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“How I look forward to that day. Everything rests in the palm of Ainz-sama’s hand. When that moron finds out, I wonder what sort of face will he make… after all, Ainz-sama always thinks several moves ahead.”

As Demiurge delivered his reverent speech, Albedo continued with a suitably respectful expression on her face.

“Indeed, Ainz-sama’s wisdom is beyond our ability to match. If Ainz-sama had not created the hero Momon, it would be impossible to rule peacefully. In that case, E-Rantel could only be controlled by violence and terror.”

“…Perhaps we could use the Golden Princess to achieve similar effects, but that would be a waste of a trump card. She is a human being who is just as interesting ―no, perhaps even more so― than what I have determined from analysis of Sebas’ intelligence reports. She will be an excellent pawn.”

“Ah, after hearing that, I too wish to take a look at her.”

“Then, after we found our nation, shall we have her be an envoy to us? After all, bargains must be kept.”

“…You. Two. Have. Gone. Off. Topic. You. Are. Wasting. Ainz-sama’s. Precious. Time.”

Ainz responded with a simple “It’s fine” to their hurried apologies.

In truth, he had learned a lot from their casual conversation, and he had gained time to think of more excuses. To Ainz, that had been a valuable opportunity.

“But truth to be told, Ainz-sama is really amazing,” Shalltear said.

“Mhm. Yup yup, Shalltear. After all, Ainz-sama prepared a plan that managed to astound even Albedo and Demiurge…”

“A-as expected of. Ainz-sama. Y-you’re too cool. I–I really admire you.”

“…My. Foolish. Self. Is. Ashamed. Of. My. Lack. Of. Intelligence.”

“All I can say is that our inability to keep pace with Ainz-sama’s considerations is truly unbecoming.”

The Guardians’ praise stabbed at Ainz like swords.

Although Ainz could not help but think of it as mockery, the Guardians eyes were filled with respect and loyalty, and their worship of him was genuine. Therefore, Ainz did not contradict them, but instead used his acting skills to answer, as usual.

“There is nothing of that sort. It was merely a coincidence. And in the end, Demiurge and Albedo saw through it.”

“No, if Ainz-sama had not responded thusly, I would not have been able to connect the dots.”

“Demiurge is correct. Planning so far ahead without any knowledge of the situation is a feat only possible by the greatest of the Supreme Beings. I have fallen even deeper in love with you.”

“As expected of Ainz-sama, whose intellect surpasses even that of Demiurge, the wisest mind in Nazarick,” Shalltear said.

“It’s true! Ainz-sama is really amazing!” Aura exclaimed.

“Mm! R-really amazing!”

“I. Have. Long. Known. Ainz-sama. Possessed. Excellent. Abilities. But. I. Could. Not. Imagine.

The. Extent. Of. His. Prowess… As. Expected. Of. The. Greatest. Treasure. Of. Nazarick.”

“Well put. He is filled with compassion and overflows with wisdom. There is no better master for us than Ainz-sama,” Albedo said.


“Come to think of it, there is a matter that needs to be decided. Although I have no problems addressing Ainz-sama as ‘King’, I fear that simply leaving his title as such will invite confusion with the maggots surrounding us. I feel we must consider a more fitting form of address for Ainz-sama.”

The Guardians unanimously approved Demiurge’s suggestion.

“Do you approve, Ainz-sama?”

“It is fine. Do as you see fit.”

Being called King Ainz Ooal Gown was bad enough. His emotion override had already kicked in several times when he thought about the implications of naming himself a king.

“Does anyone have any suggestions?”

“Then, allow me to begin,” Shalltear said as she raised her hand. “The name we choose should obviously indicate Ainz-sama’s surpassing beauty. I feel the Beautiful King would be fitting.”

Ohhh, the Guardians chorused in approval.

Beautiful King Ainz Ooal Gown?

“Oh, me! Meee~” Aura piped up as she raised her hand. “The name should highlight Ainz-sama’s power! How about the Powerful King, or Power King for short?”

I see, the Guardians murmured.

Power King Ainz Ooal Gown?

“Then, then. M-may I try? Erm… because Ainz-sama is very kind, it might be good to let people know that. Then, then, m-maybe we could try, the Merciful King?”

The Guardians nodded

Merciful King Ainz Ooal Gown?

“As for me―” Here Demiurge paused for effect. “―to praise Ainz-sama’s exalted intellect, I propose the Wise King.”

Wise King Ainz Ooal Gown? …I feel bad about saying no, but I’ll pass on that.

“What do you think, Sebas?”

In response to Albedo’s question, Sebas replied, “I think a simple ‘king’ will do.”

“Then, I shall go. Because he is the Supreme Being who stands atop all the other Supreme Beings, I think the Supreme King would be appropriate.”

The Guardians once more murmured in approval.

Supreme King Ainz Ooal Gown? If they all say that… it sounds awfully over-the-top.

Everyone’s eyes rested on the only Guardian who had not yet spoken.

“How about you, Cocytus? Although it might be a bit difficult to compete with Supreme King, do you have any titles you feel are fitting of Ainz-sama?”

“Umu. In. Future. Ainz-sama. Will. Rule. Many. People. Therefore. He. Will. Be. A. Magician.

Who. Rules. As. A. King. I. Think. Sorcerer. King. Will. Best. Fit. That.”

The Guardians did not reply immediately.

However, all of them looked at Ainz. From the look in their eyes, they all felt there was no better title than that one, although Albedo seemed a little disappointed.

“Very well. Then we shall use Cocytus’ suggestion.”

Ainz slowly rose to his feet.

“When our nation is founded, I shall crown myself the Sorcerer King, Ainz Ooal Gown!”

Ainz waved his hands in embarrassment to ward of the thunderous applause which followed. In truth, his back was starting to feel a little itchy.

“Well then! Let us demonstrate the power of Nazarick in the battle between the Kingdom and the Empire!”

“It is as Ainz-sama says. They wish to investigate the limits of Ainz-sama’s power. Little do they know, they have played right into our hands.”

Demiurge continued, in an excellent mood.

“Before negotiations can take place, the most important thing is to strike a mighty blow to the other party and let them understand the difference between our might and theirs. Foolish creatures like humans will do foolish things because they do not realize how powerful their opponents are. They do not know that their wisest option is to bow their heads and lick Ainz-sama’s boots.