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“However, if they could gather a lot of magic casters that could use ‘Fireball’―”

“And exactly how probable would an assembly of said magic casters be, hm? Do tell us, O Warrior-Captain-dono.”

“That… I think it’s not too likely.”

‘Fireball’ was a third-tier spell. It would be impossible to amass a large number of magic casters who could use that spell, even if one had the magical academies of the Empire.

“Then, isn’t that the answer? Magic is a good weapon, but no matter how powerful he is, one man cannot change the battlefield! You ―forgive me― the Warrior-Captain-dono is a perfect example.

While nobody can match yourself in a duel, even you can’t slay several thousand people in one go!”

He was right. Gazef could not find anything to rebutt Marquis Bowlrob’s argument.

Those tales of destroying tens of thousands in a single blow were of dubious reliability at best. Even that granny, one of the Thirteen Heroes, Rigrit Bers Carau, couldn’t accomplish such a feat.

However, the disquiet still lingered in Gazef.

Could it be that he had not met a truly amazing magic caster, but was simply clueless?

“…Then, what if it was a dragon?”

“Marquis Volumlash… that magic caster is a human, why would you even bring up a dragon?”

“No, I meant in terms of one man fighting a brigade…”

“In the first place, there’s no point mentioning dragons when we’re discussing humans! I don’t know what you’re all thinking, so afraid of a measly little magic caster―”

He turned a sharp glare to Gazef.

“As nobles of the Kingdom, you should be ashamed of yourselves, cowering at the sight of his shadow! Still, it’s not like I don’t understand the Warrior-Captain-dono’s concern… then, let us consider Ainz Ooal Gown to be a force capable of equalling five thousand men.”

“F-five thousand?!”

Lindon’s eyes went wide.

“Don’t you think it’s a little much, valuing one man as equal to five thousand? Equating him to half would still be too much.”

“I, for one, consider the Warrior-Captain-dono to be a match for a thousand men, and given that our Warrior-Captain-dono is so wary of this individual, we shall count him as being able to battle five times that amount. I have faith in the Warrior-Captain-dono’s appraisal of him.”

“You honor me.”

Although he still doubted that Ainz Ooal Gown’s combat power was only equal to five thousand men, that much was already difficult enough to believe. It would be better to thank him and try to regain a little bit of goodwill. With that in mind, Gazef lowered his head.

At this juncture, the hitherto silent Crown Prince Barbro opened his mouth.

“If I might be allowed a bit of your time… I’ve been thinking. Why don’t we draft those adventurers into the army? After all, they work in the Kingdom, so aren’t they subject to conscription? Why aren’t they allowed to join the military? I don’t recall any law in the Kingdom forbidding that.”

The Great Nobles glanced at each other. As landlords, they clearly understood the value and power of adventurers. Because of that, they would not accept Barbro’s line of reasoning.

On his part, Gazef felt that the reason why Barbro had such thoughts was because he was a member of the royal family. If he had a fief to manage, he would not think like that.

Marquis Raeven coughed.

“My prince. I trust you understand that aside from those with copper plates, every adventurer is stronger than the average soldier?”

“Umu. Of course. That’s why we should draft them. Once enlisted, they’ll produce excellent results.

They’ll be able to defeat the Imperial knights with ease!”

“I do not dispute that point. However, if we did that, then our enemies ― the Empire, for instance

― would also conscript adventurers to counter our use of them. In that case, rather than a battle between adventurers, it would become a systematic slaughter of the rank and file by adventurers.

The losses would be far greater, and many conscripts would die. This is why both sides don’t use adventurers, to avoid such an arms race. In addition, the Adventurer’s Guild would never allow it.”

Workers were also not used for similar reasons. In addition, they were usually more expensive than adventurers, and less reliable.

“Is that so… though I still don’t like that idea, I can accept it. Then what if a city was attacked? If they still didn’t join in the defense, wouldn’t that be treason, for a citizen of the Kingdom?”

“I understand the point you’re trying to make. However, they feel that they have discretion over whether or not they count as citizens of the Kingdom. In addition, they might also be travelling abroad at the time. The most important thing is that the better they are, the more the nation is diminished when they perish in battle. It may lead to a situation where a monster appears, but there’s no adventurer around capable of stopping it. As such, we need to handle adventurers carefully.”

“Marquis Raeven, did you not mention earlier that you had conscripted some retired adventurers into your forces? Something about… former-orichalcum? Why is that allowed?”

“That’s fine. They’re no longer bound by the rules of the Adventurer’s Guild once they retire and are no longer members. That’s why I hired them.”

“…I see. Although, I hear it, but I don’t quite understand it.”

Soft laughter and sounds of approval came from the noble contingent.

“Still, that only applies up to adventurers ranked up to orichalcum. Adamantite-ranked adventurers are a different matter entirely. Of the two adamantite-ranked adventurer parties in the Kingdom…”

There was nobody here who didn’t know of the daring exploits of Blue Rose during the demonic disturbance.

“Before they took center stage, there was another group of adamantite-ranked adventurers. Although they’ve all retired, they haven’t been hired since then…Right, Warrior-Captain-dono?”

“That’s correct. There are four of them. One opened an exclusive sword school for pupils he chose himself. Two more went on a journey. The last one was the granny who spent some time in Blue Rose before leaving for parts unknown.”

Gazef counted the familiar faces on his fingers as he recalled them.

While he was strolling through the capital, he had been dragged into a training hall by his future teacher, and he’d been subjected to a hellish regimen of sword training and lectures.

Because of that encounter, the Gazef who should have only been a mercenary had ended up becoming the king’s champion, but even if that was the case―

No, come to think of it, those were good memories too.

“I see. I’ve also heard that this city is the base for the adventurer team called ‘Darkness’. If only we could count on the ‘Beautiful Princess’ Nabe to fight Ainz Ooal Gown… although that seems difficult.”