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Kabein looked apologetically to Nimble, before speaking to the man outside.


The man who came in was a senior knight.

“What’s going on? Is it an emergency?”

“Sir! A carriage flying the flag of the Sorcerer King has arrived at the main gate. They request entry.

Do we have permission to let them in?”

The knight’s eyes turned to Nimble, and then to Kabein. He nodded to Nimble.

“…Understood, let them through.”

“Sir! Then… do we need to inspect the carriage?”

Nobody could enter the garrison without being cleared by the sentries. The normal procedure was to use magic to check the personnel in question, to ensure they weren’t intruders disguised by illusions.

If this were the Kingdom, they would not have used magic for inspections. The reason why it was used here was because magic was a cornerstone of the Empire’s might. They were aware of the terrifying power of magic, and were thus vigilant against its use.

This was especially true for a huge military base like this which employed the latest magical technology. If these technologies were leaked, it might cause great harm to the Empire. Were Emperor Jircniv to show up in person, he would still be closely scrutinized by the guards.

As a result, even if the visitors were from an allied country ― no, precisely because they were from an allied country, they would be subject to inspection.

However, there were situations where such things would not be allowed.

Kabein glanced to Nimble again.

Weighed down by the oppressive atmosphere and the power of the item at his breast, Nimble could only smile bitterly in response.

“General Kabein, my apologies. They are extremely important guests to the Empire. As an exception among exceptions, permit them to enter as they are.”

Kabein’s face, which had borne a warm smile until recently, froze into an emotionless mask.

Nimble had given an order which superseded his own authority.

No matter how kind a man was, he wouldn’t be happy if his own people were given orders by someone else.

Nimble understood the reason for Kabein’s aggravation, but that was an order he had to give.


While Nimble was hesitating about whether to reveal the item he was concealing in his breast pocket, General Kabein spoke up.

“If it is the Emperor’s command, then we must obey. After all, the Empire and all within it are under the command of his Imperial Majesty.”

“I am very glad you understand, General.”

The object Nimble was holding onto was an imperial decree. It was written on parchment, and said that the bearer was empowered to act with the full authority of the Emperor. Its remit extended to everyone involved within this war. Within this war, Nimble would outrank Kabein, and would be able to decide the fate of the General as required.

For a moment, Nimble was relieved because he would not have to ruin the relationship between an elder officer that he respected. Then he tensed up again, because now was not the time to relax.

“Then, shall we go meet this Sorcerer King? After all he has received much favor from his Imperial Majesty, so surely he must be a man who can rival the great heroes.”

Personally, Nimble did not wish to go.

After speaking to the other Four Knights ―no, now they were only three, including himself― and remembering what they had said to him, Nimble’s expression turned bitter. However, he had no choice but to follow the General.

“Of course, General. Do allow me to walk with you.”

Outside the garrison, a magnificent carriage advanced, heralded by knights. What made onlookers gasp was the fact that the carriage had no driver, and that it was not pulled by an ordinary horse, but a monster which looked like a scaled horse.

Nimble addressed the surrounding knights and Kabein.

“Please present arms to our guest.”

<TL: Highest form of military salutation, reserved for senior officers and high ranking dignitaries.> What? Nimble could imagine that was what all the soldiers and Kabein were thinking, given the expressions on their faces.

Diplomatically speaking, presenting arms to the heads of state of allied powers was basic common sense.

However, that common sense did not exist in military installations. To begin with, nobody would welcome foreign dignitaries in a military base.

Even within human nations, there would be squabbles and infighting. Nobody would be that open-minded.

Presenting arms to an outsider was something which should be done in a safe, open place, and not in a military installation. That was what the soldiers present must have been thinking.

There was another point.

It also meant that presenting arms would never take place on the battlefield.

This is because soldiers might think that the person their commanding officer was presenting arms to was superior even to him. That was one of the unspoken rules of the battlefield.

As one of the Four Knights, Nimble understood their feelings perfectly. However―

“Gentlemen, please present your arms.”

Nimble repeated himself in a voice which was underpinned by steel.

After that, he heard Kabein sigh.

“You heard the man, didn’t you? Present arms as the Sorcerer King approaches.”

Kabein’s orders calmed the disquieted soldiers. If it was an order, then all they had to do was follow.

There was no need to think too much about it.

Nimble shot a thankful look at Kabein, but as he did, he noticed a pained expression on Kabein’s face. It seemed to say it might be hard on you, but it’s even harder on me.

The carriage stopped before them.

Nimble gasped, for more than one reason.

The first was because the carriage itself was breathtakingly beautiful. Its base color was a black that seemed to have been cut from the night sky itself, highlighted elaborate decorations which covered the entire chassis of the vehicle. Said decorations had the subdued radiance of pure gold and bronze, giving the whole an elegant, classy air. Although the embellishments might have been a little overdone, it did not reach the point of tackiness. Instead, it resembled nothing so much as a giant treasure box.

Nimble had ridden the Emperor’s personal carriage on occasion, and he was of the firm opinion that the one before him made the Emperor’s look like a haywagon.

The other reason which so surprised him was the beast pulling the carriage. It was a beast, because there was no way it could have been a mere horse. The creature gurgled softly, a liquid “gurururu”

sound, and its sharp teeth could be seen in the slight opening of its mouth. Its entire body was covered in scales that seemed to belong to a reptile, and underneath those scales were prominent, rippling bands of muscle.

It was like a horse-shaped avatar of brutality and violence.