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What he knew now was that the other side had a way of gaining information from within the Empire. So did he have a far-reaching web of spies, or…

Ainz Ooal Gown is a person who carefully analyzes information. Then I must confirm this.

“He ordered you to come on a dragon?”

“Y-yes, Lord Ainz told us to do so.”

“I see… so that's what it is…”

“What are you getting at, asking all these weird questions? Are you apologizing? Or not coming? If you're not coming, we'll take your words back, but that means your country's doomed.”

There was a saying, “one cannot gain a dragon’s eggs without entering a dragon’s lair”.

It meant that one could not make great gains without taking great risks.

With that in mind, Jircniv steeled himself.

“Naturally, I wish to expiate my wrongdoings before him. Though I have no impression of sending anyone to a place called Nazarick, it is entirely possible that one of my underlings might have acted rashly, and independently of my orders. That being the case, the ultimate responsibility lies with their overall superior — namely, myself.”

From the corner of his field of vision, he saw the three scribes' eyes widening fractionally, while Fluder nodded in approval.

“Huh~ all right. Let's go now, then.”

“Now? Hold on, please. While I have no issue with leaving presently, I am still the ruler of this country, and I cannot simply vacate the seat of power all of a sudden. Perhaps, two, maybe three days…”

Jircniv glanced at the twins to make sure it was all right before continuing.

“…in order to get the affairs of state in order before I leave. After adding in the time to settle some other pressing matters and preparing the reparations for his Lordship, I think ten days should—”

“Ten days? That's a bit long, don't you think?”

“With ten days, I will surely be able to prepare adequate recompense. A thoughtless offering would be a grave insult to your lord. Then there is the matter of finding the parties involved. The Empire is large — scouring it will require an appropriate amount of time.”

The matter of compensation drove Aura into deep thought. Even Mare on the side didn't seem to know how to proceed.

I see… upon hearing the subject of an appropriate gift, they were distracted. That means they revere their master that much. I should be able to buy some time with this.

But before Jircniv could continue, Aura spoke first.

“Just kidding. Lord Ainz just told me to tell you to come over now, where ‘now’ was defined as

‘however long you think you need’.”

Though he wanted to spit on Ainz Ooal Gown, who had seen through his schemes, at the same time he also felt that his opponent was both intelligent and a worthy foe.

So he wanted to see how I'd react to the demand of "now", then. Well well, Ainz Ooal Gown, you're a tricky negotiator. You must be quite the sage to have foreseen the path this conversation would take.

“I said something, aren't you going to reply?”

Aura's cold voice made Jircniv feel like he was drowning in a swamp.

“Ah— ah, forgive me. I was merely contemplating what to prepare if I didn't have enough time.”

“Huh~ well, it doesn't matter. Then… can you give me an answer? How long before we can expect you to come over to Nazarick?”

“Just so,” Jircniv ignored Aura's provocation. “All preparations considered, I think I will be able to pay you a visit in five days' time.”

“Got it. Then, we'll let Lord Ainz know. Ah, that reminds me, should we help you dig out the guys buried alive out there? Though…”

Aura clapped her hands together, and her smile was far too malicious to be childlike.

“…They may have gotten just a teeny bit squashed. That might be a bit hard to fix.”

Jircniv continued smiling, because the opposition's aim right now was far too transparent.

People revealed their true nature during times of great emotion. So fear was their way of probing him. Jircniv had used this technique during negotiations himself, but times like these were also a chance to thwart one's opponent's aims.

“Then, I am grateful for your assistance. I shall leave the rest to you.”

Seeing the plain emotion on Aura's face, Jircniv allowed himself to smile honestly for the first time.

A War of Words

Special thanks to Anon

Part 1

Six luxurious carriages raced over the plains.

Their motion was surprisingly stable despite the fact that they were galloping over rough ground.

To start, the wheels of each carriage were magic items called ‘Comfortable Wheels’. In addition, the chassis of the carriages had also been treated by a magic item called ‘Lightweight Cargo’.

These unbelievably magnificent carriages commanded an eye-popping price, but just as astonishing were the creatures which pulled them. The eight-legged magical beasts looked like horses and were known as ‘Sleipnirs’.

Calculating the precise cost of fielding six of these vehicles was an exercise in foolishness.

These vehicles ―far out of reach of the merely wealthy― were escorted by a group of riders mounted on powerful horses.

There were over twenty of these riders, each clad in chainmail armor, armed with longswords on their belts and crossbows on their backs.

Yet, a woman rode at the head of all these men.

Alone among all these warriors, she wore a suit of heavy full plate armor. In addition to her full plate, she carried a cavalry lance in the same way foot soldiers might hold a spear. Her helmet’s visor was raised, but the right side of her face was covered by some kind of golden cloth, which made her look quite unique.

Although this band of horsemen were the very picture of mercenary warriors, but their practiced movements and their clipped, precise words were nothing like that of a common sellsword. Their eyes were keen, and their level of alertness was high.

Some might have taken their unceasing vigilance to be a form of paranoia or cowardice, but in a world where magic was real and monsters flew through the air and ran wild over the land, even being on guard against everything they could see was not enough to guarantee their safety.

There were giant spiders which could survive for months without drinking while lying in wait for their prey, formless shapeshifters that resembled banks of fog, unclean monsters that slid through the air, venomous lizards with petrifying gazes that could only be avoided if they were encountered on open ground…

They were all on edge because they were wary of monsters with such deadly powers. However, normal mercenaries did not go to such lengths for alertness.