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“I have heard that some of the maids speak of you as a Wise King. I believe that name is best suited for Ainz-sama. To think, assuming the role of Momon the adventurer was part of your master plan.

Now he has become an effective alternative to levelling a country.”

Ainz nodded in smug self-satisfaction, but his heart was a vortex of doubt.

…What’s he saying? Momon? What is the name of that adventurer from E-Rantel doing here?

“What does this all mean?”

Shalltear’s question carried a hint of jealousy, it was probably because only two people could think on the same level as her beloved master. As she saw Demiurge’s faint smile and Albedo’s beaming victor’s smile, Aura could not help but puff up her cheeks.

“Ainz-sama, tell us too. We want to be useful as well!”

“Th-then, um, uh, please tell us!”

“To. Begin. With. We. Should. Not. Need. To. Have. It. Spelled. Out. For Us. Please. Forgive. This.

Foolish One.”

“I pray you will enlighten us in this matter, Ainz-sama.”

Ainz kept his back faced to them, and covered his face with a hand. The stress made him feel like he was going to faint.

―There is no greater joy in life for us than to serve you.

The Guardians behind him were saying something similar, all at the same time.

Ainz could not help but feel his heart ache with guilt as he heard the Guardians lament behind him.

His emotions should have been suppressed, but the pain he felt was uncontrollable.

Should he come clean and admit his own incompetence?

Ainz' myriad doubts and speculations would not allow him to say that.

He cast aside his doubts and turned around, thrusting the Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown forward as he did.

“Demiurge. I permit you to explain what you understand to the others.”


After Demiurge nodded, he began speaking to his comrades.

Part 5

The structure of the carriages had not changed between the journey to and from Nazarick, but for some reason, every slight bump and movement along the way seemed magnified. The reason was probably because of the gloomy atmosphere in the carriage’s interior. Or it might be because of the change in the composition of the carriage’s occupants.

The troops escorting them to Nazarick were composed of men from the First Legion. The ones escorting them from Nazarick were from the Second Legion.

In place of Fluder was one of his acolytes. In place of Roune was one of his scribes. The two original occupants of the carriage who remained were Jircniv and Baziwood.

Fluder was not here because he wanted to discuss what he had seen with his disciples. In his stead, he had sent one of his acolytes to take his place in Jircniv’s carriage. Though the acolyte was skilled, he was still a far cry from his master.

In all likelihood, the discussion in Fluder’s carriage was probably at a feverish intensity.

The mood in their carriage would probably be the polar opposite of this one. In Jircniv’s carriage, there was only silence.

The grim mood continued pervading through the carriage.

The one who had made it this way was Jircniv himself. His face was hard, and his expression bitter, like he had chewed on a lotus root.

The man who was known and feared as the Blood Emperor was a man who typically wore a cold smile on his face. In truth, that expression was carefully rehearsed. This was because he had to cultivate the impression of a strong emperor among his people. If a person who stood above all others could not make a striking impression on everyone, it would cause unease among those who followed him.

However, it seemed that even these three people, who knew Jircniv the best, had never seen this look on Jircniv’s face. Everyone present knew this, which was why they kept quiet and remained in their places.

Even if he felt them looking at him, Jircniv did not plan to say anything.

The reason for that was abundantly clear.

Or rather, if anyone could think of anything else, Jircniv would split open that person’s head to see what was inside. Chances are, he would find a brain the size of his pinky finger.

The Great Tomb of Nazarick… In truth, calling it a tomb was grossly inappropriate.

That’s a demon king’s castle!

Those frightening beings, and beyond them―

―The spectre of Death, which sat upon a throne.

And it was not just fear they felt.

They had seen myriad luxuries, glittering architecture, and all manner of decorations. Nobody could remain unawed by that.

Jircniv could easily predict the difficulties his country would have, in the face of that being which possessed superlative military and economic power, among other things.

If a country’s leader was strong, he would give his people a sense of security. However strong a country might be nobody could feel confident if it were led by a sheep. Fortunately, the Empire was a lion through and through. And then, all of a sudden, a dragon had appeared before them. How would the Empire’s citizens feel about that?

Jircniv stared down at his hands, which were clenched so tight all the color had gone from them.

No, it’s not over yet. There hasn’t been a decisive defeat yet.

Jircniv smiled. It was a smile that fit the name of the Blood Emperor.

Perhaps they were waiting for the return of that cold smile, but a feeling of relief came over each of his subordinates. Jircniv could not help but smile genuinely as he saw this.

“Don’t stare so hard. Aren’t you losing your focus here?”

“Your Majesty!”

The three voices overlapped. There were hints of joy within them, joy that their Emperor had come back to them. As Jircniv realised what he should be doing, he nodded vigorously.

“To begin with, I would like to confirm if everyone is feeling conflicted about that place. If anyone has a differing opinion, feel free to give it. Who knows, I might be the one who’s gotten things wrong. Well then… I suppose we should start with the most important thing― What does everyone think of the ruler of the Great Tomb of Nazarick, Ainz Ooal Gown?”

Jircniv deliberately said the name of that super-class monster a beat slower than normal.

“Ainz Ooal Gown is a monster among monsters who can easily create Death Knights, and if we make an enemy of him, the Empire may well be destroyed. However, even if we do not antagonize him, there is a chance he might kill us all anyway, because he is undead and he would take joy in it.

Does anyone disagree?


“It is as His Majesty says.”

“Ahh, we agree, then. While we’re at it, I do not believe humanity can defeat that being. Frankly speaking, I do not think we can gather enough blades to face him, even if we mustered all the armies of the Empire.”