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Were the actions of Gown’s minion intended to make me say what I just did? If that’s the case, should I go off-script? No, that’s not an option. This is like a staged fight with real blades. A single misstep will result in severe injuries… that would be very bad.

“This is the head of the foolish noble who took action on his own to intrude upon your tomb…

although I do not know if ‘tomb’ is the right word to use. Please accept it.”

The urn contained Earl Femel’s head. He was the noble who had been induced by Jircniv to recruit and dispatch the workers.

These nobles who were neither boon nor bane were raised to be used at times like these.

Dead men told no tales. Although he did not know how much information Ainz Ooal Gown

possessed, it would be wiser to silence him to prevent further leaks.

It was quite likely that Ainz sent his emissaries because the workers had barged into his domain, and he wanted their master to take responsibility for it. Because of that, he had to deny all knowledge of the incident in the hopes of improving their relationship.

The beautiful woman standing beside Ainz gently nodded her head, and the one called Demiurge brought the urn up the steps.

Then, he knelt before Ainz, and presented the head from within the urn,

Ainz lifted the head up.

“I will accept it. But what shall I do with it now? It would be a waste to simply throw it away.”

…Hm? Ah, mockery, then? I see. He’s only certain that the workers were hired by Femel… the question now is where the information leaked from…

Suddenly, the severed head of Earl Femel twitched in the skeletal hand that held it.

At a glance, one might think that Ainz was the one moving it, but a closer look would reveal the truth. The head was covered by some sort of liquid, and Ainz released it from his hand.

Just as it was obscured by the sudden change in position, a fountain of sticky black liquid erupted from the ground.

After the black fluid finished dripping, what was left was an enormous suit of black plate armor.

It was a Death Knight.

As one, everyone behind Jircniv inhaled sharply in surprise.

“How… could this…”

He created it. The maid’s words were true. Jircniv desperately wanted to bite his lip but forced himself not to. He could not do such a shameful thing in public.

“Go. Get in line.”

With a deep groan that seemed to come from somewhere far beneath the earth, the Death Knight obediently descended the stairs and vanished from Jircniv’s field of vision.

How many more of these Death Knights can Ainz Ooal Gown still make? Don’t tell me… an unlimited number, as long as he has corpses? But, if he could do that ― wait, before that, can he make even more powerful undead? That would mean…

“Then, Jircniv Rune Farlord El-Nix-dono.”

Ainz’ quiet voice let Jircniv find himself again, and he smiled easily to Ainz.

“Ah, Gown-dono, Jircniv will do. After all, it is a long name.”

“Is it now? Well then, Jircniv-dono. To begin with, allow me to apologize for that unsightly behavior just now. Given that my ill-mannered vassal was rude towards you and those under your command, I will consider the matter of that noble’s invasion of Nazarick settled. Then, that is all.

Although I have made you come a long way, you are now free to leave.”


Nobody could understand what was going on.

“Ah, forgive me. I fear I may have misheard your words. Could you speak them to me once more?”

“There is no need for you to apologize. It will be fine if you return home. After all, we will be getting very busy over here shortly.”

Ainz shrugged, like he had been kidding.

Jircniv had no idea what was going on any longer.

Could it be that the apology was just a pretext to get him to come here in order to fulfil some other objective? That clearly seemed to be the case, but the circumstances seemed far too strange to be explained away like this.

Something wasn’t adding up here.

―Wait a minute? What did he just say?

“Forgive me, but what did you mean by ‘getting very busy’?”

“Thanks to this incident, we now know that we will be drawn into troublesome matters even if we try to remain uninvolved. That being the case, I was thinking that we should move to the surface and begin taking care of those matters ourselves.”

“That, that would mean…”

“First, we will have those fools who tried to harm us pay an appropriate price. After that, we will crush all the troublesome people we encounter until the peace I so cherish is restored.”

These words were the ranting of a lunatic.

No ― that would be wrong. He was not mad. When one considered Ainz Ooal Gown’s personal, military and economic strength, those words were not mad at all. It was only Jircniv ― blinded by his limited experience ― who found it hard to accept the facts.

Ainz Ooal Gown was a man who could do what he said.

An uncontrollable feeling of dread welled up from beneath Jircniv’s feet.

The Great Tomb of Nazarick. What was supposed to have been a sleeping giant had been roused, and it was about to begin a reign of terror on the surface world.

Could it be that he called me here for this? Is this a declaration of war? What should I do? Ainz Ooal Gown is essentially declaring war on the Empire! Should I kneel before him for here the sake of the future?

In truth, that might have been the wisest thing to do.

However ― there would be no pleasant fate in store for them if they accepted a monster’s rule.

There was a possibility that Ainz might simply kill everyone in the Empire and reanimate them as more Death Knights. It might be a more agonizing fate than simple death.

Jircniv racked his brains like he had never done before in his life. By right, he should have brought this question back and consulted with dozens of sages over what the proper course of action should be. But by then, it would be too late.

With a smile that cut through everything, Jircniv spoke.

“I have a proposal. How about forming an alliance?”

“Are you confusing us with your lackeys― uwah!”

There was a clear, bell-like voice, followed by the sound of something moving swiftly. The silver-haired girl frowned, while Aura, standing beside her, pretended to act dumb.

Although Jircniv’s dynamic vision was not good enough to see what had happened, it looked like the dark elf had just kicked the silver-haired girl in the leg.

“…Oi, you―”

“―You’re making too much noise. Quiet down.”