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Could it be that all this had been planned from the moment I met Gown-dono? I don’t want to think that might be the case, but I didn’t get a feeling like that during our short time talking to each other.

From the way Gazef addressed him with honorifics even in his speech ― and his thoughts ― it was clear that he bore no ill-will toward the magic caster Ainz Ooal Gown.

…Maybe he could peacefully take control of… ah, no, if I continue thinking like this it’ll be treason.

“I think it’s about time we stopped this petty squabbling.”

A deep male voice cut through the commotion ― everyone fell silent as they tried to find its source.

Gazef bit his lip as someone else usurped the role the King was supposed to play.

That victory was as sweet as honey…

He did not think it was a big deal. However, would the King forget himself in that sweetness?

Would the King that Gazef was so proud of disappear? He could not erase such thoughts from his mind.

“Your Majesty, if the Empire’s invasion is a foregone conclusion, then we must prepare ourselves.”

“Marquis Raeven, his Majesty alone―”

The words of the Noble faction were interrupted by Raeven.

“―I’ll thank you to reconsider. If his Majesty’s troops are defeated, who knows where the Empire will attack next? So, for the sake of protecting my domain, I will protect the King’s.”

Silence fell.

The Kingdom’s troops were conscripted civilians. There was no way they were a match for the Empire’s knights. The only way to defeat the Empire’s advantage in troop quality was with troop quantity. That had been the way things went for the past few years, but if they couldn’t even muster up sufficient troops to match the Empire’s, then the outcome of the war was already a foregone conclusion.

After hearing Raeven’s words, the members of the Noble faction imagined the Imperial knights ravaging their lands as well.

The first to announce their support for the King were the nobles who held land between the capital and E-Rantel, followed by the nobles who held close ties to the first group, and in the end, all the nobles pledged their support.

“All right. Then, we shall delay our reply to the Empire, and gather our troops at the usual place before we answer them. Naturally, I will be going as well.”

“Please let me join you on the battlefield, father!”

The one shouting was Prince Barbro, who had been waiting silently at the side until now.

“…No, no. There’s no need for the eldest son and heir to the throne to take the field. I will handle this.”

Crown Prince Barbro turned to the speaker, the second prince Zanack. Barbro’s answer was short and to the point.

“No need?!”

His retort was filled with anger.

Zanack’s proposal was a reasonable one. Since the king was already headed to the battlefield, it would be far too dangerous to bring his eldest son along with him. Barbro understood this, but even so, his refusal came from his hatred of Zanack.

Said hatred once again stemmed from the demonic disturbance.

During the demonic disturbance, Zanack had patrolled the capital and earned the praise of many citizens. Barbro, on the other hand, hid inside the palace, and as such, the number of nobles supporting Zanack had increased as well.

At a glance, Zanack did not look particularly heroic, and the contrast between his looks and his brave deeds drew attention. Conversely, Barbro looked impressive, but his inaction made him appear cowardly. In order to erase this shame, Barbro wanted to go to the battlefield to show his martial valor.

The Crown Prince was a reasonably talented warrior, in keeping with his appearance. Although he had been brought up in a sheltered lifestyle, and was not a match for Princess Renner’s bodyguard Climb who had tirelessly trained himself, he could still be said to be the strongest fighter of the royal family. To him, it was unthinkable that Zanack ―who would lose his balance after swinging a sword but once, due to his weight― could ever be considered a greater warrior than himself. That was a disgrace he could not endure. Although Marquis Raeven had once said, “What good is a king’s swordplay?”, Barbro was Zanack’s intellectual inferior, and as such, he was even more determined not to lose out in his chosen field of warfare.

No matter what, one couldn’t keep trailing behind one’s opponent in the game of thrones.

Gazef’s gut ached as he considered the potential crisis hiding within the Kingdom.

Although he wanted to resign his commission after the King abdicated and dedicate himself to protecting Ranpossa III, realistically speaking, it would probably be very difficult to do that.

In addition, it would probably be a failure in himself as a loyal servant of his Majesty if he did not save a life that could be saved. Not to mention the king’s abdication itself was in question.

If there was someone who could replace him, then he would gladly hand his position over. However, such people were in short supply. There was one person who could hold his own against Gazef, but that person would never agree to become the Warrior-Captain.

What’s Brain planning to do in the future? Does he have something in mind?

Although Brain had become Princess Renner’s direct subordinate, Gazef had a feeling that he would leave soon. If he did vanish, it would probably be to hone his sword skills. As a man bound to the courts, Gazef could not help but admire that lifestyle.

He recalled Brain’s polished swordsmanship.

After the demonic disturbance, Gazef and Brain had exchanged blows in a friendly spar.

Although Gazef had triumphed in that no-holds-barred match, he could feel the hours Brain had put into his sword work as the wind of his sword’s passage blew through his hair.

Who knew, in a few years’ time, Brain might end up becoming stronger than himself.

If Brain agreed to take my place, I’d focus my energy into training the next generation, so the Kingdom would have its share of skilled warriors in the future.

“I certainly agree!”

Marquis Bowlrob’s voice interrupted Gazef’s thoughts. Now was not the time to worry about the distant future.

“If you will permit me, I would gladly contribute my strongest troops to the effort and to the protection of his Majesty’s person. How about that, your Majesty?”

“Umu. Warrior-Captain, what do you think?”

He could not pretend that he had not heard it. That would be a lie. Gazef put on a show of earnest consideration, while ignoring the twitch of Raeven’s eyebrow.

It was probably Bowlrob’s suggestion, who supported Barbro as the next king, for Barbro to fight at the front. However, Gazef had no proof of this, so there was only one answer he could give.

“I believe it all depends on his Majesty’s opinion.”