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This was how it had always been.


The Imperial army was not moving.

There was no sign of movement from the fortress-like castrum, no maneuver of troops to array themselves before the Kingdom’s forces. It was as though they were waiting for the Kingdom to make the first move, or for something else.

“Nothing’s happening. What’s going on?”

This was at the main camp, where the King was. The main camp was positioned near the rear of the central column, behind a host of 105'000 soldiers.

Marquis Raeven stood beside Gazef, speaking to him as he surveyed the motionless Imperial knights from his observation point atop a hill that was slightly higher than the others.

If the Empire did not move, then neither could the Kingdom.

An attack by the Kingdom now would be extremely foolish, given that they had already formed their spear line. Of course, it had been tried before; a pre-emptive strike on the Empire’s nobles.

However, the attackers had been slaughtered in short order, and the Kingdom had suffered significant losses as a result.

Ever since, the Kingdom’s preferred tactic against the Empire had been to form a spear line and prepare to receive a charge. If they could bait the enemy into coming over, there would be no need for risky forays.

“All right, then. looks like they’re waiting for us…”

“The final negotiations have broken down, so they should be joining battle soon… Warrior-Captain― Gazef-dono, do you have an idea on what the Empire might be waiting for?”

Thirty minutes ago, representatives from both armies had begun negotiations in the central area between them. Granted, that was simply a statement of ridiculous conditions from both sides that could hardly be considered a negotiation. Its true purpose was to show that each side was willing to avert war until the last moment.

Of course, negotiations would break down, and that would be the signal for the fighting to begin Under normal circumstances, the Imperial Army should have begun moving out immediately.

However, this was not the case and they remained stationary.

“Even if you ask me, I have no answer to give you. Do you know anything about this?”

“As if. I’m not too familiar with military matters. I usually let my subordinates handle those.”

“I find it hard to believe the learned Marquis would know nothing of his enemy.”

“Know nothing… Gazef-dono does not mince words.”

“Did I give you offense? I apologize if I did.”

“Hahaha, no, none was taken. It’s a far better tone than compared to back then.”

Gazef’s brow furrowed, as irritation crept over him.

“Hahaha. Take it for what it is. It’s a fact that I’m no general and that’s not a lie. I’m lucky that my subordinates are good leaders of men, so I left military matters to them.”

“Could it be… one of the former adventurers working for you, who became famous during the demonic disturbance in the capital?”

“Ah… no. They’re over there.”

Raven pointed to a group of five men standing together.

Although they were all well into their middle age, and their strength was not what it used to be, they had been orichalcum-ranked adventurers in their prime, and there was something about the way they carried themselves that made Gazef feel that he should take them seriously.

“They will be my bodyguards during the battle.”

“With men like these protecting you, Marquis Raeven, I’m sure you will have no problems returning safely to the capital… well, as long as they don’t confront that great magic caster. Right, then how about the strategist?”

“I don’t think Gazef-dono will know him, since he’s a commoner from my domain. I learned his name from the time when he used a village militia to defeat an attacking goblin force that was twice their size. Ever since, I’ve entrusted him with the command of my house troops and various other tasks. The big surprise is that he’s never once lost a battle. He’s also my aide.”

“…I’d like to see the commander that Marquis Raeven praises so highly. If he’s really everything you say he is, we might do well to give him command of the Kingdom’s armed forces.”

“If you gave it to him… gave him complete command of the military, and the Royal army moved together under his command, we might be able to make our neighbors sit up and say, ‘The army of the Re-Estize Kingdom is not to be underestimated’…”

Gazef exchanged a look with Raeven, sighed, and smiled.

“The nobles would never allow a commoner to rise to such a station. It’s nothing more than idle fantasy at the moment.”

“Certainly not while the nobles are divided into their factions.”

The Empire organized its legions by appointing a general over each one, under whom served division commanders, brigade commanders, and other officers, all in strict regimentation.

In contrast, the Kingdom’s armies were composed of the house troops and levies each of the Kingdom’s nobles could muster. The King was the overall commander, but each host would act as they saw fit.

In other words, it was a rag-tag bunch of misfits.

Although Gazef had the title of Warrior-Captain, in the end, he was only the commander of the King’s personal troops, and he had no authority to give orders to the nobles. While it was possible for the King to order the nobles to listen to Gazef, many nobles would resent having to take orders from a commoner, and it would sow the seeds of future grudges. The King was aware of this, and would not give any orders to that effect.

The two of them considered their places in the Kingdom, and sighed heavily. Then, they exchanged looks, and laughed.

This conversation should have been had elsewhere, not on the eve of the clash of swords and the spilling of blood.

“Even if we return home alive, there’s another battlefield waiting there…”

“I heard that’s what being a noble was all about?”

“After this is over, I’ll petition the King to raise you to nobility. It angers me that the King’s champion doesn’t engage the nobles as actively as he should.”

Although Raeven looked like he was joking, Gazef could tell from the light in his eyes that he was serious.

Revealing one’s emotions honestly was a cause for celebration when it came from someone who hid their feelings well, but it was a different story if it was not a positive emotion. Gazef quickly changed the subject.

“…Let’s leave that aside for now. Why don’t we bring that strategist of yours over, and hear his opinion… ah, calling him over will be difficult.”

“After all, he’s been entrusted with my base camp. I don’t dare move him unnecessarily while we don’t know what the Empire’s up to.”

Although the nobles had all pledged to work together for the Kingdom, in the end, Raeven’s holdings were still his top priority. It was only natural that he would refuse.