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Ainz suppressed the stress he felt from being the focus of everyone’s attention, and searched for a way out of this predicament.

First, I need to decide whether or not to affirm or deny Shalltear and Aura’s words. If I affirm them, that means conquering the Empire is part of the plan. If I deny them, it means we won’t be conquering the Empire for now… but which side are Demiurge and Albedo hoping for? Oh no, not good, I took too long…

With a cold smile on his face, Ainz laughed.

He took a deep breath.

The odds were one in two.

If he screwed up here, all he would have to do was change the course somehow. And besides―

Shalltear is always messing up, so I should reject her in this!

“―I feel that would be a foolish course of action, Shalltear."

The light in the Guardians’ eyes brightened as they heard Ainz' words. That was probably not a mistake. After hearing the words of their great master, they might be able to gain some wisdom from that erudite mind of his.

I’m not what you think I am!

Ainz looked over to Demiurge. In order not to be mistaken as a full-fledged cry for help, he began softly and carefully.


A smart man like him should understand even if I just speak his name. That was Ainz’ hope.

“Yes! Please forgive this incompetent vassal’s inability to fully comprehend your long-term plans!”

“Ah, no, no, incompetent is a bit too much…”

“Once more, I offer my apologies! I beg for your forgiveness!”

“…Ah, ahhh…”

It’s not like that! Why, why didn’t you explain for me? This is bad, if I call on Demiurge again…

why didn’t he just answer directly?!


“I am moved to tears by the boundless compassion of Ainz-sama. As expected of our ruler, and our king.”


He wanted answers more than he wanted praise.

However, there was already nobody else he could turn to.

After gathering his resolve, Ainz began explaining his conclusion.

“We require just cause.”

“Is. Such. A. Thing. Truly. Necessary?”

“Of course. Indeed, we could conquer the Empire with force alone. However, if we did that, we would raise too many enemies against us. It is different from dealing with primitive opponents like the lizardmen. If I had to explain it, I would phrase it like this: ‘While we were living peacefully in our secluded home, we were attacked and robbed by workers from the Empire. In anger, we killed them and sought to apologise to their employer, the Empire, and they in turn said they would help us build a nation in order to make amends.’ That was the general idea. We will make the Emperor one of our collaborators in our plan.”

“Oh, I see~ But Ainz-sama, will they accept it just like that?”

“Whether they accept or not is immaterial, Aura. The truth does not need their approval.”

That was what he meant by “just cause”. And Ainz had not told a single lie to them.

“Ah, does, does that mean, it was all for this? To, uh, to get the Emperor here?”

“Hm? What do you mean, Mare?”

“Y-yes. Er, talks, talks with the Emperor might leave traces behind, and because of that, you specially brought him here to minimize the amount of leaks when you spoke. I, I think that’s it.”

“―Hahaha. Indeed, it was. Well done, Mare.”

Mare blushed shyly, and smiled.

As he looked at Mare’s adorable smile, Ainz sighed in relief. It was true, negotiating in the Empire might leave a lot of evidence behind. However, by bringing a limited amount of Empire personnel here, they could minimize the number of leaks and ensure it would not go on the record. This would be useful if investigations were made.

Ainz was impressed by the foresight of Demiurge, who had arranged for events to take place here in the first place, and looked to the other Guardians.

“In addition, building a nation implies that we will be defending more people. Turning countries into graveyards will only damage the name of Ainz Ooal Gown. Now, has anyone noticed anything?”

The intention behind those words was to ask if anyone else had noticed anything special, like Mare did.

The eyes of all the Guardians were now focused on Demiurge. They must have felt that Demiurge, whom they believed was the brightest mind in Nazarick, would surely have picked up on something.

Ainz strongly hoped that would be the case.


Demiurge’s laugh echoed through the room.

“…Did you really think that was the extent of Ainz-sama’s plan?”




“What do you mean?”

“What. Did. You. Say?”


“Everyone, you need to think harder. Do you truly know so little about our master, the hub around which all the Supreme Beings revolved?”

Ainz swallowed and blinked, as though he had been punched in the face. Meanwhile, the Guardians were nodding and murmuring “Indeed”.

The hell, why are you making things difficult for me!

Fortunately, nobody could hear Ainz’ internal monologue.

“Really now, did you think you could divine Ainz-sama’s true intentions with just a simple answer?

You are all too hasty, is that not why Ainz-sama did not immediately explain everything to you?”

All the Guardians besides Albedo and Demiurge were starting to look a little uneasy. It was probably because they were unsure about whether they could serve effectively with their current brainpower.

All this made Ainz even more grateful for his current body. It was easier to maintain a poker face this way.

“Really… Ainz-sama. I believe it is now time to inform us of your true objective. After all, our future efforts will all be dedicated to achieving it.”

Everyone’s attention went to Ainz. Their earnest, pleading expressions seemed to say, “Please enlighten this foolish one”.

After looking over everyone, Ainz took a deep breath. No, he took several deep breaths.

Then, he slowly rose from his chair, and turned his back to the Guardians. From this position, he offered praise to Demiurge.

“…As expected of Demiurge, and the Overseer of the Guardians, Albedo. To think, you could discern my true aims…”

“…No, Ainz-sama’s schemes are elaborate and farsighted. I cannot hope to compare. And I believe what I understand is only a portion of your plans.”

Demiurge bowed respectfully in response to Ainz' praise.