with elaborate designs.

Even Jircniv, an Emperor who enjoyed the best things in life on a daily basis, could not help but stare with eyes agape at the display before him.

“Please let us know if you need anything else. Then, everyone―”

The log house’s door opened once more, and more maids filed out from within. The Imperial contingent took in their transcendent beauty, which was enough to wipe away all the fear and unease they had experienced until now.

Each of them was uniquely beautiful in their own way. One of them had hair that was pinned up into two buns, another had long, straight hair, and a third had drill-shaped hair.

“Are they having a sale on beauties?”

Although Jircniv didn’t know which of the royal guards said that, he had to agree. After all, what would such belles be doing in a tomb?

Does that tomb mass-produce beautiful women? Do they pop out of the ground like mushrooms?

He heard the sound of a tongue clicking again, but paid it no heed.

“Then, please enjoy the drinks we have―”

“―Ah, before that, could we meet Ainz Ooal Gown-sama first? I would like to expedite matters…

and if it’s all right, could I speak with him just before he meets with Jir―”

“Fluder, contain yourself.”

No matter what, none of them could disgrace themselves or the Empire here.

“Don’t forget your position, Fluder. We’re here as representatives of the Empire, not to satisfy your thirst for magical knowledge.”

By this time, a calm light filled Fluder’s eyes. He had, for the most part, managed to subdue his rampant desire.

“…Forgive me, Your Majesty. I was overcome by excitement. I beg the forgiveness of everyone else present as well.”

“That’s right, Gramps. Have a drink, calm yourself down. Then, shall we?”


Yuri slowly filled the glasses on the table before Jircniv with that same orange fluid. A fragrant citrus scent wafted through the air.

Jircniv took a mouthful of the juice, and the taste was such that he could not help but smile. He thought bitterly, ‘what have I been drinking all my life’. The surrounding royal guards murmured in surprise as they partook of the drinks. If even the jaded Jircniv could be surprised like this, how much more so these common men? As if to illustrate that point, there were many who had forgotten etiquette and were gulping the juice down as fast as possible.

Shortly after, shocked exclamations rang out from the gathered men.

“It’s delicious!”

“What’s with this juice, it’s a perfect blend of sweet and sour flavor!”

“It glides down your throat, and there’s no cloying aftertaste!”

Jircniv took another drink as he heard the praise from all around him. Suddenly, he felt like he was filled with power.

Even my body is getting excited from this taste, huh. To think that Nazarick could produce such quality beverages. It seems I did insult those two dark elves back then. If they availed themselves of such wondrous drink every day, then it’s no wonder they weren’t impressed by our side.

Jircniv smiled bitterly.

To think, even a simple taste of this could defeat them so utterly.

Ahhh… I feel so calm now. This is the first time I’ve felt this relaxed since I came here. It’s like…

like I’ve come home…

How long had they stayed out of the sun in the shade of the umbrellas and heard the wind blow through the grass? Eventually, Yuri said the words which Jircniv longed to hear.

“I apologize for the delay. Ainz-sama is ready to see you now, so please follow me.”

Part 3

Jircniv arrived at a hemispherical room that looked like a theater. He stood at a pair of vast double doors. Intricate carvings decorated both sides of the doors; beautiful goddesses on the right and cruel-looking demons on the left. Countless ominous-looking statues were arrayed around them.

It made onlookers think of “The Gates of Judgement.”

Jircniv pondered the gates as he looked over them.

The huge room, was quiet, so quiet that he imagined he could hear the metaphorical ‘sound of silence’.

Indeed, nobody from the Imperial contingent had uttered a single word ever since they had been brought here. The only sounds were those of armor scraping against armor.

Before they came to this hall of silence, they had passed through vistas filled with incomparable sights on the way here, and their souls had been stolen away by the wonders they had witnessed.

It would have been too much to expect them to not be entranced by the mythical sights they had seen.

In truth, even Jircniv found it hard to control the impulse to gawk openly at his surroundings, given the fantastic world they had passed through.

He glanced over his shoulder to look at his subordinates who had followed him here.

Behind him were Baziwood and ten specially-selected royal guards, Fluder and four of his acolytes, Roune, his secretary, and the priests from the knight orders. Leinas and the other royal guards had been left behind with the carriages for security.

Everyone following him ―with the exception of Fluder― had drawn in their shoulders.

This was the result of being constantly reminded of how tiny and insignificant they were, as well as witnessing sights that the artistic elites of the Empire would have trouble replicating.

The Great Tomb of Nazarick was a tomb in name only. In truth, it was a beautiful world that was closer to a divine realm than anything else. Their impression of the ruler of this place, the magic caster Ainz Ooal Gown, was almost indescribable.

The smile on Jircniv’s face was filled with mockery, aimed at himself. Humans would naturally bow their heads to those who exceeded them. Anyone that was unimpressed by these architectural and artistic marvels must surely have the aesthetic sense of a pebble.

…This is quite disturbing.

Ainz Ooal Gown waited beyond that door. He was a magic caster whose power surpassed even that of Fluder Paradyne. Indeed, there might be nobody to equal him in the past or the future. His magnificent domicile far exceeded the capacity of humans to imagine, and his followers possessed incredible power. He was a being who possessed every advantage that Jircniv could think of.