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Like a demon king, Ainz majestically waved his left hand to motion for silence.

Such regal movements could only have been born of long years of ruling over this domain.

Jircniv’s alertness level went through the roof.

I see, he has presided over this land for a long time. To think he had such a dignified bearing…

The two girls’ voices overlapped, expressing their regret for their foolishness.

He could not sense a hint of the arrogance that Aura had given off while in the capital. Right after that, he glanced at Ainz Ooal Gown, hoping that he had his subordinates fully under control. Then he screwed up his courage and prepared to speak.

This was the main event.

His tongue flickered over his lips.

Jircniv picked the finest plan he could think of from the numberless plots and stratagems he had come up with until this day.

“To build a nation here and to rule it ― I think that is a great idea. It is a position that best fits Gown-dono. Our nation will gladly supply all the aid and resources you need to found this nation.

How about that?”

Ainz’ fleshless face did not move. However, Jircniv sensed that the bright points of red light in Ainz’ eye sockets were glowing slightly brighter.

“…Jircniv-dono, I do not believe that plan holds any merits for you.”

That was only natural, which was why he could confidently predict Ainz would ask that question.

Mustering up all his acting expertise, Jircniv made his reply.

“I wish to forge good relations with the country that your esteemed person will eventually establish.

This is also a consideration for the future.”

“I see. Then, let it be so. I will leave the details to you.”

Jircniv was left speechless at the speed with which Ainz had agreed to the proposal. He had not expected that at all. He could not even muster up the will to say anything else.

To begin with…

Why didn’t he ask me to swear loyalty to him? As an overwhelmingly superior individual in an infinitely advantageous position, why would he even accept an offer of alliance?

He had prepared dozens of answers for when Ainz demanded fealty from him. But Ainz’ answer had exceeded the scope of Jircniv’s predictions.

What was he up to?

Jircniv could not understand Ainz’ thinking at all.

When battling a stronger opponent, a weaker man would consider how to turn his opponent’s strength against himself and trip him up. This was how one exploited the arrogance of the strong.

But if the stronger opponent was not an arrogant being, then that tactic was unusable. The weaker man’s only way of fighting would have no effect.

Ainz must have been thinking that way. He would never act in an arrogant way that let others exploit him.


It’s possible that everything up till now has been going according to Ainz’ plans. After all, the delay in his replies was far too short. Did that mean he already predicted all my possible choices and prepared the appropriate responses?

Jircniv was keenly aware that the terror that accompanied Ainz Ooal Gown did not stem merely from his matchless might, but also from his unfathomable intellect.

“Is, is that so. Then, that is wonderful. Could, could you tell us if there is anything we can do for you?”

“I cannot think of anything right now. For now, how about setting up places where we could send each other’s ambassadors to visit? Like embassies, perhaps. I would like to have a means of contacting you, honoured Emperor.”

If all was really going as Ainz planned, then there was no way he would not have thought of everything. Therefore, the meaning behind his words were obvious.

These words must be a ploy as well. He must have thought that if he stated his demands immediately, he would be seen through. This monster sure has a lot of schemes. Or rather… perhaps it’s because he’s a monster that his intellect surpasses that of humanity.

“Ah, yes, indeed. How foolish of me for not having thought of that. As expected of Gown-dono.”


Is he not a fan of pleasantries?

After hearing that half-hearted response, Jircniv made a mental note of that data point.

“Then, I shall return first. I will leave my secretary here. Could you discuss the details with him?

His name is Roune Varmilinen.”

“―Understood! On behalf of the Empire I shall devote my body and soul to you!”

Although Jircniv could not see Roune’s face, he could hear a strong conviction in his voice. In truth, the decisions made here would decide the Empire’s future. If he did not have to rush back to the Empire immediately to form the appropriate committees and carry out the necessary planning in order to accommodate Ainz Ooal Gown, Jircniv would have preferred to stay here himself.

“An excellent answer. I can feel your loyalty to your Emperor in every word. Then, we will send out Demiurge. Since he was disrespectful to you earlier, consider it an apology for his prior rudeness.”

The frog-like monster bowed silently from the corner of Jircniv’s eye, and he sensed that he was about to lose a valuable subordinate. He struggled to control himself so he would not direct a hateful glance at Ainz by accident.

He checkmated me right from the start!

The frog monster Demiurge could control minds with his words. There was no doubt that he would use them to brainwash Roune and have him reveal everything he knew about the Empire.

These are not the actions an ally would take. Still, the fact that he would be so overt about this is proof of his insidious nature. Demiurge… he must be planning to send this stupid-looking monster to do such intelligence-intensive work so he can blame any problems on the actions of his subordinate. Ainz Ooal Gown, how many more tricks do you have up your sleeve? Damn you!

Although he was cursing and swearing at Ainz in his heart, Jircniv had to acknowledge his skills.

His earlier misstep was a calculated move to stop us from complaining later. We have to speak up now if we have any qualms about this. If we don’t, he might assume that we have no issues with this in future.

Just as Jircniv was about to say something, Ainz spoke before him.

“Demiurge is one of my most trusted followers. I am sure there will be no further problems if he and Roune discuss matters.”

“That would be wonderful.”

Jircniv forced himself to smile.

This was the first time he had seen such a masterful exploitation of an opportunity. Since he had already said this much, anything further would be a waste of breath.

However, as Jircniv heard Ainz’ next words, he realized how naïve he had been.

“Now then, the situation is different. Now, Jircniv-dono is an ally of Nazarick. To send you home in such haste seems rude. Since you are here, why not spend the night? Think of it as a welcome.”