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“I find that hard to believe, personally. I honestly can’t imagine anyone could be stronger than Sebas-sama… but more importantly, why do you address an enemy with such respect?”

“He is a worthy enemy. Although, saying that would be troublesome for the King, given the person of whom I speak.”

Brain shrugged.

“You’ve done a great deal for us, Warrior-Captain-sama. Climb-kun, you’ve done your fair share for the Kingdom. As for me, I’m okay with anything. That air-headed Princess-sama is really too kind for her own good.”

Words like those suited Brain well. However, his attitude toward the royal family couldn’t be dismissed just like that.

Although the Gazef Stronoff who was a loyal vassal of the King might have knotted his brows in annoyance, the Gazef Stronoff who was a warrior would only laugh at the man’s boldness.

If someone else were watching, he would have had to scold Brain, but right now, only the three of them were here. That meant that he only needed to be his warrior-self now.

“Although it’s true Princess Renner is too free… well, enough of that. I’ll understand if Climb doesn’t want to repaint his armor. Then, please take care of yourselves.”

“I’m extremely grateful for the concern everyone has shown me. However, Princess Renner told me before that I would need to work hard to match this suit of armor. So, although I am very sorry I cannot meet your wishes, I will not be changing my mind.”

“Is that so? Then I guess that’ll do.”

The cool wind blew past the three of them. The sky was a nearly-translucent shade of blue. It didn’t feel like a war was about to break out at all. Against this backdrop, Gazef saw Climb, with a serious look on his face. As he thought about not letting too many people die, his heart was filled with joy and sadness.

As though to wipe these feelings away, Gazef decided to change the topic.

“Speaking of which, what were you two talking about just now?”

Brain and Climb looked at each other, and then Brain spoke for them.

“Well, you know we’re not like you, we’re free, to some extent. So anyway, I was the one who started it. Climb was just following me around. Though there was one more person, Lockmeyer, I had him show us around. And we were planning to look up the messiah of the capital, that adamantite-ranked adventurer. We heard he was based in this city, so we decided to visit him.”

“Oh, Momon-dono, am I correct?”

“Right, right, that’s him. I saw him in passing in the capital. I heard them calling him the mightiest warrior ever―”

Here Brain’s attitude changed. He was more serious now.

“―So I wanted to discuss some things with him.”


Gazef repeated the word like a parrot learning to speak. Brain’s expression was hard to read.

“About that vampire. Shalltear Bloodfallen.”

Shalltear Bloodfallen.

The almighty vampire, who had shattered the spirit of Brain Unglaus, Gazef’s rival.

She was a monster that humanity could not defeat, and she had appeared in the Capital.

Brain thought she might have had something to do with Jaldabaoth, but―

“…Did you know there was another vampire here, Henyupenyuko, who was defeated by an exotic magic item used by Momon-dono? Apparently, a part of the forest was destroyed by a large explosion, and when Momon-dono returned, his armor was covered in the signs of a great battle.”

Gazef had heard that much from the Mayor.

“Ah, yes, I’ve heard of it too. That’s why I wanted to speak with him. To begin with, in my opinion, Shalltear Bloodfallen is a being that not even an adamantite-ranked adventurer could beat. And not that I suspect him or anything, but I wanted to ask if he dealt it a fatal blow. And I was also interested in Henyupenyuko as well.”

“You mean, there might be other vampires like that around?”

“That’s right, Climb-kun. From what I’ve learned, Momon is chasing two vampires. I wanted to confirm if they’re Henyupenyuko and Shalltear.”

“And then what happened?”

“Well, about that…”

Brain shrugged.

“Unfortunately, he wasn’t around. He was out of the city because of a request. I have no idea when he’s coming back.”

“Well, that is a shame. I didn’t have any luck either. I didn’t have a chance to speak with Momon-dono. If I had some time, I’d like to talk to him. If nothing else, I’d like to thank him for saving the Capital.”

“Is that so? Then… after this war’s over, why don’t we go together? If we’re lucky, we’ll be able to see him. Climb-kun, want to come with us?”

“I would love to!”

“Marvellous. Well, it looks like I have something to look forward to after this war’s over. An adamantite-ranked warrior. I’ll be able to learn a lot, I’ll bet.”

“Indeed. We’ll definitely learn something. What kind of enemies he’s fought with… I look forward to hearing about his deeds of valor!”

“Well, this is unexpected. Gazef, you like this sort of thing?”

“Ah, yes. After all, I am a warrior; it’s only natural that I’d be interested… So you’d better come back safe, all right?”

Gazef turned his eyes toward the Kattse Plain.

“There’s a tavern in the Capital with excellent food. Once this war is over, we’ll go there to celebrate. The money I saved up is meant for times like that.”

“Let’s hope we’re going there to celebrate victory.”

Brain walked up to Gazef’s side, and looked in the same direction as him.

“Then, well, about that… could I come too?”

“Climb-kun, can you drink?”

Although the Kingdom’s laws did not technically set a legal age for drinking, nobody would sell alcohol to a boy of fifteen.

“No, I haven’t, so I’m not sure.”

“Is that so? Well, then you should drink a little and see. There may come a time when you need to drink with others, like now.”

“Indeed. It might be good to try drinking for the first time before that.”

“I understand! Then, I hope you will let me accompany you.”

“Good! Then, may the three of us return here safely. Don’t lose your lives without a good reason!”

Brain and Climb nodded in response to Gazef’s words.

Part 4

A crimson expanse. A barren wasteland, devoid of almost all vegetation. A bloody land of death.

The Kattse Plains ― a place where the undead and other monsters wandered, feared as a place that was inimical to life.

The most dangerous thing was the thin mist that wrapped around its monsters no matter the time of the day. This fog carried faint traces of the energies which caused undead reactions.

By itself, the mist did nothing to living creatures. It did not absorb life energy, nor was it harmful.